Smile is very alluring: the charming temperament you want most

Chapter 21 Don't be vain, I like the long stream of water

Chapter 21 Don't be vain, I like the long stream of water (1)
——Love with a generous feeling
The temperament of a woman comes from a kind of maturity in the heart. The advantage of a mature woman is that she knows how to be tolerant and caring. She can warm people's hearts with subtle tenderness and understand love with generous feelings, so that love can become solid and eternal in the plain, like a long stream of water. constantly.This maturity exudes a charming temperament, just like fine wine, the longer it gets better, it makes people fall in love with it, especially men...

The wonderful taste in "feminine"

A woman has her gentle air, like listening to the sound of flute, like smelling roses, like water like honey, like smoke like mist, covering us.Her every move, stretching her waist, sweeping her hair, and the blink of an eye, are like honey flowing and water swaying...

——Zhu Ziqing

In the evaluation or praise of women, we often hear words such as "beautiful" and "beautiful".In fact, there is another word that appears frequently, that is - taste.

In comparison, beauty and beauty are a kind of appreciation and recognition of a woman's appearance, while taste is a kind of admiration for the charm of a woman from the inside out.In other words, among the words of praise for women, "taste" is obviously a more intriguing word.

The taste here obviously refers to femininity, so what exactly is femininity?How can we be feminine?
Indeed, femininity is a concept that is difficult to define, and it is also a kind of beauty that is not easy to express in words.Because it is not as easy to see at a glance as pretty and slender, nor can it be judged by certain standards as talented and well-educated.To paraphrase a lyric, femininity is really "like fog, like rain and like wind", it is invisible and can only be experienced and felt with the heart.

Appearance can be born beautiful, but femininity is by no means innate.This kind of beauty comes from her perception of life, her understanding of life, and her attitude in dealing with the world.It is these that allow women to experience a unique taste through continuous growth and comprehension, with a good connotation and charm.

If it is said that people will appreciate the visual beauty because of beautiful women, then a woman with taste can make people feel worthy of aftertaste from the heart.And a woman who can remind people often has a happy life.

Feng Tao in his youth was a lazy person, he didn't know how to do things, and changing girlfriends was like changing clothes, very casually.

However, a few years later, friends around him noticed that Feng Tao had changed a lot, especially after he got married, he became a responsible and responsible husband, and his family became the focus of his life.This was unimaginable a few years ago.

What made Feng Tao "turn back the prodigal son"?
It turned out that it was his current wife, Liu Liyang, who had brought him great changes.Ever since he met Liu Liyang, Feng Tao felt that she was different from other girls.Although she does not have a beautiful appearance or extraordinary talent, she has a unique taste.

At that time, Liu Liyang was working as an administrative staff in a private enterprise, and usually liked to wear white shirts and knee-length skirts.She likes to smile very much, and the corners of her mouth are always upturned, which makes people feel no sense of distance.At the same time, Liu Liyang is a girl with keen intuition, who knows how to read words and emotions, and can easily read people's minds.At first, Feng Tao lied like he did with other girls, but Liu Liyang always saw it through instantly.Although this made Feng Tao less likely to get away with it, it also made him feel that this girl was unusual.For this reason, he appreciated Liu Liyang even more.

Because Liu Liyang likes to laugh, and always has a childlike innocence, coupled with her unique skill of "seeing people's hearts", Feng Tao gradually fell in love with her pomegranate skirt.

Feng Tao feels that being with Liu Liyang makes him very relaxed and has no mental burden.For this reason, Feng Tao often hums that song: "No matter how beautiful the spring breeze is, it can't compare to your smile. People who haven't seen it don't know." Brings a spring-like taste.

Liu Liyang was also fascinated by Feng Tao's handsomeness, humor and wit. The two developed a good impression of each other and entered the palace of marriage a year later.Until now, they live very happily.

Liu Liyang in the story attracts the bohemian Feng Tao because of his unique taste, and makes him restrain his temperament and become a responsible and good husband.From this we have to admit that the taste of women plays a decisive role to a certain extent.

There is a TV clip about women and marriage, in which a female guest commented on a woman with taste: "It's like when we go to buy buns, they look the same, but if we feel it carefully, we can know whether there is meat in the buns. So are women."

It can be said that a woman with a sense of smell can emit a lasting fragrance in life and make people around her feel refreshed.Of course, just as no two leaves are the same, no woman is exactly the same.Different women have different tastes, that is to say, every woman's taste is unique.If you meet someone who says you look like someone, just listen and don't believe it too much.Because you have your own unique taste, this taste belongs only to you.

