Chapter 344

Captain Wang Zhong was still not convinced, he kept questioning: "Human beings can pretend to be computer angels? And they still can't see the slightest flaw. Doesn't it mean that they can be anyone they want?"

"Then don't I have to think that everyone here may be the murderer?"

"There will be murders in the future, so we can't even trust witnesses and physical evidence? After all, the murderer can be anyone. If we don't catch the person on the spot, there will be no way to find the real murderer!"

"I don't know much about Academician Li's black technology, but before seeing the real thing with my own eyes, I think it's better to find the real culprit according to common sense, otherwise I can just randomly guess that someone killed someone with superpowers!"

"team leader!"

Chen Xiaoling didn't quite agree with Captain Wang Zhong's opinion. She thought it was very possible for the murderer to make up a computer angel to kill people. As a woman, she knew the effect of makeup in the "Four Great Sorceries" best.

Although other people don't know much about this technology, many people have heard about Hollywood's makeup technology, which can indeed completely change people's appearance into another person.

It's just that the kind of makeup that Li Maoye said is too powerful. It would be unimaginable if it could be made undetectable by humans and machines.

"Is there really such a powerful makeup technique?" The person in charge asked doubtfully.

"I've seen the works of Hollywood makeup artists, and they can really change actors into another look, but that's a way of changing clothes in front of the camera. Can it be done in real life to the same extent as in the movie?"

"Maybe someone can really do it? That's the only way to make the logic make sense?"

"Academician Li, since you think someone can pretend to be a computer angel, did the other party use special technology?"

For other people's questions, Li Maoye didn't explain too much, but just said a word lightly.

"Carbon Nano Skin!"

Now the technology is so advanced that the silicone makeup technology is very powerful, not to mention turning into computer angels or others, even historical celebrities can be created by makeup artists.

Especially with the carbon nano-skin technology, it is even more likely that people will be completely changed from head to toe, which can definitely deceive the judgment of humans and machines, and make people mistakenly think it is another person.

"Because of this, facial recognition payment needs to be combined with an identity chip to be popularized!" Li Maoye explained.

Regarding the research on carbon nano skin facelifting, not only relevant departments are working on this technology, but there should also be research and development institutions and organizations abroad.

Since the Meow Star Laboratory has always focused on the research and development of cutting-edge technology, it has neglected the application of this technology. Many carbon nanomachine technology applications are carried out by other domestic R&D institutions, so it is very likely that foreign R&D institutions will be the first to succeed in research. Maybe.

Regardless of whether Captain Wang Zhong agrees with this reasoning or not, the task force must always follow Li Maoye's command. After unifying the opinions of most people, the next step is to find a way to catch the murderer.

Judging from these two cases, the murderer's goal is very obvious. If the murder of the rich second generation may have been paid to kill, then the indiscriminate killing in the clubhouse is directly targeting the Meow Star Group.

"The other party's goal is to bring down the Meow Star Group. There will definitely be similar cases in the future. How can we locate the murderer and catch him before the crime happens?" a person from the relevant department asked.

Assuming that the murderer has super carbon nano-disguise technology, he is likely to hide among ordinary people, so he can escape from all high-tech screening techniques.

"Then it's up to everyone sitting here!"

Li Maoye opened a software instruction document and said to them: "Because the other party has a very powerful means of disguise, face recognition may not be effective, so I specially wrote a human behavior recognition software that can quickly identify and identify people in a large number of video data. Find people with abnormal behaviors, for example, an elderly person who has always been handicapped, but suddenly appears in a certain situation with agility that does not conform to the usual behavior, and then he can be included in the key observation target..."

This human behavior recognition software requires a large amount of data support. Although it can lock people with abnormal behaviors, it cannot tell whether these abnormalities are reasonable, so in the end, manual screening is required.

On the premise that it has not been actually used, Li Maoye can't boast how powerful this software tool is, so he can only designate the investigation direction for the task force, and then ask the original person in charge to formulate a more detailed plan.

"I have analyzed the existing video data and input the behavior data of the murderer's two times of pretending to be computer angels into the software. After a rough analysis and judgment, the murderer has a large degree of prosthetic body, estimated to be 60% The above bodies are already man-made parts!"

As Li Maoye spoke, he took out more detailed data comparisons. The tables and curves above all showed that the murderer's physical fitness far surpassed that of flesh and blood humans.

