After she wears it back

Chapter 900 He Wants to Find an Apprentice for Himself

Chapter 900 He Wants to Find an Apprentice for Himself
As an out-and-out thief, Quan Feifei really has no B number.

but it does not matter.

Reality will teach her to be human.

Well, maybe...

The reality is not so capable that it can teach a person to be a man.

Reality can't do it, but Shi Yaoguang can.

As the saying goes, harming others and harming oneself, Quan Feifei quickly realized what "poison killing" is.

Shi Yaoguang didn't do anything, but let Quan Feifei internalize the toxin that she bought from the system mall and wanted to entrap other people.

That's it.

As for whether Quan Feifei will be poisoned to death?
Maybe that's the question to ask her.


Shi Yaoguang didn't pay too much attention to Quan Feifei.

In this world, there are too many identity gaps.

If everyone is like her, if they feel unsatisfactory, they will die to those who have a better life than themselves, then what order is there in this world?

Instead of wasting time thinking about whether Quan Feifei's twisted mind is justifiable, it's better to think about how to deal with those "accidentally injured" stars.

Those seated near seat C are all entertainers, and among them, several small stars are "the most poisoned".

Ever since he guessed what Quan Feifei would do, Shi Yaoguang asked someone to guard the venue in advance.

Every move of Quan Feifei entering the venue was actually under the surveillance of people.

The poison produced by the actress system is indeed very powerful.

But no matter how powerful it is, how powerful can it be outdated fluctlight?
Shi Yaoguang asked Shen Huan, who had joined the Yaoguang Sect and was out on a mission recently, to help keep an eye on the venue.

Take the props she gave and be on guard in advance.

Shen Huan couldn't handle the poison, but at least he could help put the poison away so that innocent people would not be harmed.

As for the fact that Quan Feifei didn't succeed, why did those people look like they were poisoned? It really wasn't Shi Yaoguang's intentional misleading.

This has something to do with Quan Feifei poisoning people.

She asked Shen Huan to help deal with the poison, but she couldn't let Shen Huan touch it directly. The best way was to transfer the damage.

This sounds a bit difficult to understand.

For example.

Quan Feifei released as much toxin as a catty of rice.

In order to prevent any problems with this catty of broken rice, Shen Huan took out another [-] catties of good rice.

With these [-] catties of good rice and the catty of bad rice that Quan Feifei took out, there is no way to cause any danger to people.

As for Xiao Xingxing and others, it was because the fifty catties of good rice that Shen Huan took out was too large, and they were a little "unable to eat" for a while.

To put it bluntly, the reason why those people had adverse reactions was entirely because they couldn't bear the aura that Shen Huan used to replace the poison.

This effect is the same as taking Shiquan Dabu Pills...


This is similar to eating the marrow-washing pill, but the effect is not as overbearing as the marrow-washing pill.

To be honest, Shen Huan released so much aura that he felt a little bit of heartache.

Although the Yaoguang sect's formation sometimes has a much stronger aura than other places.

But no matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat.

And meat can't be eaten into the stomach, can it make people feel uncomfortable?

Shi Yaoguang didn't know that Shen Huan would still feel pain because of it.

After seeing off Feifei Quan, she planned to go backstage to have a look.

Although the aura itself is not harmful, she is afraid that someone's body will not be able to bear the aura, so she has to check it herself before she can rest assured.

After Shen Huan learned of her purpose, she hurriedly followed her.

"Sect Master, I will go with you!"

It was the first time for Shi Yaoguang to hear Shen Huan call him suzerain, and immediately raised his brows in surprise, "You, suzerain, are very easy to say."

Shen Huan waved his hand, "You're absurd, it's so-so."

Shi Yaoguang clicked his tongue, "When did I praise you?"

Shen Huan: "...cough, don't pay attention to these details."

As he spoke, his eyeballs rolled, and he looked at Shi Yaoguang hesitantly.

Seeing this, Shi Yaoguang gave him a look, "Speak up if you have something to say."

Shen Huan rubbed his hands together, and tentatively asked, "That... I, can I..."

Shi Yaoguang paused, looked at him suspiciously, "Can you do something?"

"Can I find myself an apprentice?"

Shen Huan scratched his head as he spoke, "Although I haven't had any accidents yet, shouldn't our Yaoguang sect develop outer disciples? I can accept them as disciples in advance, and when I become a teacher, I can let the other party become apprentices."

This process...

It's really careful.

Shi Yaoguang was speechless for a moment in his heart, and then asked curiously: "What do you accept disciples for?"

Speaking of this, Shen Huan couldn't help sighing, "It's a long story."

Shi Yaoguang nodded, "You can make a long story short."

He really started to make a long story short.

Here's the thing.

After Shi Yaoguang opened up the Yaoguang Sect, he never went back.

There are special people to deal with the affairs of the sect.

This had nothing to do with Shen Huan.


Shen Huan is also a man!

He thinks he can't lose to anyone!


He loses.

Lost a mess.

Seeing Shen Huan's suddenly constipated expression, Shi Yaoguang became more and more curious, wondering what miraculous thing happened to him, "What's wrong with you, tell me."

Shen Huan lowered his head and sighed, "I don't think I have any status in Yaoguang Sect."

"Ah?" Shi Yaoguang had a flash of inspiration, felt that he had captured something, and immediately asked, "Have you been bullied in Yaoguang Sect?"

As she spoke, she shook her head in denial again, "It shouldn't be."

The Shaking Light Sect is her sect.

Although she didn't go back much, she has arranged all the affairs in the Yaoguang Sect.

Such a bad situation as bullying and bullying should not happen.

Let alone what happened to Shen Huan.

Shi Yaoguang never forgot that Shen Huan's grandfather was still her second apprentice.

Although Shen Antai is a bit older, but the other party is indeed her apprentice, and she specially found a tailor-made exercise for him.

Not to mention Shen Huan's own arrogant character, just because of his grandfather's status, it is impossible for anyone in the sect to bully him.

Naturally, Shen Huan would not be bullied.

He was troubled by other things.

"No one bullied me, I just felt a little sad."

Shen Huan was a little tangled, and said his sad question.

"I feel like I'm just a decoration in the sect. I'm so useless..."

When Shi Yaoguang heard what he said, he couldn't help but have black lines all over his head.

"You want to find an apprentice for yourself, so that you can crush Little Bell somewhere?"

Shen Huan faltered about what to say, but in the end he didn't have the nerve to defend himself, but nodded awkwardly.

Shi Yaoguang never expected that Shen Huan would be so childish.

Just because Cheng Lingdang's seniority is a bit higher than him...

Well, if you count carefully, it's not just a piece.

Shi Yaoguang put himself in his shoes and thought about it for a while, and for no reason felt a little bit of sympathy for him.

She vaguely remembered that Cheng Lingdang was Shen Huan's little fan girl in the beginning.

As soon as he turned his head, Cheng Lingdang was on top of him and became his grandfather's elder sister.

(End of this chapter)

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