Chapter 26
Although Yinzhen has a young skin, he is essentially a person with complicated experiences!When he was alive in his previous life, for the first half of his life, for the throne and the second half for the stability of the world, he had many women, but they were all a means of balance, and he never cared about them!
After his death, he saw a lot, especially after he was able to float out after the Forbidden City was breached, he saw a lot of love between men and women!

At that time, because he had something on his mind, he didn't take it seriously, but Yinzhen learned a lot invisibly, at least he knew how to boil a frog in warm water!

Yinzhen himself was already subconsciously boiling frogs in warm water when he didn't realize that he was tempted, plus his own experience, knowledge of conversation, and connivance and understanding of Yunrong!

Although Yunrong is loved by Fu Cha's family, but in a strange dynasty, the concept is different, and she has a loneliness in her heart that she doesn't even know!

Yinzhen is willing to understand and is a very attractive person, so it is impossible for Yunrong not to be touched in her heart!But she was insensitive, so she didn't notice it!
In addition, she has always given herself psychological hints, she regards Yinzhen as a person younger than herself in her heart, and she has never thought of falling in love with a man with a harem!

so!If Yinzhen wants to embrace the beauty, he has a long way to go!As for Yunrong's stubborn thoughts, some of them are worn out!
Yinzhen ate a lot of food with Yunrong, although he didn't want to leave, but he knew that it might not be a good thing for Yunrong if he stayed, even though he was very reluctant to leave!

After Yinzhen heard about it, the queen came out and became restless again!
Yunrong has every reason to suspect that Yinzhen came to her just to eat, and before she left, she ordered her small kitchen to make some, and he took it away!
Yinzhen also didn't go back to Qianqing Palace, but went to Compassionate Ning Palace, where he asked someone to give the Empress Dowager a piece of food that he "shun" from Yongshou Palace!I personally went to the Empress Dowager's place and sent her there!
Empress Dowager: "The emperor is here, sit down!"

Yinzhen: "Thank you, Empress Mama!"

The Empress Dowager asked, "How did this hour come?"

Yinzhen: "The grandson got some fresh food, and the grandson thought it was good, so he thought about Huang Mama and Huang'er Niang, where the Huang Er Niang, the grandson sent someone to give a copy, the Huang Mama's, grandson Of course, I will send it over in person!"

The Empress Dowager really doesn't have a good appetite recently, and she feels that he has a heart. She has lived a vigorous life, lived a life of hardship, and was always fawned upon by others. She hasn't eaten any good things, and the rare thing is her grandson's filial piety!
The Empress Dowager smiled and said, "You have a heart!"

Yinzhen ordered people to put things on the table, and Yinzhen specially selected a few foods that are not easy to keep warm, and now they are just right for the entrance!

Yinzhen introduced to the Empress Dowager one by one what all these things were!
The Empress Dowager's teeth are not very good. The bread is soft and delicious. Yunrong doesn't like sweetness very much, and it won't feel greasy in the mouth!The empress dowager ate something fresh, and there were a lot of mouths!
The Empress Dowager said after eating: "It's hard to bother you!"

Yinzhen explained: "The grandson did let the imperial dining room serve the imperial mama's breakfast, but there is no result yet!"

The Empress Dowager is very strange, didn't her grandson ask someone to do it?So whose idea is this?
The Empress Dowager: "Then this is...?"

Yinzhen: "Grandson is not afraid that Concubine Xian will be unreliable, so I sent people to watch Yongshou Palace. Concubine Xian is a sloppy mind, and she got a few miscellaneous books, two of which are about Western food. Concubine Xian can't stay idle. People have made tools and stared at the dining room, so there is all this food!"

The Empress Dowager didn't expect it: "She knows how to eat! Since that's the case, there are a few things she can use here at Ai's house, and someone will send them to her later!"

Yinzhen: "Concubine Xian is a good one who can make the Queen Mother happy!"

Then he immediately said: "Liang Jiugong, go to my storeroom and pick out a few things to deliver to Concubine Xian!"