Therefore, it can basically be judged that the murderer's limbs and five internal organs have undergone carbon nano-prosthetic surgery. As for whether the head has undergone surgery, it cannot be identified for the time being.

"60% prosthetic?" Someone exclaimed.

"It's amazing!"

"If the opponent is not a computer angel, he can do this, and the combat power is indeed strong enough!"

Many people have noticed the power of this behavior recognition software, which can obtain such detailed analysis content only by relying on the video data of two cases.

Captain Wang Zhong immediately asked: "If we find the location of the target, should we notify the electronic police to hunt it down? Otherwise, if we chase and intercept it with flesh and blood, I'm afraid we will have to pay a very high price to succeed!"

Li Maoye nodded and said: "It is true that the ordinary police cannot be involved, but it is too slow to notify the electronic police to pursue them. Someone must rush over and restrain them before the target can be arrested."

After finishing speaking, he shouted to the door: "The hunter can come in!"

A young man walked in from the door. From the outside, he looked ordinary. He was about 1.7 meters tall. His skin was tanned and shiny. I feel that his gaze is as real as it is.

The young man walked in with dragon and tiger steps, and saluted Li Maoye and others: "Wu Ping, a future soldier of the special forces!"

Wu Ping was originally a veteran. After joining Meowstar Technology as a security officer, he was assigned to work on a spore transport vehicle. However, he was accidentally attacked by bandits during a transport mission and lost an arm due to spore infection. The first artificial robotic arm transplant experiment subject of Meowstar Technology.

After being reborn, Wu Ping was once again recruited into the army and became a soldier of the special forces, and then performed multiple artificial organ transplants according to his own wishes and the needs of relevant departments. Now 90% of his body is made of carbon nanoartificial organ tissues , belongs to the strongest member of the future fighters of the special forces.

This time Li Maoye applied for support from above, and the relevant department decided to transfer Wu Ping to help, not only to satisfy Wu Ping's desire to repay his kindness, but also to test the strength of future fighters.

A person from the relevant department said: "The opponent is likely to be the experimental body of the Bald Eagle Soldier Project. We have to take this opportunity to compare and see how far the opponent's mechanical warrior research and development progress has gone!"

In any case, with Wu Ping's joining, Li Maoye is more confident that he can force out the mouse hiding in the dark, and then he will definitely be able to bring the murderer to justice.

"Sounds amazing!" the person in charge of the task force thought.

Seeing the bald man leading the team in person, the person in charge suddenly felt a lot easier on his shoulders. After all, they couldn't even determine the murderer's modus operandi, but now they finally have a reasonable reasoning, whether it is correct or not, It is a reasonable judgment.

Besides, if the direction of the investigation is wrong, it is Li Maoye himself who needs to be responsible, and has nothing to do with the rest of the special case team, so everyone including the person in charge immediately has a backbone, and quickly devotes himself to the screening and investigation work.

There are so many cameras in the country now, if this software is really as powerful as the document says, they believe that they can find the murderer in a very short time.

According to the theory of human behavior, everyone has their own behavioral characteristics. As long as the murderer is still a human being, no matter how powerful a pretender he is, he will inadvertently reveal his flaws.

Even if he can pretend to be someone else for a while, he can't maintain this perfect state all the time, especially when there are no other people, as long as he relaxes a little, he will be recognized by the software immediately, and then all the whereabouts information of the suspicious person will be recorded. Collect them all for everyone to identify.

Once the target is confirmed, Wu Ping, who has been waiting for a long time, can start to act. First, he can further confirm through secret observation, which can not only cooperate with the electronic police to catch the target, but also prevent the target from escaping suddenly.

"Under this kind of search and arrest, even if the opponent has wings, it is difficult to fly!" The person in charge of the task force thought to himself.

After arranging the tracking direction and helpers, Li Maoye left the matter to others, and then patted his ass and left. Although he could stay and continue to follow up, in fact, there is not much to do.

And staying will affect the scheduling of the person in charge of the special case team. After all, he is the person in charge in name, so he simply found an excuse and ran back to wait for news.

"I should set up the queen bee network earlier, and see who dares to hack my smart machine! I'm afraid the queen bee will know it and take the initiative to fight back before they invade!"

Li Maoye believes that the queen bee is like a sea god needle in the intelligent network. It can not only become a pressure valve for other intelligent machines, preventing them from sudden changes; Under control, such vicious incidents will never happen again.

(End of this chapter)

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