Charm King Domination: No. 9 Favorite Concubine

Chapter 329 Black light rises, demon scorpion kills

Chapter 329 Black light rises, demon scorpion kills
June didn't know what was going on in the mansion, so naturally he couldn't answer him. The only thing he could do was find an excuse of "I'm busy, let's talk about it another day", and then strode away.

"Hey! Why do you come and go in a hurry? Really! The old saying is good, the tree falls and the monkeys scatter. I didn't expect the most trusted first guard of the Xiangyang Palace to be like this. No loyalty!"

"What first guard? What are you mumbling about?"

Tie'er came out of the mansion carrying a vegetable basket, just in time to hear the boy's muttering.

The gatekeeper put his mouth together: "Here, look at that! The first guard of our Xiangyang Palace came back, but after he asked if the princess was there, he turned around and left without even stepping through the gate."

"Fleeing Years?" Hearing these two words, Tie'er trembled all over.

No matter how strange the boy looked at her, she ran in the direction where June left.

"Wait! Brother June! Wait!"

It's been a long time since June heard someone calling him so eagerly. He paused, turned around, and saw a tall and graceful girl. He was startled for a moment before he recognized it: "Tie'er?"

"it's me!"

Tie'er's eyes were red.

Only those who have been in unrequited love can understand Tie'er's mood at this moment. She thought that the person she would never see again was standing in front of her at this moment.

Still so chic!

She didn't care about the girl's restraint, she dropped the vegetable basket in her hand, rushed up and hugged June's waist, tears welled up in her eyes: "Brother June, it's great that you're still alive! That's great!"

She said two things in succession.

It seemed that apart from these two words, she couldn't find any better words to express her gratitude to God at this moment.

"Tie'er, don't do this."

Compared to Tie'er's excitement, June seemed a little rushed.

Thinking about it in public, it is inappropriate for a big man like him to be hugged by a girl like this after all.He coughed in embarrassment, and pulled the octopus-like post off his body: "Tie'er, don't cry, just talk about it."

Tie'er was sobbing, seeing a small teahouse behind June, and pulled him in: "Brother June, can you tell me about what happened back then? Why did my princess suddenly disappear? You and the concubine were there when the Japanese prince led troops to wipe out the traitors on Linglong Island. Is it true?"

Tie'er's question was very urgent.

The fleeting year recalled the past, and his eyes became distant.

He nodded slightly: "Yeah!"

"What about my princess? How is she doing now?"

Tie'er eagerly grabbed June's hand, seeing him clenched his fist in embarrassment, she quickly let go and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry!"


Looking at Tie'er, June saw that the loss on the woman's face was familiar to him, and he didn't want to face it.

He changed the subject and asked, "Recently, you really haven't seen Yi'er?"

"No!" Tie'er replied disappointedly.

"What about King Xiangyang? Is he really dead?"

"Yes! It was I who saw his coffin being sent into the imperial mausoleum with my own eyes that day! And Brother Fleeting Years, since the prince died of illness, he has also left! Brother June, do you know? It’s a miserable life. Those of us who are today, the first thing we do when we wake up every day is to worry about whether the emperor will give the palace to someone else. If that’s the case, the new master will definitely not treat us who have served Xiangyang The old servant of the king!"

How should I put it, Hua Qingyi was too blessed during the first day's lifetime!Emperor Qingxuan's love for him has created many enemies for him invisibly.Now that he is gone, those enemies will naturally find ways to add insult to injury.

Look, in just two months, she, a flowery girl, was bullied and haggard by those people with malicious intentions.

June frowned slightly: "You are a girl who was married as a dowry, and now the master is gone, no one can stop you if you want to leave, right?"

"Yes! But where can I go after leaving the palace?" She has no home for a long time!
June was also stopped by her question.

"Brother June, can you take me with you? I want to find Miss too!"

Tie'er looked at June eagerly. She knew June's thoughts on Mu Lianyi and the purpose of his visit to Xiangyang Palace, but she didn't care.

If it's impossible for brother June to fall in love with her in his whole life, then it's okay to help her find a young lady, right?She had long regarded Mu Lianyi as her only family member.

June looked at her quietly, looking at the sparkling mist in the woman's eyes.He obviously wanted to refuse, but somehow it turned into a simple "uh" when he said it out of his mouth.

Later, he told himself this way: Finding those two little mischievous people is not an easy task. It is always good to have one more person and more strength!


Mu Lianyi, who was in the third heaven, didn't know what happened in the first heaven. She comforted herself in this way when she was sad: For the two lovely babies, she must find Hua Qingyi and be strong!

Therefore, when Goto Haruno brought a large number of demon palace guards to besiege her in the rocky hills outside the city, she coldly curled the corners of her lips, and the dark light of blood debts surged quietly in the bottom of her eyes: " You were the one who hurt Yi?"

"What are you talking about! Girl, since you have unfortunately become the woman of the Demon God, then obediently accept your life!"

As Goto Haruno said, the magic chain was pulled in his hand, and he led a large number of imperial guards to rush towards Mu Lianyi!
"Layout! We want to avenge Yi!"

Mu Lianyi snorted coldly, and the Hell Mandala spun out of her neck, landed on her hand, and instantly transformed into countless life-killing magic flowers.

Goto Harano snorted coldly with disdain: "Even lijue can't escape our hunting, just because of you, a mere mortal? Idiots talking about dreams!"

He raised his chin in contempt, and waved his hand: "Catch the living!"


In an instant, the shadow of sword, light and sword illuminated the big rock that was either dark or bright.

Behind Luanshigang, several people sent to protect Mu Lianyi saw that the situation was not right. Some joined the fierce battle, and some hurriedly sent a distress signal to Mo Yu.

A quarter of an hour later—

Mu Lianyi sacrificed a blood-colored Hell Mandala, which shone red, and sent flying a group of imperial guards who rushed forward.

Goto Haruno failed to attack repeatedly, and became angry from embarrassment: "Damn girl, I don't believe that you can be stronger than the demon god!"

With a wave of his big hand, the people under him lined up in a scorpion formation, and their hands formed magic power. When the black light flickered, Goto Harano held a buzzing magic chain, and hissed loudly: "Black light rises, kill the magic scorpion!"

With a sound, black light exploded, forming a bloodthirsty and shiny big scorpion in the midair like a rainbow.

(End of this chapter)

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