Chapter 78 Attention
Soon, the steaming hot fish balls came out. This time, a big bone broth was added, so the fragrance was even stronger. Almost as soon as it was served, several people couldn't wait to eat it immediately. Behind them, a new customer came to the door , Bai Xiaoyu didn't have time to ask how the big bone soup tasted, so he was going to be busy!

When the fish balls of the next few people were finished and they planned to order another bowl, they found that they had to queue for a while. At this time, they were particularly envious of Yao Qing's family. There were obviously three people, one was a woman and the other was a child. But I ordered six bowls unceremoniously from the very beginning, and now I am enjoying it!But the two friends he brought with him did not do that because they had the attitude of giving it a try. When they watched him eat the second bowl sadly, they could only swallow their saliva secretly!

It was obviously three times the amount yesterday, but the result was still yesterday's time. Those who moved their hands couldn't stop, and the tables were turned over. People who knew each other and didn't know each other crowded on the same table, trying to have a The place where you put the bowl is enough!
It's not that Bai Xiaoyu doesn't know the grievances of the people behind him, but he really can't take time off right now. Fortunately, the human world doesn't care. He's not some distinguished guest, and it's okay to stand and eat with a bowl!

"It's delicious, it's really delicious!" A man with a simple and honest face stood aside, holding a bowl in his hand, eating happily, and said to the people around him!

The woman beside her was frowning while eating, and when she heard her husband's voice, she said stammeringly: "It's delicious, but it's too expensive, and there are only six fish balls for ten cents, so it's still not enough! Boss lady, Cai Hei!"

The bustling crowd naturally heard the woman's words, and suddenly the men didn't show up, and those three aunts and six wives started talking!The core is nothing more than the price of this fish ball is too high!And it’s enough not to be hungry!

There were many tongues, and the voice gradually became louder, and finally Bai Xiaoyu and Liu Zizhen listened to it!

Liu Bao'er's face was flushed, but it was hard to say anything to a group of people!On the contrary, Liu Zizhen was indignant, knowing that this food is expensive, it is something that no one has eaten before, and the money sold yesterday was all for big silver carp, that's the cost, plus other materials , and this fire that has been burning all the time, how can it not be expensive!
These people slandered San Sister-in-law one by one, which made him feel even more uncomfortable. These days, especially after yesterday, his father, who had been very critical of San Sister-in-law, couldn't help but start to praise her, and he was not young Yes, he knows everything about the family. He knows that the third sister-in-law spent her jewelry to move and buy land. The third sister-in-law is a lady from a landlord's family, but she came to Liu's house to make a living, but she came out to set up a stall in public!The father said that she had a backbone and would not ask her natal family for help!It is said that the third brother met such a daughter-in-law, it is the Liu family's blessing, such a woman is subjected to these wanton slanders, how can he not make him angry!

However, Liu Zizhen, who was about to explode, was quickly caught by Bai Xiaoyu. Having received the education of the 21st century, she naturally deeply understood the connotation of the saying that customers are God, even if she can't really regard customers as God. Respect, but at least let him enjoy excellent treatment in the store, such things as arguing with customers are the greatest irony!

But fortunately, if they didn't speak, someone would speak for them, and the person who spoke was that Yao Qing!
"If you don't know, don't say it. This thing has no other share except here. It is also offered in the best restaurant in Fucheng. A bowl costs two taels of silver! That is to bully other girls who don't understand the market. , or if it’s a lifetime of people here, maybe a few people can see it, let alone eat it, it’s still as cheap as ten yuan a bowl!"

Yao Qing's clothes are extraordinary, which can be seen by everyone, and besides his family of three, there are two friends at his table, and the five people's temperament and dress are all similar to those of the small stalls and crowds around them. The people who eat together are incompatible. When these words come out, they are indeed very convincing. It is much better than Bai Xiaoyu speaking by himself. At least after he finishes speaking, no one will say anything, but the action of eating fish balls is obviously slow. It's a little bit, as if savoring the taste of the noble meatballs in the big restaurant!
Bai Xiaoyu was very grateful for this. When paying the bill, she said that they would not charge money, but she was rejected before she finished speaking!
"I said sister, I don't think you look like a person who doesn't know anything. If it wasn't for living, you wouldn't set up a stall here and sell fish balls. The few of us would eat several bowls of it, and how many It's a lot of money, how can I not want money!" The one who came to pay was Yao Qing's wife, Yao's sister-in-law, who was very similar to Yao Qing's hearty face, and said to Bai Xiaoyu enthusiastically!
Bai Xiaoyu couldn't refuse. After collecting the money, he added a few balls to Xiaobao who didn't eat well. Xiaobao immediately nodded his thanks with a smile on his face, and Yao Qing and his wife didn't stop them either!
After paying the money, sister-in-law Yao and the others didn't intend to leave immediately, but moved a small stool and sat beside Bai Xiaoyu!

