Clear Wear and Lie to Win

Chapter 61 Mr. Kai Meng

Chapter 61 Mr. Kai Meng

The effect of using Wu's bookkeeping method is indeed remarkable.

Seeing this, Yinzhen chose another group of accountants to teach Wu Yiming, and this batch of accountants Yinzhen planned to set up a speed-up class for bookkeeping and let them act as teachers. Wu's accounting method was written down, and Yinzhen planned to print and distribute it as a book for sale.

At the same time, Yinzhen selected a few people who were not pedantic from the Imperial Academy and sent them to Wu Yiming. Yinzhen didn't intend to let them learn how to do accounts, he planned to promote Arabic numerals.

Officials from the Hanlin Academy, among other things, are very passionate about compiling books. They got the emperor's order to study, and they didn't have any opinion on Wu Yiming being a woman, so they studied hard.

Arabic numerals are not difficult to learn, Yinzhen also intends to take advantage of the trend to promote basic persuasion, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, as well as multiplication formulas and the like...

The officials of the Hanlin Academy got the emperor's order, and Wu Yiming was also happy to teach in order to be able to study hard.

At the end of the 18th year of Kangxi, all members of the Hanlin Academy passed the assessment and graduated from Wu Yiming and returned to the Imperial Academy.

Yinzhen: "How do you feel?"

As the leader of the last imperial examination, Lin Jinze took the lead this time and said: "Back to the emperor, the servants and others have learned a lot, and arithmetic is complicated and difficult to understand. It is so easy to understand, which is the blessing of the Qing Dynasty."

This Lin Jinze is Yinzhen's pro-Tanhua Lang after he took office. He is young and promising, and his articles are a bit plain and unpretentious. According to Yinzhen's old man Kangxi's aesthetics, he would naturally not like it, but Yinzhen likes him very much. Eighty of them were Tanhualang at the time of the palace examination, and they were retained in the Imperial Academy.

A few years have passed, Lin Jinze has become an official lecturer of the Imperial Academy, Yinzhen sees that he has almost trained, he is serious and down-to-earth, and entrusting him with writing books, Yinzhen is also relieved.

After Lin Jinze's words fell, the rest of the people also echoed: "Lin Shi's words are reasonable, and the slaves and others have learned a lot and benefited a lot."

Yinzhen heard a lot from them, and saw that they accepted it well, so he said: "In the future, I will include the new mathematics into the scope of the imperial examination, and the new mathematics books will be troublesome to the ministers."

Lin Jinze and his group heard Yinzhen say that the new mathematics should be included in the imperial examinations, and they couldn't calm down now. It's okay to write books. It's not difficult to write books after entering the Imperial Academy, but if the books you write become scientific examinations The content, this is a book that can be studied and read by the world, and it is also possible to say that it is famous in history.

How could they be calm.

Yinzhen didn't care about the turmoil in their hearts, he dispatched them after he finished his orders.

Lin Jinze and his group left Qianqing Palace, and they didn't plan to separate, and they said with Lin Jinze and his colleagues from the Imperial Academy: "Brother Lin, it's still early, I heard that my sister-in-law got a new good cook, I don't know if we will be so lucky?"

Lin Jinze knew what they meant, and just as he needed to discuss with them in detail, he said, "I know that you don't dislike it, so I will welcome you naturally."

Then the group went to Lin Jinze's home.

As for whether the Lin family's food is really delicious, no one cares.

Yinzhen gave them one year to write books. The 19th year of Kangxi is the year of the triennial scientific examination. Now it is the end of the 18th year of Kangxi. One year later, the new mathematics books will be promoted at the end of the 19th year of Kangxi. It will take three years Students who are talented enough to learn modern primary school knowledge thoroughly can take the exam in the 22nd year of Kangxi.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has opened a new batch of accountants, using Wu's bookkeeping method, which greatly speeds up the work of the accountant, and at the same time makes the tedious work of the accountant easier.

There are fewer accountants than before, but the efficiency has increased.

