Chapter 487

While busy establishing diplomatic relations with the Grays and vigorously promoting the interstellar arms trade, the Blue Star turmoil gradually subsided.

"There's no one left, so of course we can't fight anymore." Li Maoye muttered to himself.

According to the data analysis, it should be that all the power groups have been exhausted, and the population of various hotspots has also been reduced, especially in the South Asian subcontinent, where enough people have died.

Blue Star's ecological pressure has plummeted, and even the European and American continents have lost about 30.00% of their population. As for other regions, only half of the population survives. It can be called a humanitarian disaster.

None of this has affected the space nation's population, though.

Only the natives who stayed on the blue star fell into the abyss of misery and became the background of humanitarian disaster movies.

In addition, due to historical origins, East Asian countries have already colonized space, and there has been basically no population decline.

But the situation is not too good, still need to live a hard life.

Especially with the member countries of the Space Joint Development Group, at least the big powers have lost interest in the land, and their hands look extremely clean.

Some people think that this is the precursor of human dimension ascension!

Some people ascended, and naturally some were left behind. If this continues, human beings will soon divide into two different races.

After all, the space nation has entered the interstellar era. There are too many planets outside to occupy, and they have long looked down upon the land and resources on the parent planet.

In the final analysis, the reason for the Blue Star turmoil is actually very simple.

Because the space countries have invested their population and military power in the interstellar space, resulting in a power vacuum in various countries and regions, the conflicts have lost their original suppression, resulting in a situation where various power groups are fighting in chaos.

This kind of chaotic situation once caused the governments of various countries to be in turmoil. Various guerrillas and countless coups caused huge casualties and tragedies in just five or six years.

Faced with such a situation, the major countries have tacitly adopted a cold treatment of non-interference and non-reporting.

Only historians and politicians are arguing whether this counts as World War III.If it is counted in the Three Wars, it seems that the space nation did not participate in it, which seems to be untrue. If it is not counted, it seems to be unreasonable. Both the affected population and the number of deaths have reached a record high.

After all, apart from the member countries of the Space Joint Development Group, the countries on the surface are more or less involved. If some of them were not left on the surface of Blue Star, the governments of East Asian countries would not be in turmoil.

In other words, with the exception of a few major countries, wars have occurred in almost all countries, and the scope of its influence is almost all over the world.

But even so, as far as human beings are concerned today, the turmoil on the mother planet has only affected a small number of people, and the vast majority of people have become colonists in the universe.

Even if the population of Blue Star is completely wiped out, as far as human beings are concerned, it only accounts for a small part of the population.

For interstellar space colonies tens of millions of kilometers away, this kind of war is at best distant news, and it is not even as eye-catching as the battle reports of human mercenaries.

Therefore, many experts and scholars believe that the turmoil on the Blue Star was not World War Three, and the media intentionally or unintentionally ignored the tragedies of the planet’s natives, so as to protect the hearts of the interstellar colonists from being impacted.

But after the Blue Star turmoil, countries have become more and more aware that human society has a tendency to divide and isolate.

If this situation continues to develop, maybe in another 200 years, human beings will split into many independent races, and then there will be no connection with each other.

"This is inevitable!" Li Maoye agreed with this judgment.

After all, the universe and the stars are too vast and boundless, just like when Homo sapiens came out of Africa and differentiated into human beings of various races, human beings are likely to have many branches in the future.

This is the embodiment of natural laws and the general trend of biological evolution.

"However, we can use technology to delay the development of this trend, such as building convenient curvature portals on various human colonized planets, and accelerating the promotion of quantum communication equipment, etc."

Experts and think tanks of space powers have come up with suggestions, trying to solve this inevitable problem.

However, this requires the overall planning of the human unified government organization, so that the technology integration can truly play a role.

To put it simply, the current political structure of mankind is too backward.

The structure of countries standing side by side has long been unsuitable for technological development. We must consider the establishment of a political organization that can manage all human beings, so as to avoid the splitting of human beings and the current humanitarian catastrophe on Blue Star.

"The human coalition government is imperative!"

Li Maoye is not the only one who proposed this, other anthropologists have also published articles, or jointly signed letters to the governments of various countries, suggesting that a larger, more complete and stronger human organization should be established, at least better than the current United Nations and the Space Joint Development Group. A much stronger international regime.

"Otherwise, if things go on like this, the development trend of human society will gradually move towards division!"

The experts shouted loudly, trying to make everyone realize that human beings will have a bright future only when they move towards unity, otherwise the chaotic situation in the indigenous countries of the earth today is an example.

And far-sighted politicians have also taken action one after another. Although they represent their own interest groups, under the influence of the cruel historical development law, the elites of all countries have realized that human beings have come to a fork in the road. To have a bright future, we must seize the opportunity to unite all mankind.

Once this critical point in time is missed and the various space nations go their separate ways, they will no longer be able to integrate.

"What? Human union?"

When it comes to the great unification of human beings, you don't have to worry about it, because things are obvious,

In addition, the Blue Star natives wanted to hug the rabbit's golden thigh even more.

That's right, if you want to establish a unified political organization for all mankind, you can't do it without joining.

However, the rare silence of the government did not express any opinion on this, and it was still farming as usual. Even if it had an idea, it had not been published publicly, but the domestic people had a heated debate on it.

Many people believe that this is a good time for the great unification of mankind, and if you miss it, you will never have another chance.

Among this group of people, the most radical ones think: "Anyway, the ultimate goal of human development is world harmony. It is better to unify earlier than later!"

However, there are also many people who strongly oppose it, thinking that a large population does not need to unite with other people. If there are too many migrants, it will reduce the proportion of the main population and affect social stability.