Liang Jiugong: "Slave, let's go!"

The empress dowager ordered the things to be taken down, and then waved all the servants in the room to go out!

The empress dowager mainly wants to care about her grandson's health!

The Empress Dowager: "Where did the imperial doctor say that?"

Yinzhen's face was a little lonely: "The imperial doctor said that the grandson is recovering, and the emperor's mama is worried!"

The empress dowager sighed!

After coming out of the Palace of the Empress Dowager, Yinzhen went straight back to Qianqing Palace, and then sent a few cooks to Yongshou Palace to let them learn how to use the oven!
The actions of the emperor and the empress dowager in the palace were not hidden from others. All the masters and young masters that day knew that Yunrong had been rewarded by the emperor and the empress dowager successively, even ah!There are also rumors that the emperor was afraid that the food in Yongshou Palace would not be good, so he sent some cooks!
The queen was very displeased when she heard about it, and said in a deep voice: "Wufu, you go to find out what is going on with Yongshou Palace? I don't look like an honest man in this palace, but I actually coaxed the emperor and the empress dowager to reward her. Very big!"

Wufu: "Yes!"

Niu Gulu was quite happy when he found out about it, and said, "I guess the queen will have a hard time!"

Concubine Hui and Concubine Rong were quite complicated, a little envious, a little jealous!

Within two days, the queen found out the whole story. It turned out that the concubine Xian made a thing called an oven. The emperor and the empress dowager gave it a reward after eating something fresh!

Empress: "What an opportunist! Go to your Yongshou Palace and invite our ingenious concubine to come over!"


Yunrong was very unhappy when she got the order from the queen, she didn't like the queen so naturally she was not happy to see her!
Yunrong can only go with the queen's maid!
Yunrong just left Yongshou Palace, and the fast-legged servants of Yongshou Palace went to Qianqing Palace. Before Yunrong arrived at Jingren Palace, Yinzhen knew it!

After knowing it, he said to Liang Jiugong: "I haven't been to the queen's place for a long time, let's go and see now!"

This is because Yunrong is afraid that Yunrong will be wronged by the queen!

The queen doesn't know that the emperor is coming soon, and now she is embarrassing Yunrong!
The queen herself looks like Ama, more than dignified but not feminine, she is jealous of good-looking women!Especially for a woman like Yunrong who can be favored by the emperor, it goes without saying!
The queen wished to scratch Yun Rong's face that hooked on the emperor!Still smiling, he said to Yunrong: "I heard that concubine Xian's sister got a new gadget in the small kitchen in the palace?"

Yunrong thought in her heart: "Go back to the empress, the concubine is just a little greedy, and the empress laughed!"

The Queen: "How can you be a joke! I have heard that the Empress Mama has a very good appetite recently because of the good idea of ​​the concubine Xian! Sister, don't be too self-effacing!"

Yun Rong: "It's the method I read from the book. It can make the Empress Dowager like it. This is the duty of a concubine!"

The Empress suddenly said: "Yes, isn't it just your duty? Sister Concubine Xian must remember her duty firmly in the future! Since even the Emperor Mama and the Emperor are so respectful, I will send someone to go to my sister Let me study in the palace, so that I can do my filial piety!"

The queen wants to send someone into the Yongshou Palace!It's hard to say how long it takes to send people to study. If they can't learn, the queen's Yun Rong can't catch up!
Yunrong smiled and said: "The Empress Dowager is really filial to the Empress Dowager, but there are already many people who have learned from the concubine! The emperor has sent many people there, and the concubine has limited manpower. I am afraid that the concubine will be neglected. people!"

Yun Rong is refusing again!
How can the queen be so easy to dismiss: "I and the emperor are married together. Since the emperor is filial to the emperor's mama, it is not easy for me to compete with the emperor! I also want to taste the fresh food in my sister's palace. You go At that time, I will send two people to go back with you, I am not in a hurry! My sister will teach you slowly!"

(End of this chapter)

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