The most gentle bow

The tenderness of a woman is like a slender hand, which can make a cold heart hot, and bring a wounded heart back to a happy calm.


Many people have seen the Korean movie "My Sassy Girl". When this movie was the most popular, many girls followed suit. It cannot be a necessity, because such a woman will not only arouse the resentment of the people around, but also make people feel that you are not "feminine".After all, no matter how the times change, only tender women are the most touching, and only such women are the most sensible.

For a man, the woman's shy and expressive eyes are like a ray of red in winter, which makes him reluctant to part with him again and again; that soft and boneless figure is like the spring in April in the south of the Yangtze River, which makes him intoxicated again and again. And the woman's pear blossoms and rainy hibiscus noodles are like a soft feather, gently falling in the heart of the lake deep in the man's heart, causing ripples one after another...

There is such a line in "Dream of Red Mansions", "The daughter's home is made of water", which expresses the tenderness of women like water; not only that, but Hegel once said in "Aesthetics", "Women know emotions best Yes, generally speaking, they are elegant, gentle and full of magical powers of love."

For women, this inherent gentleness comes from the elastic element in their personality. Therefore, in life, women with a gentle temperament can be more loved by others, and this kind of woman will also gain happiness because of it.This is not only reflected in daily life, such as a cup of hot tea gently served by a woman for her lover and a warm sweater knitted by herself, but also in her great wisdom in dealing with some crisis events.

We have all heard the saying: "A man is a mountain, a woman is water." In fact, a man who seems to be extremely strong and does not cry easily, in many cases wants to be comforted and cared by others. Therefore, gentle Women are more likely to be attracted by men, which probably has something to do with the so-called "Oedipus complex".

Since tender women are more attractive, and the power of tenderness cannot be underestimated, how can some women who are not very gentle or who don’t know how to become gentle, improve their temperament so that they can have this universal weapon? Where are the keys?Next, let's first take a look at what aspects of women's tenderness are reflected.


When a gentle woman encounters something that doesn't go her way, she will definitely not be furious and furious, but choose to use softness to overcome rigidity and use Tai Chi to push hands to solve the problems encountered.At this time, Bailian Steel can also be turned into soft fingers, because just a soft word can turn other people's hostility into invisible.


Although it is said that "great conduct does not care about fine details, and great gifts do not hesitate to make small concessions", but it is often the meticulous details that can really move people's hearts. Therefore, some seemingly inadvertent actions can often have the effect of "moisturizing things silently" , and this also shows that women really care about the people around them, which makes people feel heartwarming and warm.

Gentle women will have good wishes for people and things, and hope to care and help others. This may be because women are more compassionate and willing to give spiritual and material care to the weak.This kind of kindness and compassion will not only move others deeply, but also bring them good returns.

A gentle woman must be reasonable, and no one will admit that an unreasonable woman is gentle.In daily life, gentle women are generally very tolerant to others, and will never embarrass others because of something unsatisfactory. This kind of reasonableness can not only show femininity, make people think that you have a good temper, but also show your Well-bred and perfect temperament.

Finally, let's revisit Xu Zhimo's poem together: "The most is the tenderness of bowing the head, like a water lotus that cannot withstand the cool breeze."

In our eyes, a gentle and shy woman is a beautiful picture that fascinates people.Regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, we are all willing to fall into this gentle "trap", and we will never wake up from it.

If the heart is beautiful, the simple food is also happy

A glass of fine wine, a book of poetry, hell is also heaven to me.

——The great Persian poet Omer Qayam

Nowadays, more and more women no longer believe in the "power" of love. Even if she is in a passionate love relationship, a thought still pops up in her mind from time to time: He has no money, no house, no car, married Will he be happy?Am I really going to marry him?

It's not because she doesn't love enough, it's just because the surrounding environment and the people around her imperceptibly gave her a hint: marrying a rich man is a good marriage.Otherwise, you will have to struggle for decades, and you will live a very hard life.Therefore, marrying a rich man has almost become the standard of "marrying well" and "happiness".However, can marriage really be measured by money?Can you really be happy with money?

