Minke's black technology

Chapter 81 Purifying Algae 1

Chapter 81 Purifying Algae 1
[The CVI system has started! 】

Li Maoye said silently in his heart: "Start the experimental operation module!"

[CVI system enters experimental operation state]

Rows of data passed by his eyes very fast, but it allowed him to clearly understand what he was going to do next, how to do it, and so on.

"Cultivation medium!"

While Li Maoye was operating the experiment, he asked someone to hand over the materials.

The person next to him immediately delivered the item to him, and then he asked someone to bring over the processed experimental material, a special kind of freshwater algae.

Under the crowd's onlookers, I saw that Li Maoye put the experimental materials into the prepared instrument accurately and quickly as if he had operated tens of thousands of times, and then processed it with special techniques.

The whole experiment lasted for more than an hour, but when people reacted, they felt that it had only been a few minutes, because Li Maoye's experimental operation was so smooth that people didn't even notice the passage of time.

Running the CVI system this time is quite easy, without the feeling of strenuous effort before. Even after completing the algae purification experiment, Li Maoye's body broke through the shackles, making people feel stronger!

It's just that this feeling came and went quickly, and I couldn't find any trace of change afterwards.

In the end, Li Maoye held the experimental results in his hand, which was a dark brown powdery object contained in a glass container. Everyone present saw him complete the experiment with their own eyes, but they didn't know what it was.

"The experiment is complete?" one of the gourd babies asked.

Li Maoye didn't look at the other party, but stared at the thing in his hand, shook his head and said, "It's the last step, we need to verify how effective this thing is!"

If the deviation of the experimental data is not large, according to CVI's speculation, this thing can completely purify a medium-sized reservoir-sized heavy sewage into usable water within a month.

But how to find such a sewage area?

Li Maoye couldn't help but feel a little worried. It's an embarrassing thing that he has no way to verify the effect of his product after he has made it.

Xie Linger saw his distress from the side, so she suggested: "Should I contact the relevant departments and ask them..."

what!This is a good idea!

Li Maoye nodded and said, "Okay, I will leave this kind of water purification algae to you. You have to find a way to test the water purification effect!"

He paused, and then explained: "According to my design, ten grams of algae spores can purify the sewage of a medium-sized reservoir in more than a month!"

Xie Linger and the seven calabash babies stared wide-eyed, their eyeballs almost fell to the ground: "What kind of algae has such a powerful function? We actually made something like this just now?"

Especially those seven gourd babies, they were originally used by Li Maoye as cattle and horses. If it is impossible to have no complaints in their hearts, even if the salary is high, they will occasionally want to escape from this "sweatshop"!
But now the big boss has done a lot of work like a tiger and produced the so-called water purification algae, and this kind of algae is stronger than the current sewage purification technology, and can purify the large sewage of the reservoir with a little bit!
This is simply black technology, and it is also a black technology that they personally participated in the research and development of!

Although they really didn't understand what was so special about the experiment they participated in, judging from the situation these days, Li Maoye did produce this clean water algae based on their experiment!
In other words, they are also one of the developers!

Thinking about it makes people very excited. If this algae has the effect of [-]% as Li Maoye said, it is also a very amazing black technology!

It's not that they don't believe Li Maoye's words, but this is really unbelievable. A black technology that can clean sewage was born right in front of her eyes?
It's a pity that no one can figure out the mystery, which makes people feel confused!
After gradually recalling it, many of them also became skeptical, especially those who believe in science and do not believe in metaphysics. They are more rational and calm, and treat Li Maoye's words as exaggerations.

Perhaps this water purifying algae has the effect of purifying sewage, but how much effect it has is still doubtful for the time being, and we will wait until we see the actual effect.

However, among them there were indeed people who pursued the scientific spirit, and immediately ran out to find a bucket of sewage, put it in front of Li Maoye and said:

"There is no sewage as big as the reservoir, let's try this bucket of sewage first!"

The speaker behaved righteously, obviously he didn't believe Li Maoye's words.

Li Maoye didn't care, he glanced at the other party and said with a smile: "Oh, so it's classmate Xiao Qin!"

Qin Hua was able to stand up and refute Wu Gang at the beginning, so that the other party did not easily incite others, and this performance was reported by interested people afterwards.

Li Maoye had also read the report, and he really admired this young man, thinking that such a person is a person with a real scientific spirit, who will not be deceived by villains, and will not blindly believe in authority.

Regarding Qin Hua's request, Li Maoye was also unequivocal. He asked someone to bring a cotton swab, dipped some dark brown powder from the glass vessel, and then inserted it into the bucket of black dirty water.

This bucket of water was brought up from the waste water pond in the industrial area, and it contained many heavy metals and nitrogen and phosphorus compounds, making it difficult for even bacteria to survive in it.

In the eyes of others, these dark brown spores entering this kind of sewage must be a dead end.

Everyone watched nervously as Li Maoye inserted the cotton swab into the sewage, and saw that the bucket of water remained unchanged, and felt a little disappointed: "The blowing was so miraculous just now, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that!"

Li Maoye was not disappointed at all, he asked people to move the sewage bucket into the sun, and then explained: "One of the conditions for the growth of this clean water algae is to have sufficient sunlight, without light, it will definitely not grow. "

"Then when will it be effective?" Xie Linger asked.

"Probably tomorrow!"

Li Maoye calculated that even with the black technology from Titan, it is impossible to turn sewage into clean water immediately.

When Qin Hua and the other seven gourd babies heard this, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, it's not that dark!"

Xie Linger clapped her hands: "Okay, okay! Let's go back to work!"

The experimental work has always been fully arranged. Today, Li Maoye came to play a role, which made them lazy and rested for more than an hour, and also delayed everyone's work progress.

Li Maoye didn't wait for the data in the laboratory, and left after walking around, returning to his residence, intending to browse station B for a while before doing other things.

But when he was feeding Xiaoju high-end cat food, he suddenly received a call from Xie Linger:
"Mr. Li! It's working! It's really working!"

(End of this chapter)

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