As for the centrists, they feel that even if they want to talk about unification, they can only talk about it with space countries. As for the Blue Star natives, forget it.

"That's right, our goal is Datong, but now our own country can't realize the ideal of Datong, why add more outsiders to come in and add trouble!"

Regarding this matter, although the bosses above did not express their opinions, they had also exchanged opinions in private, and even sent people to the Meow Star Laboratory to solicit Li Maoye's opinions and ideas.

"Academician Li, what do you think?" A person from the relevant department asked.

Originally, Li Maoye didn't want to get involved in this kind of thing, but his current influence has long since surpassed Blue Star and the solar system, so it is very normal for big bosses to ask him.

If he doesn't say a word, it will make people think wildly, and even affect the development of alien strategies today, and it may make aliens such as the grays feel that the blue star human regime is immature.

"Of course I support the unity of mankind, but it is more difficult for human beings to be unified, unless everyone can go to heaven after death..."

Li Maoye pondered for a while, and soon came up with a solution, which was to use this opportunity to carry out the plan to merge "Xi Soil World" and "Human Paradise", so as to accelerate the trend of human beings moving towards great integration.

Originally, "Human Paradise" only gave a second chance for rebirth, and could digitize life at the moment of death, and upload the information that has been transformed into data to the server, so as to realize the miracle of "ascension" after death.

Once the "Heaven of Humanity" is merged with the "Xi Soil World", it means that there will be no more threshold restrictions. No matter whether the dead human beings agree with the national culture or not, they can also transform into digital life after death and continue to live in "Heaven" inside.

"After years of operational adjustments, Humane Paradise has basically finalized its main structure, and it has become a digital paradise based on our national spiritual culture. Even if it is open to all human beings and allows other people to come in after death, they can only accept the reality. Relearn our national cultural knowledge..."

Otherwise, those people will find themselves falling into hell after death. Not only will it be difficult to move an inch in the "humane paradise", they will even be unable to continue to survive as digital beings, and will eventually become the food for the growth of the digital paradise.

"However, in order to realize that everyone will go to heaven after death, in addition to increasing quantum computer services, an interstellar quantum communication high-speed channel must be built, so that no matter where human beings die, they can upload their digital lives Already!"

After all, human beings are not only active in the solar system, but have gradually expanded from the third spiral arm to the second spiral arm. Under the guidance of the star map coordinates provided by the gray men, human beings are no longer blind to the Milky Way.

People from the relevant departments conveyed these words. The solution given by Li Maoye was indeed beyond the expectations of many people, but it was also approved by many people.

"The real society will not change for the time being. Let's start with the cultural spirit, especially by controlling the changes in the life forms of human beings after death. It is indeed possible to integrate all human beings into one!"

Even though the initial investment is relatively large, even hundreds of times higher than the original investment cost of the US imperialism's plan to build the information superhighway, the effect of this effect can be much greater than that of the information superhighway.

At least when the relevant departments released the information ball to the outside world, many people responded positively to this change.

After all, tens of thousands of Blue Star natives die every day. If they can also be transformed into digital life and have a second chance to be reborn, Meow Star Technology can make these people kneel down and lick their feet.

In fact, this is also the case. When Meow Star Group officially confirmed this matter, many countries and organizations immediately placed orders with Meow Star Technology to purchase biochips. Only humans implanted with specific biochips can kill themselves Digitization of life.

For this kind of troublesome matter, Li Maoye is only responsible for providing advice, not even technical support.

Now that the Meow Star Group has built a "scientific research island", they can complete more than 90% of the technology optimization and update, and the remaining 10% of the technology does not need Academician Li.

The three queen bee sisters can help Li Maoye solve these trivial matters. At present, his main energy is still on the high-energy crystal rough stone. Only in this way can he collect enough space energy as soon as possible.

However, the result of human beings following the grays to the second spiral arm is not so good.

Although the human space fleet was able to successfully contact the Galactic Interstellar Council with the recommendation of the gray men, they did not welcome the arrival of human beings.

Even if there are little gray men who testify by the side, there is a lot of evidence proving that human beings have the ability to exterminate the Zerg, and can block a very large star field in an instant.

However, the members of the Galactic Interstellar Conference still refused to join humans. Of course, they did not directly refuse, but adopted delaying tactics and did not give an immediate reply.

The little grays have nothing to do about it, they can only say sorry to humans.

Even if the strength of the little grays can dominate the second spiral arm of the galaxy, there are too many members of the council here, and it is impossible for them to be the only ones in the interstellar council of the galaxy.

The gray men did not disclose much information to humans, but the human starfleet has a way to collect a lot of information, including a hidden nanometer eavesdropping robot, which can bring a lot of information to humans.

And the communication method is still quantum communication technology, even if you want to intercept the eavesdropping signal, you can't do it, let alone crack it.

Perhaps because of the different technological development paths of the two sides, no one has discovered the existence of this nano-eavesdropping robot, so that after using this eavesdropping technology, a large amount of information from the Galactic Interstellar Council has been displayed in front of human beings.

If you want to use this kind of nano-eavesdropping robot, you have to rely on small ghost fighters to spread it. The modified ghost fighter can approach the alien fleet quietly, and then secretly launch this nano-eavesdropping robot to the designated area. Create a contaminated area.

In the end, these nano-robots can upload the obtained information, transmit it to the human starship through quantum communication technology, and then transmit it back to the human headquarters in the solar system, and finally translate it by the quantum computer.

According to the interstellar language package provided by the gray men, the quantum computer can quickly decipher the content and summarize the important information.

This is an extremely complicated process that involves astronomical-level data, and it takes quite a long time just for inductive processing.

Fortunately, people on earth have quantum computers, which can process data at a very fast speed.

 Stupid house cat is back!
(End of this chapter)

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