Chapter 19
In recent years, a new term that is often mentioned has appeared around us - LOHAS.And a group of people who pursue a "happy" life are called "lohas".LOHAS is a concept of emerging lifestyle groups from the West. Its core concepts include "health, happiness, environmental protection, and sustainability." Pay attention to personal spiritual health, through the practice of food, clothing, housing and transportation, I hope I have vitality.

In the fast-paced moment, more and more beauties have begun to seek such a way of life.Because this is a healthy, unrestrained and desirable state of life.

Some female friends may not be interested in this. They think that it is just a matter of life, whether it is a happy life or not, it has nothing to do with them.

If you think so, then we have to say that it is a pity, because women who think like this miss not only a way of life, but also a great opportunity to change their thoughts and actions.

In fact, "Lohas" is a product based on the concept of environmental protection. It contains profound cultural connotations, that is, it is close to the essence of life, and has a natural, healthy and original ecological life attitude.To be more specific, LOHAS means that when consuming, they will consider the health of themselves and their families, and have a sense of responsibility for the earth's ecological environment.

As a modern woman, she bears the dual responsibilities and pressures from family and career. It is conceivable that she must be a good wife, a good mother, and a good employee.

Those smart women are often able to manage their families and careers with ease. When they run their own businesses, they also manage their love and family seriously.Such women are all enviable and admirable.But how did they do it?

There is no need to discuss the ingenious way to make them reach such a wonderful state, but one thing is certain, that is, they know how to constantly improve themselves in their daily life, while maintaining a peaceful mind, facing For everything in life and work.This is actually the attitude of "live life".

Wang Xiaoyun is a 33-year-old modern woman. She is not very beautiful, but she is very good at dressing up, which adds a lot to her overall temperament.

Usually, Wang Xiaoyun has a good reputation in the circle of friends and colleagues. Everyone likes her cheerful and optimistic personality and witty expressions.

Wang Xiaoyun is a woman with a "happy" attitude. She never deliberately asks herself to lose weight, but pays attention to the balance of nutrition, so she will not eat some snacks that women love to eat unscrupulously.

She is usually very busy at work, and there are many things at home that need her to deal with.But Wang Xiaoyun did not give up her plan to travel twice a year.She will take advantage of the "National Day" holiday and the annual holidays to travel. During the trip, she can feel the different customs and customs of various places, and she will also take some photos as souvenirs.For her, a healthy body and a colorful life are more important than anything else.

Because the economy is not particularly affluent, Wang Xiaoyun has been married for nearly 10 years and still lives in the one-bedroom house that she bought with a loan. However, she did not envy other people's big houses because of this. Instead, she redecorated the old house and divided the living room into two parts. one for a small living room and the other for a child's bedroom.

Although the house is not big, she keeps every corner clean and tidy, and the layout of the whole family is full of warmth.

Wang Xiaoyun's family has a "Maxima" bought 3 years ago, but in order to protect the environment, she and her husband usually take the bus to and from get off work, and only drive when they go out to play or do something on weekends.

Many sisters around are envious of Wang Xiaoyun's living conditions. Some of them live in a big house, some drive a luxury car, or have a good job, but they all feel that in terms of living conditions, no one is as alive as Wang Xiaoyun. So chic and moist.

It can be said that the "Lohas Woman" is like a powerful magnetic field, exuding a strong appeal.Because they have such a declaration of happiness: live in the present, enjoy the present.

Isn't this state enough to make you envious?So, how can we have such a state?Next, let's take a look at some secrets of becoming a "Lohas Woman".

1.Health is the foundation, there is no life without health

We have probably seen the analogy that health is "1" and everything else is "0".In fact, for a LOHAS woman, health is also the most important "1".

