Chapter 63 Market Operations
The work of the females on the Hope Tribe is nearing completion.

Teal was pleasantly surprised to find that he could get out of bed.Being restless on the bed, he also came to Wang Yue to help weigh the salt together.

Wang Yue only left three females to help cook and do some miscellaneous things, which can be regarded as continuing to help, and let go of all the others.

On the sixth day, Wang Yue taught Till to weigh.After that, Thiel's job was to keep weighing.

And the females in Qiushan are all busy weighing salt and sewing salt bags, and a lot of results can be seen every day.

Another ten days passed.

Till's injuries have mostly healed.

Houses have been erected inside the wall.Although most of them are still models, it makes people feel happy to look at them.

Han Yayun has come back several times, and every time he looks more sloppy than the last time, Linxi sees it in his eyes, and it hurts in his heart.

Wang Yue also lamented that it was not easy for Hanya to eat and sleep outside, and finally agreed to Till to help transport salt.

The salt sent back was quickly packed by them.

Wang Yue asked everyone to stop weighing salt and sewing salt bags, and instead asked everyone to learn to weigh.

"At that time, there will be a bag of one tael of salt for this scale. I believe that every household will have a handful sooner or later. Everyone can do it when they have time." Wang Yue said to everyone.

"This technology is unique to our Qiushan now, and we can rely on this thing to accumulate wealth in the future." Wang Yue said with a smile.

The females smiled and nodded in agreement.

"There are also straw sandals. I estimate that we will sell three pairs and a tael of salt by then. Now only the people in Qiushan can weave straw sandals."

As soon as Wang Yue said this, the females instantly felt that they hoped that the tribe was too powerful.

"Although we have shared many things with other tribes, as long as we hold the core things firmly in our hands, we will not have to worry about a bad life. Work hard, everyone, and we will relax when the market is in operation. "

"En." The females' faces were full of firmness.

Three days later, Wang Yue asked Li Lu to notify the chiefs of the major tribes that the market would start operating in ten days.

Afterwards, Wang Yue dispatched Li Lu and Ther Lu to help him plan the market.

It took a whole day to fix the ground.Then it is to build a few shacks, and place and make tables and benches.

In short, during the following period of time, Wang Yue wandered around the open market outside all day long.As soon as something comes to mind, someone is immediately arranged to deal with it.

Wang Yue took the time to ask the chiefs of the major tribes to come to Qiushan for another meeting to work out the next price level.At the same time, corresponding booths were allocated to the major tribes, and the entire planning process for the next operation was informed.

Finally, ten days passed.

In the early morning of this day, people from outside tribes came to the market along the road that everyone built earlier.

The market is divided into several areas.

There is a section for daily necessities, a section for Small Beasts, a section for Big Beasts, and a dedicated small shop selling cooked breakfasts.

Building work has come to a halt today.I hope that all members of the tribe will come to help.

According to the instructions, those who have salt brought their own salt to the shack at the gate of the Hope Tribe to weigh it and exchange it for bags of trading salt.Those who lack change also go to the shack to exchange their large bags of trading salt for small bags.Everyone soon discovered that everything in the market can be bought with trading salt.

Wang Yue and Linxi were very busy in the shack, and a big basket of one or two salts soon bottomed out.Hurry up and ask Till to pick up a load or two of salt for emergency.At this rate, Wang Yue was worried that the two thousand bags he made earlier might not be enough.

Shana and Madam Chief set up a breakfast restaurant, and there was an endless stream of people coming to eat.

Therru sold most of the straw sandals left over from the previous tribe, and there were many customers.

The orcs in the outer tribes sold their prey to get the trade salt, and then used the trade salt to buy what they needed back.Some people were reluctant to spend the transaction salt, so they returned home with transaction salt empty-handed.

The females also came to sell some of the wild vegetables they picked, and also earned trading salt, and they were all overjoyed.

Everyone is very satisfied with this novel way of trading.

Wang Yue informed at the shack that the market is open every day.Anyone who wants to trade can come here.Those who want to do business and build shacks can stay there all the time as long as they pay a monthly fee.

At the same time, Wang Yue released the recruitment demand, and soon recruited two street cleaners at the price of two catties of salt a month, and started to work on the same day.The three females who had stayed in the tribe to help brought lunch to everyone, and everyone was busy and happy.

The operation of the market is simpler and smoother than Wang Yue imagined.

In the evening, the people of the Hope tribe eat together.

Linxi happily took out a basket of trading salt.

"Grandma and Madam Chief earned a full ten catties of trading salt today!" Shana and Madam Chief's small shop sells food.Three flatbreads and one tael of barbecue are priced at one tael of salt.A lot of people came to eat today, and two females accidentally sold so much trading salt.Counting the cost of materials, this profit should be worth at least five catties of trading salt.

Therru also brought out a basket of trade salt.

"It should be more than ten catties here." The price of straw sandals is three pairs and one tael of salt. There were a lot of straw sandals woven in the tribe before. If he didn't keep some of them, it is estimated that all of them would be robbed.

He also met his brother Se'an during the stall this time.The whole family looked at him with envy.

Wang Yue smiled and nodded.

"Everyone has worked hard. The market is right in front of our house. In the future, it will be easier for everyone to earn some trading salt." Wang Yue said with a smile: "When the house is built, everyone will divide the family. Take care of each other, but you can live better."

With the market, the popularity of private ownership will be very fast.

All of a sudden everyone was dumbfounded.

"We don't want to separate!" Li Lu said unhappily to Wang Yue.He never thought that words like family separation would come out of Wang Yue's mouth.

Till looked at Lilu with displeasure, did he speak so aggressively because he wanted to make a fuss?

Wang Yue took Latil's hand, "Although each has their own house, everyone is still a tribe and a family. Sooner or later, everyone will get married and have their own closest family. At that time, so many people will be crowded in There will be a lot of contradictions together.”

For a while the orcs were silent.Wyatt is right, she always thinks ahead of them.

"Now there is a market and trading salt. In the future, the living conditions of each household will get better and better. The public ownership of the major tribes will gradually disappear, and the concept of family will be strengthened." Wang Yue said with a smile: "When we arrive Maybe the concept of tribe will disappear later, just like the south, it will be divided according to the region and become a city."

(End of this chapter)

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