Smile is very alluring: the charming temperament you want most

Chapter 27 Be an Interesting Woman and Meet Your Best Self

Chapter 27 Be an Interesting Woman and Meet Your Best Self (1)
——Live with an elegant taste
Or splashing ink, or playing chess, or reciting poems and playing chess, a woman with a sense of taste is like a landscape painting with artistic conception, which can perfectly reflect the charm and softness of women.Be an interesting woman, let the boring life be full of interesting romance, and make the ordinary life lively.I believe that your body will also exude a kind of elegant charm, making you look more vibrant, more beautiful and more charming.

Regardless, read at least one book a month

Women are elves in the world, and continuous reading can make them happy, increase their intelligence, make their faces beautiful, make us find a pure land of soul, and make our demeanor shine with the light of wisdom, showing enduring charm.

— Ralph Waldo Emerson, American thinker

Maybe you are busy at work, maybe you are in a bad mood, maybe you just don't want to read, but girls, when you calm down, you will find that reading is a very happy thing.It has been said that women who study are never afraid of loneliness.Just imagine, in the dead of night, sitting alone under the desk lamp and reading a book you like, it is a little bourgeois and enriches your spiritual world. The beauty is self-evident, walking in such a colorful world How can it be lonely?
Maybe someone will say at this time, how much I loved reading when I was a girl, but after I got married, I couldn’t help it. I didn’t have time to study at all. Trivial family life and huge work pressure took up all my time and energy.

In the 20th century, women all over the world are fighting for independence. They hope to have equal educational rights and fair employment opportunities.After half a century of continuous struggle, the patriarchal society finally returned fairness to women.However, in the 21st century, women find that it is far more difficult to achieve spiritual independence than economic independence.

When God created women, God did not specially endow them with too many talents for success, and some physical indicators were even weaker than men. Because of the different division of labor in society, women often have to take care of the family after marriage. Caring for her husband, taking care of her children, and taking care of her in-laws.And reading takes time.So, is it not necessary to read in such a busy life?The answer is of course no.If you want to become a woman who radiates charm from the inside out, you cannot do without reading in your life.

However, there is another point you must not forget, that is, your original intention of learning is not to surpass anyone, or to be an academic researcher.This determines that you should apply the knowledge you have learned in real life humbly and gently, instead of treating yourself as the life mentor of your family and imposing the knowledge you have learned on everyone.Otherwise, no matter how much effort you put in, your family will not appreciate it, and even get tired of you citing classics.

Linlin is a girl who pays great attention to seeking life guidance from books. There is a thick stack of books beside her pillow.Learning is originally a good thing, but Linlin has turned learning into a kind of extreme dependence.

For the simple things in life, Linlin has to find suitable theoretical guidance in the book.Even when to get married and have children, Linlin didn't dare to decide by herself, she had to find the exact evidence in the book before she could decide.This caused Linlin's boyfriend a headache, and she had no choice but to break up, but at this time, Linlin said something that made her boyfriend give up: "It is said in the horoscope that I am a Taurus and I will have big twists and turns in love this month. Even losing the love, it seems really accurate!"

Not only did Linlin not feel sad about losing her true love, but her first reaction was to refer to books.This kind of bookism, which entrusts her soul to books, did not bring happiness to Linlin at all. On the contrary, it brought her pain that may never be erased in her life.

Extremes lead to opposites, and women must keep this in mind.How many books you have next to your pillow doesn't mean how much chance you have in married life.Happiness depends on the guidance of intuition and the efforts of wisdom.As long as you can maintain a continuous learning, independent, mature, optimistic and positive attitude towards life, your destiny will definitely not treat you badly.

Although the aura of talent and learning is not as flamboyant as beauty, it is deeper, more moving, longer and more fascinating.A talented woman, understanding, knowledgeable and reasonable, with a frown and a smile, has a thousand emotions and amorous feelings, and she can be distinguished from the endless crowd at a glance, and I can't help but be fascinated by her.

Having said that, it is necessary for us to discuss what kind of books women should read.In fact, in this regard, it should be said that there is not much difference between women and men.Regardless of whether it is literature, history, philosophy or political and military theory, read it according to your personal preference.A woman's reading does not need to have any utilitarian purpose, just because as a woman, she lives in a relatively small living space, and reading is only an effective way to explore the world and learn about books.While understanding the world, establish your own outlook on life, world outlook and values, and then live your ideal life. Therefore, the wider the scope of women's reading, the better.

Not for being arty, not for learning about the past, not for becoming famous, women study only for a kind of spiritual comfort, or even a living habit.