A poor life will bring troubles to married life. As the saying goes: "Poverty couples have nothing to worry about." A happy marriage needs a certain material foundation, so that it can survive and develop.If the sky is the quilt, the earth is the bed, the children cannot afford to go to school, and even life becomes difficult, then it is conceivable that no one will feel happy.A certain material foundation will always bring more satisfaction to marriage, but this is not an absolute guarantee of happiness. In marriage, love is a necessity.Because in this world, money can buy many things, but feelings cannot be bought alone.No matter how much money there is, if there is no emotion, money is just a pile of waste paper.If you choose a marriage without feelings only for money, you will undoubtedly push yourself into the abyss.A lifetime is not short, and no one can guarantee that in order to maintain material life, we can make do for decades.

A young and beautiful American girl posted such a post on the Internet: I want to marry a rich man!I am 25 years old, with amazing beauty and good taste, and I want to marry someone with an annual salary of 50 US dollars.Don't say I'm greedy, an annual salary of 100 million in New York is considered middle class.Among the people I have ever dated, the richest person has an annual salary of 25. I am eager to live in a high-end residential area west of Central Park in New York. This annual salary is far from enough.

Afterwards, a Wall Street financier wrote back to her.He said: "Leaving aside the details, what you are talking about is actually a simple 'money' and 'appearance' transaction. You provide a beautiful appearance, and the other party pays. However, your beauty will fade with time, and it will not disappear forever. It's getting prettier every year; my money isn't going to decrease for no reason, and my income may even keep increasing. Don't forget, no one who makes more than $50 a year is a fool."

Chekhov said: "The joy and happiness of life are not in money, not in love, but in truth. Even if what you want is a kind of animal happiness, life will not allow you to drink alcohol and be happy at the same time. It will I hit you off guard all the time."

It is difficult for a woman who cares too much about money in her marriage to have happiness.How can a pair of eyes blinded by money see clearly who is worthy of love?Marriage is simple and unpretentious, and it also needs to be maintained by emotions. Only money cannot completely guarantee a happy marriage.A good marriage does not require both of them to be very capable. Even if the money earned is only enough for daily necessities, as long as the husband and wife love each other, their marriage will be happy.

There is an ordinary couple who are the same age, teach in the same high school, meet, get married, have children, and almost retire together.On the road to marriage, they have spent 50 years of their lives hand in hand.When they were in their 90s, they published a book together, recording every bit of their life in it.Some people say that this is a history of the times, while others say that this is a history of love.The couple didn't have much money in their life. Like most ordinary people, they lived a busy life.However, they are close to each other, and after experiencing countless times of wind and rain, they still hold each other's hands tightly.In the vast sea of ​​people, it is not easy to find a person who understands, pities, and is willing to spend the rest of his life with him. However, their marriage has gone through half a century without incident. In the feelings.

From getting acquainted and falling in love when they were young, to entering the palace of marriage, and then slowly entering old age from middle age, in ordinary days, watching the sunrise and sunset every day, and walking through the familiar fork in the road countless times hand in hand, they cherish What is more important is the friendship between each other, as well as the real sense of steadfastness and happiness.

Learn to be a smart woman!Don't regard money as an absolute condition for a happy marriage. Without money, we can work together with our loved ones to make our lives better, but if there is no love, it will never come anyway.Only by not being a slave to money can one know the true needs and desires of one's heart, and can truly grasp the foundation of marriage with heart.

If there is love, there will be return, this is each other's responsibility

A happy marriage is like an unusually good retirement pension: you put everything you have into it in your prime, and over the years it turns from silver to gold and from gold to platinum.

——British philosopher and educator John Dewey

I once heard such a fable:

There was a young man in the village who raised a sheep.Wherever the young man goes, he leads the sheep, always in front of him and the sheep behind.However, the sheep is not disgusted with the rope around its neck, and it seems willing to let the young man lead it.

One day, someone said to the young man, "I bet this sheep follows you around because you tied it with a rope, and it is definitely not willing to follow you." The button was undone, and he left the sheep and walked forward alone.The untied sheep stood there for a while at first, but when it saw the young man leaving straight away, the sheep bleated twice, and quickly caught up with the young man and followed him.

Seeing this scene, the troublemaker didn't say anything more. The people next to him all praised the sheep for its spirituality, and asked how the young man did it.The young man said: "I give it feed and water every day, and take good care of it. It is not the rope that binds the sheep, but my love for it."

The sheep's attachment to the young is from the heart, rather than passively following the owner by being tied by a rope.If a sheep is compared to a man, then it is not marriage that holds him firmly, but the sincere love from the heart of a woman.If there is love, there will be reciprocation. This is each other's responsibility.The rope can only tie the "sheep" temporarily, but if you want to tie the "sheep" forever, you need love.

(End of this chapter)

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