Minke's black technology

Chapter 410 Space Competition

Chapter 410 Space Competition
The concept of great unity has always been a characteristic of the cultural genes of flower growers, but for the people of Western countries, the state form of the Greek city-states meets the needs of cooking oil, and a behemoth like the Federation of Planets does not sound enough for cooking. Oil, daunting.

In addition, if more than 200 countries of Blue Star want to form a federal political organization, then there must be a powerful big country as the main thrust, just like Europa, which has two big countries, Hans Cat and Gallic Rooster, as the engine Only in this way can Europe of the same language and the same species be united.

But even so, Europa is still a loose political organization, and it is inevitably on the verge of collapse in the end. Today, the only major countries on the Blue Star that can play such a central role are the two countries of Eagle and Rabbit.

Regardless of whether the Bald Eagle is willing to change its identity and change its past practices to promote global unity, I am afraid that if it wants to become a core power in the federation, more than half of the countries will definitely oppose it.

Therefore, those who talk about the so-called "planetary federation" must have a lot of work to shave their heads, and in the end it will only become a joke on the Internet, but this is also the epitome of the historical development and progress of the times. After fusion, the Federation of Planets will naturally be born.

But soon Li Maoye discovered that those who put forward the idea of ​​"planetary federation" did not necessarily want to realize it, but might want to do other things, just like the effect of house demolition mentioned by Lu Xun. The kind that everyone must not allow, and then the conditions can be lowered to achieve the real purpose.

The bald eagle and the rabbit announced a new trade agreement almost in unison, which lowered the trade barriers and business standards of both parties, theoretically no longer included the other party in any trade restriction list and trade sanctions, and relaxed the business personnel of both parties. Conditions of communication, etc.

This trade agreement is bilateral and reciprocal, which has greatly deepened the trade between the two countries. Other countries do not automatically enjoy the treatment of this agreement, so many countries try to join in, at least Maoxiong and Jiaopenji Great hope to squeeze in.

Even if this new trade agreement brings the relationship between the two countries further, the so-called border separation still exists. At least it will not make these two countries into one country. It just relaxes some economic conditions, but the visas of both parties remain unchanged. , unless it is relatively easy and simple to do business, otherwise people need a visa to travel to the other country.

The development of this trend made other countries feel uneasy, and then Mao Xiong kept sending envoys to try to squeeze into this circle, but Mao Xiong's biggest problem was that he had no money. On the contrary, the foot pot chicken family had some spare money to be a member.

Rabbit generously took out the anti-gravity engine, saying that it would be sold to any country that could afford it, but in fact there were still many restrictions. For example, countries that did not establish diplomatic relations with Rabbit would no longer be on the permission list.

After the spacecraft returned to the surface of Blue Star from Mars, the relevant departments hurriedly sent people to take the Firefly spacecraft away. They were worried that Li Maoye would take a space trip without saying hello in the future.

This trip to Mars has had a great impact on the world structure, forcing the florists to give up their plans to continue their obscene development, and had to disclose the existence of the anti-gravity engine, but this also helped the rabbit to unify its internal thinking and turn all its strength to the direction of space immigration Come.

Because Li Maoye's timing was very good, just when the rabbit was using the engine, he didn't have a lot of free time to argue, but instead pushed the space program forward for several years.

As long as the anti-gravity engine spaceship ascends to the sky, Bald Eagle and other countries will definitely discover it immediately. As for where it is discovered, it does not make any difference. Therefore, even if the relevant departments are caught off guard, they can react quickly and hold a press conference. Then settle the whole thing nicely.

Of course, the relevant departments were still very worried that Li Maoye would make other big news, so they found an excuse to take both spacecraft away, making the laboratory personnel temporarily lose the ability to go to space.

Relevant departments have no power to restrict the Meow Star Laboratory. After all, this is a private scientific research laboratory, and even if it can be controlled, it has a very limited scope. Therefore, they still have to return the spacecraft after a period of time.

As the spaceships with anti-gravity engine technology continue to lift off, Rabbit ambitiously proposed a space immigration plan. This plan is informally called the Galactic Empire Colonization Plan by countries other than Rabbit. It will emigrate hundreds of millions of rabbits to space within five years. How majestic and magnificent it is!
At the same time, the finished metal products on the moon base finally came into use. The original mining bases and refineries produced a large amount of precious metals, of which platinum metal had the largest proportion, so they were used very extravagantly to manufacture spacecraft shells and keels.