Sanmao once wrote: "But I feel the wind passing through the mountains, the flowers are flying all over the sky, and my heart is peaceful, clear and full." Bing Xin also said sincerely to the world: "I always feel that reading is the greatest joy in my life! "

Needless to say, the benefits of reading are that you can broaden your horizons and increase your knowledge without leaving home. Who says women have long hair but short knowledge. At critical moments, we can also make a blockbuster with our own insights.In addition, reading requires peace of mind. When you gradually form the habit of reading, you will find that there is a more demure beauty in your gestures, which is your potential knowledge cultivation.When you read a lot of books, unconsciously, your conversation becomes extraordinary, and even you can export or occasionally become a masterpiece. When you read the words flowing from your heart, you will deeply appreciate the surprise and touch.

Women should always have their own hobbies

To live in this world, a person must have something that he really likes in order to live a meaningful life.


Do you have anything else going on in your life besides family and work?Do you have any hobbies?If not, that's really too bad.Because a woman without any hobbies is like a piece of paper without color, it is difficult to attract people around, let alone gain appreciation.

Interest is the best teacher in life, and it is also a shortcut for women to cultivate their temperament. It can relax people's body and mind, stimulate a person's positive emotions, and then present a colorful and charming light.Whether you admit it or not, women with one or two hobbies live a colorful and quality life, and they will always be respected and appreciated more, and may even make a woman's life a success.

There is such a lady who was originally a disabled person with mild mental retardation due to lack of oxygen to the brain at birth.However, she has been interested in singing since she was 12 years old, and was encouraged by her mother to enter the choir.Over the decades, she has never given up on singing and has continued to pursue this hobby despite the hardships of life.

Until one day, she saw a singing competition of "Britain's Got Talent" in front of the TV.Her mother encouraged her and said: "Don't you like singing? You should belong to that stage!" So she signed up for this TV show, sang a song called "I Had a Dream", and became a hit. popular.

This 47-year-old unmarried woman is not good-looking at all and has a chubby figure, but almost everyone is moved by her heavenly singing voice and devoted expression.In just a few days, clips of her wonderful performances on the US Youtube website have received 3500 million hits, surpassing Obama's inaugural speech after he was elected president.

I believe you have guessed that the woman in the case is Susan, a country aunt from Scotland. For 35 years, her hobby of singing has supported her from a young girl to an unemployed aunt. She has gone through bitter and bitter years, and her gold finally shines, and she has won the appreciation of almost people all over the world.

Cultivate a hobby or two of your own!You will find that they are like an oasis of the soul, nourishing and comforting your soul and supporting your spiritual world when the journey of life is dry, and they can also cultivate your sentiment, cultivate your temperament, and make you an elegant person Woman, you must be charming and happy, maybe one day it will become your most proud capital.

Maybe, you will say: "Every day's work and life are so tiring, I don't even have time to relax, how can I have the energy and time to cultivate hobbies?" As everyone knows, hobbies do not conflict with work and life at all, and they It will also bring imagination and creativity to your work and life.

Weiwei is a copywriting planner for an advertising company. She has a considerate husband and a lovely daughter. People around her always say: "Weiwei, you are so energetic and energetic", "Weiwei, you have a really good life." Happiness, I really envy you." To be honest, Weiwei is also very satisfied with her life, but she knows that all these are brought about by hobbies.

Weiwei has a wide range of interests, as long as it is all beautiful things, she likes them.She has several fixed hobbies, such as painting, reading, doing yoga, listening to music, singing... Life is almost boring, and Vivi uses these hobbies to revel in her own world and enrich her life. life, and this is also the driving force of her happiness.However, life is not always "smiling" to Weiwei, unpleasant things will inevitably happen at work and at home. At this time, Weiwei will still use her own preferences to adjust herself, for example, organize a few sisters to go to KTV to sing, Relieve stress while singing loudly, and release your emotions in music.

Interests and hobbies will not only bring peace of mind to Weiwei, but also allow her to cultivate her temperament from hobbies, cultivate her mind, improve her quality of life, and discover new worlds of life. The boss's praise won her husband's love in every way.

When you are tired from work, your hobbies can relax your mind; when you encounter setbacks and boredom, it allows you to temporarily forget all your troubles and unhappiness; On the road, there is another village with dark willows and bright flowers!What's more, hobbies constitute a very important part of a woman's life - temperament, such a woman is a kind of beauty in itself, who doesn't appreciate it? !