Just as drinkers often say that there is heaven and earth in a cup, tea drinkers are also well versed in the philosophy in a cup.Lu Tongyin, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, said: "One bowl moistens the throat. Two bowls break the loneliness. Three bowls search dry mind, but there are only five thousand volumes of writing. Four bowls sweat lightly, and all the injustices in life are scattered to the pores. Five bowls Muscle and bone clear. Six bowls of Tongxianling. Seven bowls can’t be eaten, but I feel the fresh breeze in my armpits." From these words, it is not difficult to read a kind of "happy" way hidden in the cup: health.

As a "LOHAS woman", while caring for her family and enjoying life, she must also know how to keep herself healthy.They will not deliberately lose weight and damage their bodies, but try to choose a variety of foods and vegetables, while avoiding high salt, high oil, and high sugar.In addition, they will also choose one or two aerobic exercises that suit them, such as jogging and yoga.With the guarantee of diet and exercise, the weight of health will naturally increase, which provides the most basic "material" guarantee for LOHAS women.

2.Not demanding at work, but treating it like a friend It is undeniable that if you work just for the sake of work, it will definitely make people feel boring and even demoralized.A LOHAS woman is usually not like this. They will try the work they are interested in, even if it is something they have never done before. They will not worry about whether they are competent, but will experience it with an attitude of participation.They will cherish the special experience and perception that work brings to them, so they will treat work as a friend at work.In fact, this in turn will make them put more fun and passion into their work, and their work efficiency will naturally increase.

3.Good at discovering your talents
Everyone has a certain potential, it's just that some people have been developed and some people have not been developed.For example, in the same morning exercise, some people are out of breath after running a lap, while others are quite relaxed, which shows that the latter has a certain "athletic talent".Usually, beauties should pay more attention to discovering their talents. Maybe you are good at sports, maybe you are good at painting, or maybe you are good at dancing, so no matter what it is, try to devote yourself to it as time and economic conditions allow, so that You will find that you will have more friends, and your life will add more luster because of it.

4.Keep the habit of reading and make yourself feel poetic and literary. The ancients in China said: "There is a house of gold in the book, and there is beauty in the book." There are many things that books can bring us.Therefore, don't underestimate the little Chinese characters and articles, whether long or short, they can enlighten us, help us improve our literacy, and purify our souls.

In addition to the points we mentioned, there may be other aspects that can help beauties become a "happy family". As long as you are good at discovering and summarizing, then you can find a good way to make yourself "happy" .When you put these methods into practice, you will soon find that your mood is so clear every day, your figure is so light, and your life is so colorful.

Such a happy woman, which one does not yearn for it?Then, act quickly!
Enjoy every day of life with peace of mind

If I hadn't been born, I wouldn't be able to hear the squeak of snow under my feet, smell the scent of burning wood, and see the light of love in people's eyes, let alone enjoy the joy brought by my own struggle. The success and joy of lucky it is to be able to live in this world!Why don't I enjoy every day of my life to the fullest?
—French thinker Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Busy, the normal life of modern women; tired, the mantra of modern women.Looking around, there are too many women in the world who work non-stop in exchange for living security. Shout: I'm tired of it.

Perhaps, someone around them will remind them: "Don't live for the sake of life, but learn to enjoy life." The answer they hear is often: "I want to enjoy it too, but it takes time and capital to enjoy it." When you have time, you complain that you don't have money Enjoy, have money but complain that you don't have time to enjoy it, you have to wait until you have money and time, but who can guarantee that you will still have a life to enjoy at that time?

In fact, there is no fixed pattern for enjoying the joy and happiness of life.Enjoying life is a calm and optimistic state of mind. It is to create life in the right way, improve life, and obtain the life you want, instead of using all your time and money for something and consuming life extravagantly.

Her name was Bossier Dale, she could hardly see anything, but her life was good, not as bad as people imagined.Because she has a belief: no matter who it is, as long as it comes to this world, it is reasonable.She often says that she believes in the so-called destiny, but she believes in happiness even more, even in the kitchen sink, she can still find happiness.

