Chapter 203 Fallen Angel
"This is?"

When Lucifer rushed to Tianren No. [-], looking at the corpse with severed arms floating in the space, he felt uncontrollable anger in his heart.

"Damn it, Carl!"

Sending blessings to Karl, Lucifer disappeared directly in place.

Next to the throne of Tianren No. [-], the angel who has fallen to the ground at this time is sitting on the current king of gluttony, howling.

"What a poor fool! If you can't surrender, then farewell!" Si Howling was trying to persuade him to surrender. Of course, no angel was willing to follow him.

This is a very normal thing, after all, who is willing to serve an animal!

In the eyes of these angels, Howl is an incompletely evolved animal.No matter how strong this animal is, as angels, they will not take refuge in it.

This is a matter of principle.

"Fortunately, there are still people alive, it seems that I'm not too late!" Lucifer looked at the fallen little angel, his face was cold, and his heart was also cold.

There are still seven little angels who are still alive here.Compared with the numbers outside, this was his failed rescue operation.

"Who are you?" Seeing Lucifer appearing, Xi Howl asked.

Now that he has the Void Engine bestowed by Karl, he is not afraid to face the demon queen Morgana, let alone such an unknown guy as Lucifer.

"Your Majesty Lucifer!" the angel Moy shouted excitedly.

Her appeal for help finally had an effect, and Lucifer came, indicating that they were safe.

Moy didn't know what ability Howl used to silence the angel genes in their bodies, as if they had disappeared.Now they are no different from ordinary women. Facing these gluttons, they can't even hold the flame sword, so there is no way to resist.

"Lucifer? Your Majesty?" Ji Howl put his hands on his head and looked at Lucifer suspiciously: "Since they call you Your Majesty, it seems that you are also an angel!"

'The void engine is activated, and the gene strike function against angels is activated! '

'Target: That man! '

'Where is that man?Didn't find any signs of life other than angels, please check and issue the command again! '

Howl was startled.

Obviously Lucifer was standing there, he could see it with his naked eyes, and he could feel it with his animal intuition, but the Void Engine said no.

What kind of world, no, it's a cosmic joke.

"Yes, although you can't keep up with Hua Ye's void engine, compared to ordinary void fighters, your ability is special!" Lucifer admired, and his eyes moved from the howling body to those of his. on the men.

"You are the only one who is capable. I still use what you say now. Then these useless things, just disappear like this!"

After Lucifer finished speaking, Howl immediately widened his eyes.

He saw silver-gray light spots emitting from his subordinates. Those light spots were mysterious and full of unknown temptations.

And the unknown represents danger.

'Scan these subordinates around, what is their situation now? '

Howl made an order in his heart, now that he can't scan Lucifer, he will admit it, if he can't even scan these gluttonous subordinates, his Void Engine will be meaningless.

It feels almost like trash.

'The surrounding gluttonous genes have undergone an unknown collapse, and they are suspected of being attacked by an unknown concept weapon, please pay attention to defense! '

Hearing the answer from the void engine, Howl really wanted to slap it.

It's up to you to sum it up, even if you don't say it, I still know if it's good or not.

These silver-gray spots of light started from Tao Tie's feet, and gradually spread upwards.But those Taotie's subordinates didn't feel anything strange now, they seemed to be asleep.

The scary thing is here, howl can clearly see the fear in their eyes, obviously they also have feelings for the loss of body parts.

It's just that they couldn't stop them, they could only watch helplessly as the teammates in front of them disappeared.

When death came, they could do nothing to stop it, not even suicide.

An inexplicable existence affected them. Now they can clearly feel the lack of feet, and they can feel that their calves are disappearing little by little.

"Who exactly are you?" Ji Howl asked, holding back his anger.

He wanted to run away. Originally, he thought that he was invincible in the world, and he could harvest when he came to the earth.As a result, before entering the earth, he encountered a tricky guy.

scary guy.

The void engine he is proud of looks like a toy in front of this guy.

"Don't worry, you won't die now, after all, you are also a gluttonous king, and I will give you the respect a king deserves!" Lucifer said.

And as his words fell, the little angels like Moy felt that their suppressed genes had returned.

One by one, the little angels stood up from the ground, and one of the little angels wanted to directly slash at Howl with the flaming sword, but was stopped by Moy.She brought a group of little angels to Lucifer.

"Your Majesty Lucifer, please grant me strength! I will fight this guy myself!" Moy said.

Moy is very smart. She understood what Lucifer meant when he was halfway through what Lucifer said just now.

To them, Howl is an invincible enemy, but to Lucifer, it is like an ant that can be crushed to death.

"Have you thought it through!"

Lucifer was a little surprised at Moy's cleverness, because that's what he meant.

For Howl, this kind of guy is really not suitable for him to shoot.But just relying on the abilities of these little angels today, if they want to fight, they can only be crushed unilaterally by Howl.

So he wants to empower a little angel to make them change. ,

"I've thought about it clearly. Now I lack the power, the power to protect. To protect my sisters, I am willing to give everything!" Moy's words were very loud, echoing in this huge space.

"Your Majesty Lucifer, please give us strength! We also want to protect, and we also want to fight!" The remaining six little angels knelt on one knee and prayed to Lucifer.

It's really not a good feeling to watch my sister die in front of me.

They need strength to protect the sisters around them, and they also need strength to protect justice, the justice of angels.

"Very enlightening!"

Sighing, looking at the corpses of these angels around him, Lucifer felt that he had returned to more than 1 years ago.There were so many sacrifices around him at that time.

That was a living life, and now those people only have strings of data stored in the sacred Kesha knowledge treasure house.


"Lord of the Fallen, Lucifer!"

"Now that I have heard your prayers, I will give you strength today!"

"Feel the joy of power!"

(End of this chapter)

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