After she wears it back

Chapter 988 You are inferior

Chapter 988 You are inferior

In the view of the son of god and demon, Shi Yaoguang's identity is secure.

Able to use special powers.

Even before the war of gods and demons, few races could do it.

As for Shi Yaoguang's special spiritual power, he has carefully observed it, and it is not inferior to the power of the gods.

Even faintly with a bit majestic.

This kind of feeling was not something an ordinary little fairy could give him.

The reason why he said that he believed that Shi Yaoguang was a fairy was not just because he believed that Shi Yaoguang was a fairy.

The main thing is...

What Shi Yaoguang said is probably true.

The more you think.

The more he felt horrified.

When Yaoguang asked him why he didn't doubt it, the first reaction of the son of gods and demons was that there was nothing to doubt.

It can be proved from all aspects that what Shi Yaoguang said is true, so why is he still suspicious?

But there is one thing.

Since Shi Yaoguang is a god beyond the nine heavens, why did she leave the mortal world and even reincarnate.

If this problem cannot be solved, he will never feel at ease.

Shi Yaoguang is not afraid that he has doubts, but that he has no doubts.

He has doubts, but he can still think of ways to fool him.

If he didn't have the slightest doubt, then she would have to wonder if there was something wrong with her identity.

The two were testing each other, but they didn't show any signs of it.

At this moment, Quan Jinbei's expression changed.

Shi Yaoguang noticed.

She knew that Quan Jinbei should have excluded the son of god and demon.

"Honey, how do you feel?"

Shi Yaoguang couldn't directly ask Quan Jinbei how he was doing, but could only ask cryptically, "Is your body okay?"

Quan Jinbei understood her intentions, and did not answer directly, but said, "It feels pretty good."

As he said that, he looked at Chen Shu with disapproval on his face, "What's the matter with you, Chen Shu?"

At this moment, the son of gods and demons was immersed in the shock that his invasion was rejected by Quan Jinbei. He was stunned when he heard Quan Jinbei's question.

"What do you mean?"

In the next second, he reacted.

Quan Jinbei was controlled by him before, so he couldn't say anything.

Now that he had ostracized himself, he would surely expose himself.

He said nothing to make this happen.

The son of god and devil thought about it, so he just kept on doing nothing, using Chen Shu's body, and confessed to Shi Yaoguang.

"Sister-in-law, I didn't want to say it at first, but now I have to."

He sighed faintly, "You may not know, but I have always liked you very much."

Hearing this, Shi Yaoguang seemed taken aback, and hurriedly said, "Don't talk nonsense."

"I didn't talk nonsense."

Chen Shu looked at her anxiously, "Sister-in-law, didn't you say that I always called you that way? That's right, I did call you that way."

"But you don't know, I call you this not because you are my brother's woman, but because calling you like this makes me feel that I am a lot closer to you."

He said, looking at Shi Yaoguang obsessively, "Little sister-in-law, can you understand my feelings for you?"

Quan Jinbei's face darkened immediately, "Chen Shu, are you tired of living?"

In front of him, dare to snatch a woman from him?
Of course Quan Jinbei knew that it was impossible for the real Chen Shu to say such things and do such things.

But the fake Son of God and Demon doesn't know, he must have seen through everything.

Therefore, he needs to continue acting.

"Am I tired of living, you should know."

Chen Shu had a stubborn expression of not being afraid of power, "Quan Jinbei, I called you Brother Bei because of my friendship with you before, and I called you that because I have a good relationship with you. It doesn't mean you can do anything to me."

"Speaking of which, you and I are absolutely equal, you have to remember this, don't always boss me around."

Quan Jinbei was shocked, "What did you say?"

"Isn't what I said clear enough?" Chen Shu rolled his eyes, "If you need me to say it again, it's not that I can't tell you, but..."

He dragged out his tone, "If you want to listen, you have to pay a little price."

Quan Jinbei narrowed his eyes, "Are you sure?"

"Of course." Chen Shu looked at him firmly, "If you are worried that if I become tougher, you will lose to me completely, then I can't help it."

This is the aggressive method.

Not only aggressive method.

It's still a very low-level aggressive method.

In normal times, there is no chance to put it in front of Quan Jinbei.

Now it is because of Chen Shu that such a low-level aggressive method has room to play.

Quan Jinbei slandered in his heart, but there was an angry expression on his face.

"Chen Shu, Ji Yanchuan and I have always treated you as brothers. Don't tell me you don't care about our brotherhood in your eyes?"

"What is a brother?" Chen Shu didn't take it seriously, "If you really treat me as a brother, you shouldn't talk about a little bit of kindness all the time."

Quan Jinbei: "When did I talk about my kindness?"

He shouldn't have a memory disorder, right?

Chen Shu was also complaining.

When was he swayed by kindness?
Just as I was complaining, I heard my body say, "You and Ji Yanchuan regard me as friends, isn't this a kindness?"

Quan Jinbei: "??"

He looked at Chen Shu with a mentally retarded face.

Chen Shu replied with a stubborn expression, "If you really treat me as a friend and a brother, you don't need to say these things at all."

"Since you said it, you obviously feel that you are doing me a favor by doing such a thing."

"I can tell myself that you don't understand what I mean, but your subconscious mind doesn't put me on an equal footing with you."

"In this case, why should I treat you wholeheartedly as my elder brother?"

He said, and suddenly said domineeringly: "Even if you want to be the boss, the boss should be me."

Quan Jinbei: "..."

Chen Shu: "..."

He couldn't help complaining, "I never wanted to be a big boss, can you do it? As the son of gods and demons, how could you be so inferior? I think you have no future like this, you might as well give up ..."

Shi Yaoguang and Quan Jinbei couldn't hear Chen Shu's broken thoughts.

But the son of gods and demons can.

The son of gods and demons did not expect that Chen Shu would say that he was inferior.

It simply stunned him.

He didn't care about confronting Quan Jinbei, and immediately questioned Chen Shu in his heart: "Damn human, do you know what you're talking about?"

Chen Shu was fearless, "Did I say something wrong?"

"A person lacks something, the more he likes to show off."

"It's the same with low self-esteem."

Chen Shu vowed, "I don't feel inferior, so when I get along with Brother Bei and the others, I won't feel unbalanced because of my status or because I'm not as popular as them."

(End of this chapter)

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