As long as a cold fusion reactor and an anti-gravity engine are installed in the spacecraft, the spacecraft can sail freely in the solar system, and the rest is to improve the life support system. Ecological spore technology to solve.

Because rabbits have the ability to freely enter and exit space, soon there will be rabbits everywhere on the moon. After the transformation of biological construction technology, Guanghan Palace has grown into a huge building complex in just one month, which can accommodate up to 10 people. The population lives in it.

"This is just the beginning. It is expected that the size of Guanghan Palace will expand tenfold in half a year, reaching a million-level space city, and it will be able to solve the living supplies of residents by itself!" Zhou Lin said in an internal meeting.

Guanghan Palace Space City is an important space project of Meow Star Group, and it is also a transit station for humans to go to Mars. A large number of Martian immigrants need to train in Guanghan Palace for a period of time before they can be qualified to go to Mars.

In addition to landing on Mars, Rabbit’s space program also proposes a landing plan for other planets in the solar system. Although this plan spans decades and includes landing on planets with harsh environments such as Venus and Jupiter, everyone believes that Rabbit will definitely be able to achieve it.

At the same time, this has also caused inexplicable tension in the western countries. They are afraid that the rabbits will occupy the planets in the entire galaxy. According to the current international treaty, the planets in the solar system cannot be claimed by the sovereignty of Venus. They belong to all Blue Star humans, but who has the ability Whoever developed it, what Rabbit did could not be more justified.

Basically, rabbits are mostly going to eat alone in this regard.

Even if other countries can buy anti-gravity engines from rabbits, firstly, the engine is expensive, and secondly, even if they have the money to buy it, it depends on whether the rabbits are willing to sell it. Except for the limited quota that can be bought with money, the rest The engine belongs to Rabbit for his own use.

However, the Bald Eagle has not completely lost hope. It is still trying to get a piece of the pie, at least it can't let the rabbit freely throw it on the blue star, even if it uses suicidal binding tactics.

Of course, this is just some extreme guys clamoring. When they are really forced to come, I am afraid that more people will take action to hold these people down. After all, the controllers of the big chaebols are people who cherish their lives. , won't let other people mess around.

It's just that the rabbit dare not and will not gamble with his life. Anyway, the situation is very good now, and there is no need to take risks when the winning chance is in hand.

Even though rabbits are now looking awesome with the help of meow star technology, there are still countries on Blue Star that don’t buy into flower growers, and it is the most populous country in the world, and the White Elephant government claims to develop anti-gravity within five years The engine, and even invested a sum of money in it, writing the schedule of the entire project in a very realistic way.

People all over the world know that the white elephant is talking, but the problem is that their own people don't think that way, and there are still many white elephants who think that the rabbit's anti-gravity engine is fake, and it is packaged with electric propulsion engine technology "Fake technology", because they really cannot deny the spaceships that go back and forth between the earth and the moon every day, they can only start from the real and fake technology.

Then there are white elephants claiming that white elephants already had spaceships thousands of years ago, based on the records in the ancient poem "Mahabharata", which describes the war between two prehistoric civilizations, all piloted by the gods It is related to the storyline of the spaceship's battle in the universe.

So the White Elephant government subsequently announced the approval of the military's development plan, such as the suspension fleet and other weapons of the gods, and then explained it to the outside world through the tender document. The plot of war in ancient poems exists.

"Get the experimental results in five years, take out the samples in seven years, and try to use them on space battleships in ten years?" Li Maoye laughed when he saw Baixiang's space program: "Is there a zero missing in the back?"

In fact, even if it is impossible to add two zeros, the principle of the anti-gravity engine is still a mystery. Except for Li Maoye who understands the principle, no one else on the blue star can understand it.

White Elephant's space program is made to look like the real thing. If it hadn't had a criminal record before, it would have deceived many people into believing it was real. In fact, this plan is not to deceive outsiders, but to deceive its own people, and then ask the country for it. Astronomical sums of money.

If they tightened their belts, they might be able to raise enough money to buy the engine, but the white elephant seemed to have forgotten to ask the rabbit if he would sell it.

Naturally, you can't ask this kind of question, because White Elephant's publicity is to develop its own research and development. I'm afraid they won't change their plan until the deadline.

Maybe this is the real purpose of White Elephant. Anyway, I can't develop it, and I don't have the money to compete with others in the space program. It's better to just wait and buy the finished product.

(End of this chapter)

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