The fish balls here are all sold out, and the customers who come again have nothing to eat, but there is still some leftover big bone soup and fish bone soup, so let Liu Baoer and Liu Zizhen drink to block their stomachs, At this time, Bai Xiaoyu finally had time to sit down!
"Sister, how long have you been in this business?" In fact, sister-in-law Yao already had the answer to this question. She had already asked the people around her when she came here to taste the fish balls. How could she not know about Bai Xiaoyu? Yesterday was the first time to set up a stall here!

But this question is just to know if I have set up a stall in other places before!

Bai Xiaoyu's eyes flashed: "No, I just got married not long ago, so I didn't have the chance to try it before! I'm not afraid of my sister-in-law's jokes, I just heard about this fish ball by chance, and I tried it when I was free at home. I tried it, but I don’t know if it’s like this. At the beginning, I couldn’t do it well. It took a long time to make it! At the beginning, I didn’t know if it tasted like this. My family members said Delicious! Some time ago, a distinguished guest came to my house, and he said that although the taste is not as good as that in the restaurant, it is not far from it, so I dared to set up a stall here, and even named it the fish ball!"

Well, this blocked all the questions. Originally, I wanted to ask where I learned it. Everyone has special dishes, but some secret recipes are kept secret by every chef. Those dishes cannot be imitated by others, and this fish ball is just like that here!Bai Xiaoyu is able to make such a taste by groping on his own, maybe he is more sensitive to cooking skills, maybe he can end up being a top chef in a restaurant!Sister-in-law Yao kept thinking about it!

Bai Xiaoyu, on the other hand, didn't feel guilty about what he said. He had already seen that the couple's identities were extraordinary, and their purpose was not pure, but it didn't matter whether it was good or bad. Yes, it is impossible to take it out of her hands. You can teach Liu Baoer, you can tell Liu Zijun, but only these three people!Of course, as a time traveler, these things are not worth mentioning to her, but they are small skills that can be kept close to her body, and they are not obvious!She didn't want to be the object of admiration by everyone, but she just wanted to live a little more prosperous life!Otherwise, relying on the 'Chi' who has not yet awakened, as well as the space, spring water, and red soil carried by her body, any one of them can make her the most amazing and most admired person here!

It's just that I don't want to use those magical powers too much!

Thinking of this, Bai Xiaoyu unconsciously touched his wrist again, but this movement was not obvious!
"Daughter-in-law!" Suddenly, a voice woke Bai Xiaoyu up, making Bai Xiaoyu's movements stagnate, and he looked back unconsciously. The man with a smile on his face and brisk footsteps was coming from the opposite restaurant. Liu Zijun!

boom!Bai Xiaoyu's face turned red. Seeing Liu Zijun at this time could only remind her of the madness of last night, where was her usual generosity and cunning!

However, Liu Zijun came over with a good look and didn't say much. Seeing Bai Xiaoyu's flushed face, he immediately smiled very contentedly. He picked up the rag vigorously and wiped a table that had no guests!
"Sister, is this your husband?" Sister-in-law Yao, who was startled by Liu Zijun's 'wife', immediately asked Bai Xiaoyu gossipingly, she said just now that she was just married, and then she came out to set up a stall by herself and didn't see her husband Where is it, I thought she was an unpopular little daughter-in-law, or her husband was incompetent, but now, it doesn't look like it!
Bai Xiaoyu nodded, and took the initiative to explain: "This is my husband. I have been helping others in the town for the past few days, so I don't have time to come here!"

Sister-in-law Yao understood, then remembered her purpose, and asked again: "This fish ball is my sister's handicraft, so it is possible for your husband to make it?"

Bai Xiaoyu thought about it: "Naturally!"

"Oh! Although I know that this is a bit bad, but sister, I am doing it for your own good. I will not throw away my handicrafts. I can have a meal wherever I go. One more person who knows will be more dangerous. Yes, it’s your husband! You have a good business, if someone targets you one day, no matter whether you agree or not, you will probably offend people!”

Bai Xiaoyu expressed that she understands that she has a lot of experience in life, she naturally knows this truth, how can it be so easy to get along in this world without money or power!Yesterday, ordinary people were eating here, but she had already noticed it today.

 There is another update later, try to be around nine o'clock!

(End of this chapter)

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