After she wears it back

Chapter 525 Why Does She Take Credit?

Chapter 525
Even if someone is willing to cooperate with Shi Yaoguang, it may not be believed.

after all……

Earthquakes of magnitude [-] don't come just as they say.

If it can be manipulated by humans...

May I ask, she is already so awesome, why does she want to stir up trouble in the entertainment industry?
Wouldn't it be nice to be a boss with peace of mind?
In short, because of what happened in the Northwest, everyone has a new understanding of the time flutter and the protective cover.

As for those who vowed on the Internet that they would not contribute a dime to benefit the protective cover, they all silently deleted Weibo.

What else can be black?
No face black no face black.

Usually, if any natural disaster occurs somewhere, the number of casualties reported is large and large.

These notifications are often sad and helpless.

But there is no way.


The power of nature is not something small humans can contend with.

No matter how many high technologies humans invent and create, there is no way to prevent natural disasters from happening.

The only thing that can be done is to work hard to protect the ecological environment of the earth.

Even so, it is not enough.

Some precautions, but still can not stop the passing of life.

The emergence of the protective cover ushered in a new turning point.

After the earthquake, there were no large numbers of casualties in the disaster area.

All are working hard to dig the shield and save the survivors who are protected by the shield.

During this time, everyone is looking forward to it.

Waiting for the official announcement of the latest casualties, as well as post-disaster statistics.

During the waiting period, many people spontaneously left messages on Shi Yaoguang's Weibo to apologize to her.

Even if the latest statistics haven't come out, anyone with eyes can know that the number of casualties in this earthquake would not have been so low if it hadn't been for the protective cover.

In this regard, there are also people who argue.

after all……

"It's the protective shield that saves people, not Shi Yaoguang, why should I thank her?"

"Some actors have really big faces, and they're going to get all the heat! It's true that the protective cover is endorsed by you, but did you invent the protective cover? Did you go to the disaster area to rescue people yourself?"

"Upstairs, I will tell you responsibly, yes!"

"How could syg invent a protective cover? Don't be kidding, okay? Even the sailors don't know how to hire a professional? Such embarrassing bragging, I'm not afraid to make people laugh."

"The ad for the protective cover was all the rage before. Everyone was suspecting that SYG had a backer. It's hard to say whether she had a backer, because the protective cover she endorsed saved people. Is this true? Can you please stop being so sour!"

"Who is so upset? Syg is a spokesperson? What a great thing? She can take credit for being a spokesperson? The real inventor has been robbed of the credit. Who will want to invent something to benefit mankind in the future?"

"Hahaha the upstairs is also funny, just because you don't want to invent because you don't have honor? What kind of inventor is this? Besides, without her endorsement, who knows what a protective cover is now?"

"Mine clearance, there are definitely passers-by in black clothes upstairs, the protective cover itself is very powerful, even if there is no time for the fluctuating light to endorse it, it is still powerful, no one can think of putting a high hat on our fluctlight! The fluctuating light endorsed the protective cover, it can only be said to be icing on the cake !"


In the vast ocean of comments, someone made a very sensible statement, but it was quickly drowned out.

"Stop arguing, the inventor of the protective cover is Shi Yaoguang! What's the point of being so noisy? Could it be that because she endorses her own product, she herself, the inventor, has no face?"

It's a pity that no one took this comment seriously.

"Isn't Shi Yaoguang just an endorsement? A protective cover is such a heaven-defying product. Could it be that without her endorsement, it wouldn't be popular?"

"Now because she is the spokesperson, all the credit falls on her. Is this fair to the developer?"

"What's unfair? If she hadn't endorsed it, no one would have known there was a protective shield."

"It doesn't matter if it's an endorsement or not, okay? For such a good product as a protective cover, even if there is no endorsement, it is impossible to have no splashes at all. I can only say that Shi Yaoguang is the spokesperson, just taking advantage of the product."

"I said before that there is someone behind the fluctlight, so now it can be hammered? Although the person behind her didn't deliberately create publicity for her and sell the product. But...the protective cover is so powerful, no one else has heard of it. She can get the endorsement, obviously she has first-hand resources."

"Such a resource is either because she is awesome herself, or because she has a strong background... I heard that she was raised in the countryside before, so it must not be her own strength, it is probably because of someone behind her."

"The person behind her, tsk tsk..."

Netizens were talking and tearing up again.

Previously, when I questioned the products endorsed by Fluctlight, there was a problem, and I felt that the existence of the protective cover was simply a deceptive thing.

Now that it has been confirmed that the protective cover is indeed effective, and it is not just magical, they began to question that the Fluctlight backstage was too hard, saying that she took credit for it.

"It's clear that Shi Yaoguang is not credited with inventing the protective cover, but whoever mentions the protective cover now is not Shi Yaoguang? Don't you have any doubts at all?"

"What is there to doubt?"

"The developer of the protective cover has not announced it at all. In this case, when you lift the protective cover and think of endorsement of the protective cover, is there any problem with fluttering?"

"That's right, the inventor of the protective cover didn't say anything, why are you pretending to be reasonable here?"

Shi Yaoguang knew nothing about the bloodbath that was raging on the Internet.

On the third day when Shang Minghao took Shi Yiqing to "work hard quietly", she accidentally found out what they were doing.

Seeing that Shang Minghao helped Shi Yiqing steal her endorsement, she decided to "repay" him.

By the way, let's see how they are doing these days.


Somewhere in the primeval forest.

Shang Minghao arranged a barrier.

In the enchantment, Shi Yiqing is continuously absorbing the talents of Shi Ruhong.

For Shi Ruhong to be able to get to where he is today in painting, a high talent in painting is a must.

What Shi Yiqing is doing now is to suck his talent away and take it as his own.

As for what Shi Ruhong would face after being deprived of his painting talent, Shi Yiqing didn't think about it at all.

Shi Ruhong was tricked out by Shi Yiqing. Shi Yiqing tricked him out on the pretext that she knew a paradise with beautiful scenery, which was very suitable for collecting folk songs, and then absorbed his painting talent with Shang Minghao.

Shi Ruhong didn't know what Shi Yiqing was doing at first, until he clearly realized that his perception of color was not as sharp as before, he finally realized something was wrong, and quickly opened his mouth to stop Shi Yiqing from continuing, Shi Yiqing But Qing turned a deaf ear to his words...

(End of this chapter)

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