Bossier Dell's eyes have been nearly blind for a long time.She once wrote in her book "I Want to See": "I only have one eye, and it was covered by a serious trauma, and there was only a small hole on the left side of the eye, so whenever When I want to read, I have to hold the book up against my face and twist my eyeballs hard to look out of the hole on the left." Despite this fact, she doesn't like others to sympathize with herself, let alone others Treat her like an outlier.

When Bossier Dale was a little girl, she longed to kick stones with other children, but her eyes could not see the marks drawn on the ground, and no one would take her to play.So, she waited until the other children came home, lay down on the ground where they were playing, followed the marks drawn on the ground, looked at them with her eyes, and silently wrote down all the relevant things on the ground. The mark slowly imprinted in her heart.Shortly thereafter, she magically became a master at kicking stones.

Bossier Dale could only read at home while the other children were in school.She always takes the books to enlarge and make photocopies first, and then holds them in front of her eyes with her hands, looking at them at a distance that is almost close to her eyes. Every time her eyelashes touch the books.Under such difficult circumstances, she actually obtained two degrees, one is a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Minnesota, and the other is a Master of Fine Arts from Columbia University.

Finally, at the age of 52, a miracle happened.It was 1943, and she had an eye surgery at a clinic that would allow her eyes to see 40 times farther than she used to.When she works in the kitchen, she finds it exciting to even do the dishes in the dishwasher.She said: "When I was washing the dishes, I was playing with the white fluffy soapy water while I was washing it. I stirred it with my hands, and then I picked up a bunch of tiny soap bubbles with my hands and held them together. Looked high up to the light, and inside those little bubbles, I saw a rainbow-like splendor of brilliance."

When she looked out of the window above the sink, she saw a flock of gray and black sparrows flying in the snowy sky.She watched the soap bubbles and the sparrows outside the window so happily and ecstatically, she wrote in the epilogue of the book: "I whispered to myself, dear God, our heavenly Father, thank you, very very Thank you very much!"

Seeing the story of Bossier Dale, I believe that many women who complain about "no time and capital to enjoy life" will feel ashamed, because they are already living in a beautiful paradise, but they are blindfolded and do not appreciate and enjoy life. enjoy.

In fact, if you experience it with your heart, you will find that many valuable things in life are worth doing, and many beautiful processes should be experienced. Acted as the executioner of life, killing the color and fragrance of life.

Writer Wu Danru once said: "When I found that I could still smile alone, I began to understand that life is such a wonderful gift. Drinking a cup of coffee is enjoyment, reading a book is enjoyment, and there is nothing to do It is also enjoyment, life itself is enjoyment, and the trivial time in life is enjoyment.”

Each of us is on the road, we can stop occasionally, we can rest occasionally, but in the end we still have to keep going.No one can know what will happen tomorrow, what will be the scenery at the next stop, and the ending is always after hard work, after experiencing the ups and downs.Whether perfect or disappointing, the ending is only a moment, and the deepest experience is on the road.Be a woman who walks life calmly!Going through the journey of life, no matter whether it is joy or sorrow in the end, I only hope that when I look back suddenly, I can say with a smile, no complaints or regrets.

Plant a "forgetfulness grass" in your heart

As long as everything is taken lightly, there is nothing to worry about; as long as the situation is not exaggerated by anger, there is nothing to be angry with.

——Russian writer Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev

In the kaleidoscopic world, there are colorful happiness, but also melancholy and gloomy time.If you don't have a calm and calm heart, and a free and easy state of mind that transcends everything, you will only let the melancholy expand infinitely and slowly swallow up all the happiness.

An An works as a manager assistant in an insurance company.The atmosphere of this company is very positive and sunny. Every morning meeting will motivate employees, so that everyone can start a new day of work with enthusiasm.Colleagues around are happy every day, discussing what to eat and where to go on weekends in their spare time, but An An, who is taciturn, has no interest in this.She doesn't like to talk with her colleagues, she always has a cold look, she is immersed in her own world every day, and the people around her are gradually alienating her, but she doesn't know it.

(End of this chapter)

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