Chapter 863

"I see that your complexion is not good..."

Quan Feifei felt that she was slapped in the face by Shi Yaoguang, and she was already in a bad mood.

She felt even more ashamed to be pointed out so bluntly by Qiao Yiyan.

Not to mention, Qiao Yiyan deliberately embarrassed her in front of so many people.

Qiao Yiyan didn't notice anything wrong, and seeing Quan Feifei's expression became even uglier, he also cared: "Sister Feifei, if you are not feeling well, why don't you tell the director, go back and rest for a while?"

Quan Feifei bit her lip and made a gesture of effort, "This is not good."

Qiao Yiyan was puzzled, "What's wrong?"

"Oh, I see." Qiao Yiyan said, "Sister Feifei, you don't have to worry that people will say that you are not professional. When everyone is in poor health, everyone will understand you. Don't worry too much. Heart."

Quan Feifei's expression became even uglier.

She didn't say anything, and Joe slapped her on the head for "disrespectful" in one banquet.

Now Feifei Quan can be sure that Qiao Yiyan did it on purpose.

But even if it's confirmed, she can't make a feast for Joe.

Not only can she not do anything to Qiao Yiyan, but she can't question him.

Who made Qiao Yiyan seem to have no problem at all.

Not only did he not find fault with himself, but he also kindly asked her to rest. It can be said that no one is more considerate than him.

But whether he is caring or not, only Quan Feifei knows.

Qiao Yiyan didn't know that Quan Feifei thought of him so much.

In fact, in his opinion, he did nothing wrong.

He sincerely advised Quan Feifei.

Quan Feifei insisted on being paranoid, there was nothing he could do, was there?
It's a pity that Quan Feifei doesn't have such an open mind as him.

That can only be because of Quan Feifei's own problems, and has nothing to do with him.

Qiao Yiyan sincerely cared for Quan Feifei for a few words, and seeing that Quan Feifei really did not need his concern, he was completely relieved.

"Sister Feifei, it's good that you're fine." He said happily again, "The Queen of Time and Shadow brought a lot of things back, I think your group will be able to make the best dishes!"

Seeing his "congratulations" expression, Quan Feifei felt even more distressed.

Oh shit.

How much did Qiao Yiyan benefit from Shi Yaoguang, and he deliberately acted strangely here.

Qiao Yiyan didn't know that Quan Feifei thought of him so much.

He cared about Quan Feifei sincerely.

As for Quan Feifei's reluctance to appreciate it, it's not his fault.

Since it wasn't his fault, he naturally didn't need to blame himself.

Don't need to be responsible for it.

Seeing Qiao Yiyan's calm posture, Quan Feifei was so angry that she had a heart attack again.

But the people present seemed to be blind, and there was no one who could see it and comfort her.


Not that no one sees it.

Someone noticed it, but they just didn't bother to talk to her.

This kind of thing, the beholder sees benevolence.

What's the point of Quan Feifei insisting on getting into the horns?

Besides, Quan Feifei's opponent is Shi Yaoguang.

If they were just ordinary amateurs, they might still care about one or two things.

But the other party is Shi Yaoguang.

Who would offend Shi Yaoguang for the sake of Quan Feifei?

That's not what it says.

Quan Feifei really wanted to express her dissatisfaction, but no one gave her a chance, so she had no choice but to snort.

Shi Yaoguang ignored her ambiguity.

Ignored by Shi Yaoguang, she couldn't help but snorted again, and said just now: "So what if you hide the things you brought back? Who knows what you brought back?"

She said, pointing at the mushroom in guest Chen's hand, "This mushroom looks so bright, it's obviously poisonous. The Queen of Time and Shadow came back with this mushroom. Could it be that she intends to harm people?"

When Brother Chen heard this, he almost threw the mushroom in his hand.

But he soon calmed down.

It must be a lie to say that Shi Yaoguang brought back poisonous mushrooms.

If this is a poisonous mushroom, the fluct light will definitely not bring it back.

As for why Feifei Quan said such things?

There is no need to ask at all.

Almost no need to think, the guests present knew that this must be what Quan Feifei deliberately said to frame people.

Tsk, I have to say, Quan Feifei is really quite brainless.

Could this kind of thing be framed if she wanted to?
With so many people present, no one said there was something wrong with mushrooms, but she did.

What if she has eyes?
Everyone's eyes were different, but Quan Feifei didn't care.

She decided to slam on Shi Yaoguang.

Don't pay attention to other people's eyes at all.

"Queen of Time, don't you think you need to give us an explanation? If you get poisoned after eating your mushroom, how do you plan to explain it?"

Shi Yaoguang rolled his eyes gracefully, "I didn't want to laugh at you at first, after all, your experience is a bit miserable. If I talk about your experience, I will inevitably be suspected of poking your sore feet on purpose, but look at it. What did you say yourself?"

"It's not your fault for not having common sense, but it's your fault for showing your weaknesses."

"Don't you think that if you expose your weakness, you will be attacked by others?"

As Shi Yaoguang said, his eyes gradually became sympathetic, "Forget it, it's not up to you to decide whether you have common sense or not. After all, your life experience prevents you from being able to touch these things since you were a child. I understand."

She explained in a very understanding and helpless tone what kind of mushrooms Brother Chen was holding, what the rest were, and whether they were edible.

After what she said, it can be said that it is a fool's teaching.

As long as you don't understand people's words, you can understand them.

Everything Shi Yaoguang brought back was edible.

And it's also very nutritious.

Quan Feifei's face turned blue and white, "You, you can eat it if you say it's edible? What if it's poisonous?"

At this moment, the netizens watching the live broadcast couldn't help laughing.

"No way, no way? Little Princess Feifei really cherishes her life!"

"The eldest lady who is also living abroad and has the same miserable life experience, the difference between Shi Yinghou and Quan Xiaohua is too big, isn't it?"

"Can't the two of them have the same opportunities?"

"The difference between mud and mud, don't compare this kind of crushing hanging and beating, lest someone say that our movie queens don't talk about martial arts."

"Hahaha, how can it be that the Queen of Time and Shadow doesn't talk about martial arts? It's clear that Quan Feifei wants to show off her skills, but she just overturned her car."

"Although I sympathize with Quan Feifei's previous experience, she is too stupid, right? Why do you have to ask this kind of question in public? Even if you really have doubts, you can use your mobile phone to Baidu."

The program team did not confiscate the guests' mobile phones. If Quan Feifei has any doubts, she can use Baidu.

If there are no quality problems in the items brought back by Shi Yaoguang, then everyone will be happy.

If she insisted on finding fault, she could wait until she found the problem before raising it.

Now that she was directly slapped in the face, even if she was just watching the live broadcast, the audience felt embarrassed for Feifei Quan.

Quan Feifei is indeed embarrassed, but she hasn't forgotten what she has to do.

Even if it's embarrassing, she still wants to show off her cooking skills and grab Quan Jinbei's stomach!

As long as his taste buds are conquered, she will not believe that Quan Jinbei will not take the bait.

As for whether Shi Yaoguang would overwhelm her in cooking, she hadn't thought about it.

after all……

(End of this chapter)

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