Naturally, some people would appreciate this method. Wu's accounting method bills are very clear, and rewards to a certain extent can also avoid some fraudulent accounting phenomena.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs was already involved in a lot, and the relationship was still complicated after a while. Wu's bookkeeping method spread quickly.

Those who can be officials are not stupid, so they naturally understand the value of Wu's bookkeeping method, but they can't let the accountants of the Ministry of Internal Affairs stop doing things and teach the accountants in their government!
At this time, a book on Wu's accounting method appeared, and a fast-track accountancy class quietly appeared in the capital.

At the end of the 18th year of Kangxi, Wu's bookkeeping method became a hot topic in the capital, and it became a topic that everyone was talking about.

No matter how useful Wu's bookkeeping method is, it can't beat the excitement of the Chinese New Year. The popularity of Wu's bookkeeping method has gone down in the first half of the month, and everyone is busy working on how to celebrate the New Year.

This year's New Year's Palace is as grand as ever, and because the road construction didn't use much money from the private treasury, Yinzhen's private treasury is quite sufficient.

In the 19th year of Kangxi, Boboxu was three years old. Yinzhen began to select masters for Bobo after the Chinese New Year. As for the official enlightenment, Yinzhen planned to wait after Bobo's birthday.

Yinzhen attaches great importance to his son's education, and because Bobo is now an only son, his temper needs to be sharpened in everything, and the ordinary master Yinzhen feels that it is not suitable.

After some deliberation, Yinzhen finally settled on the Hanchen Zhang Ying.

Yinzhen still has a deep impression of Zhang Ying. He is a confidant of Lao Tzu Kangxi, and he also testified and read the imperial decree of his succession. In his previous life, he reused his son Zhang Tingyu during his reign.

The most important thing is that Zhang Ying not only knows well, but also has a way of teaching people.

The eldest son died young, but his upbringing was not enough when he was alive, let alone Zhang Tingyu, a person he valued, the younger son can be said to be accomplished, not a mediocre person.

And the most important point is that when Yinzhen was still the elder brother in his previous life, he took Zhang Ying's class, which is indeed feasible.

Yinzhen called Zhang Ying into the Qianqing Palace.

Zhang Ying couldn't figure out what the emperor wanted him to do, and after he finished the ceremony, the emperor gave him his seat.

Yinzhen said: "Meng Dun's youngest son is six years old this year too! Has he been enlightened?"

Zhang Ying really couldn't figure out how the topic came up here, he thought that the emperor asked him to come here today to discuss government affairs, so why did he open his mouth as if he was talking about family matters.

Zhang Ying hasn't thought about Bobo yet, after all Xu Sui is only three years old.

Zhang Ying said respectfully: "Thank you for the emperor's reminder. The slave's youngest son was supposed to be enlightened last year. Ting Lu's child was greedy for water last summer and accidentally fell into the river. Although the servant who served him was rescued in time, the child is weak. , I have been ill for a while, and I am taking good care of her, my servant plans to enlighten Ting Lu this year."

Of course Yinzhen knew about this, he had already sent someone to investigate.

Yinzhen: "That's it! My son is also three years old. He is young and active. I heard that Meng Dun personally enlightened his son with a kind father's heart. I am very moved. I can't spare time on weekdays." Otherwise, I would also like to enlighten my son myself."

Zhang Ying almost knew what Yinzhen meant when he heard this. To be honest, this is indeed a good job. It is a kindness to enlighten the emperor's only son, but Zhang Ying refused in his heart.

But he had no choice, since the emperor wanted it, he had to show a willingness.

Zhang Ying: "The emperor manages a lot of things every day, and this kind of heart is enough. I think my little elder brother will be grateful for the emperor's kind father."

Yinzhen smiled and said: "Meng Dun is auspicious. I heard that your eldest son and second son are outstanding in literature and talent. It can be seen that Meng Dun is very attentive in teaching. I want Meng Dun to be the prince's teacher. What does Meng Dun think?" ?”

Zhang Ying: Not really, but I really can't refuse.

Zhang Ying got up: "It's my slave's luck to be able to teach the prince elder brother, and this slave will definitely fulfill his mission."

(End of this chapter)

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