What are your hobbies?Act quickly!If you are not clear now, it doesn't matter, just think back to which activity you have felt fulfilled, happy, happy, or even excited when you were engaged in it, that is where your interest lies.Think of it, let's start to act!

Of course, the interests and hobbies we advocate must be healthy and elegant, such as reading books extensively, playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, practicing yoga, playing chess, appreciating antiques, wine tasting, swimming, etc. are all acceptable.Writing can enrich you, music can bring you close to your soul, painting can improve your aesthetics, DIY can make you ingenious...

see that!This is the charm of hobbies, the elegance and nobility that cannot be modified by any cosmetics, you deserve it.When you have your own interests and hobbies and are able to make efforts for them, it is equivalent to mastering a "golden key" to live a beautiful life and win the appreciation of others.

Poetic Dwelling: Getting the Way in Laziness

Laziness is an emotional way of life, a compromise that is true to one's own feelings.Give yourself a chance to live a lazy life and bring instant freedom to your soul, so that life can become relaxed and full of poetry, and the feeling of happiness will come unexpectedly.


In modern society, almost every woman is busy with life and making unremitting efforts to achieve her goals. This should be worthy of recognition. After all, someone once said that "life lies in struggle".However, in the process of this struggle, it is also very important to be lazy for a while.

In nature, spring and summer are full of vitality, everything grows, singing and dancing everywhere; in autumn and winter, everything is quiet and in a dormant state.Humans are also a part of nature, so they should know how to recuperate, follow the laws of nature, and live a lazy life occasionally.

"This body is always placed in a leisure place, honors and disgraces, who can send me? This body is always in silence, right and wrong, who can hide it from me?" This sentence comes from "Cai Gen Tan" written by Hong Yingming in the early Ming Dynasty. It means that I always put my body and mind in a peaceful environment. All the glory, wealth and success or failure in the world cannot affect me. I always put my body and mind in a peaceful environment. Do not deceive me.

Every woman has a yearning for an unrestrained and ascetic life in her heart. Laziness is such an emotional way of life, and it is a compromise that is loyal to one's own feelings.Give yourself a chance to live a lazy life without too many demands, as long as your heart can slow down.

A cup of coffee, or a pile of snacks, immersed in the melodious music, flipping through magazines that have not been touched for a long time... This is a lazy mood.Live with a lazy attitude, even in the hustle and bustle of the world, you can live a very poetic and contented life.

Chen Lu is an ordinary girl. Every day, she wears high heels, holds a briefcase in one hand, and holds a mobile phone in the other. She squeezes the bus to work, takes the subway to get off work, commutes between workplaces and shopping malls, and rushes about in the hustle and bustle.However, she knows the beauty of laziness and makes life full of taste and fun.

The sweet but not greasy afternoon tea is an essential program for Chen Lu. Whether it is night or day, rainy season or sunny day, she can often be seen sitting by the window of the cafe with a cup of cappuccino and a piece of blueberry cake, and a fashion magazine.Beauty is just enough, freshness appears and disappears.

Every weekend, Chen Lu never let herself work overtime.She may invite a few close friends to taste coffee, drink tea, talk about life, keep fit, or put on T-shirts, canvas shoes, etc., alone with simple luggage, a camera, a notebook, a Go on vacation in your favorite city with your mobile phone...

Chen Lu is sometimes sad, sometimes sweet; sometimes innocent, sometimes relaxed.She does not dare to slack off at work, never lags behind, and arranges her life exquisitely, elegantly and delicately.This unhurried and self-satisfied feeling is a kind of taste, a kind of mood, and even a kind of calmness.

In the minds of ordinary people, the lazy life only belongs to the rich.In fact, that may not be the case. Laziness is actually a deep feeling in the heart, a kind of life interest, and a kind of inner taste, which has little to do with wealth.Although there is a material foundation, it is still not possible without a lazy mentality.

There is such a boss. He is the main founder of the company. When he retired, he already had assets of about 6 million yuan. They have to run to the company and instruct the employees in every detail.The boss originally had enough wealth and time at his disposal, but he didn't have the mentality to be lazy, and he made himself like clockwork all day long, only knowing to move forward blindly, even Normal rest can't be taken into account, so how can we talk about a lazy life? !
In fact, if you want to live a lazy life, it has little to do with time and money, but you must learn to give up.What you give up may be fame, wealth, status, and some sensuality, so that you can get tranquility, tranquility, comfort, family affection and family happiness, as well as the carefree and indulgent physical and mental freedom, making the whole person look more energetic Yiyi is more attractive.That being the case, why not do it? !
(End of this chapter)

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