King of Liao at the end of Han Dynasty

Chapter 928: King Liao's Journey Begins

Chapter 928: King Liao's Journey Begins

At the end of June of the fourth year of Chengye, Bing Yuan died of illness in Beiping City. Li Lin went to mourn, buried Bing Yuan, and returned to Luoyang.

In order to relieve the drought and the hungry people, Li Lin had no choice but to extend his hand to Jingzhou, which had become the world's granary. It was impossible to attack, so he had to exchange grain and grass with Liu Biao in Wancheng, and secretly colluded with Cai Mao and Kuai Yue. In the end, the food exchanged was enough. The hungry people under Li Lin passed this year safely, and with food in their hands, Li Lin did not blindly distribute food to appease the hungry people. The drought that occurred this year awakened Li Lin, and suddenly thought of a very useful thing to solve the drought. canal!
With the canal, the north-south dredging can not help but facilitate the transportation of grain and grass from the north to the south, and it can also be more conducive to irrigation and dredge the water systems of various roads. Therefore, Li Lin had to mobilize the hungry people to supply food by himself, but the hungry people must become laborers. They dug the canal by themselves, and even they dug the canal by themselves. Although such a proposal immediately received a lot of complaints and even ridicule, the history in Li Lin's brain has already verified the role of the canal, but Li Lin also knows that digging the canal harm, so we can't let the people suffer too much, so we have to do it little by little...

After five years in business, Li Lin's series of policies finally paid off, and Li Lin, who controlled northern China and most of the Han world, also ushered in the pinnacle of power, because Li Lin became the number one in this troubled time at the end of Han Dynasty. This must be a king with the surname Liu!
If Li Lin were to become king, the biggest resistance would be his own internal contradictions other than the public opinion in the world. It turned out that the top of these contradictions were the old officials of the big man headed by Bing Yuan. Loyal and loyal, but they also have a dream of revitalizing the big man in their hearts. Although Li Lin is powerful, he is not a tyrant, and he has no way to fight these civil servants to the end. But now, Bing Yuan is dead, and Li Lin is the biggest king. The resistance has been lost, and when a person is at the peak, everyone will think about going one step further. Although Li Lin doesn't want to usurp the Han and stand on his own, but he has become a prince, why not become king!
In August of the fifth year of Chengye, Li Lin became the King of Liao in Beiping, Youzhou. From crossing the road to the present, it was an idea, and when traveling to the troubled times at the end of the Han Dynasty, Li Lin happened to be, 18 years, another 18 years, Li Lin has changed from a descendant of a down-and-out official to the King of Liao who now controls half of the world. In 18 years, there have been earth-shaking changes, but who can see Li Lin's true face?No one, and those who can see through it are not human at all. When he held that piece of Liao King's seal in his hand, it also opened his road to conquer the Great Han and Liao Kings...

Li Lin's becoming king has a great impact on the world, but there is still one person, the person Li Lin fears the most. He is currently calculating Li Lin's next step. Of course, he has already thought of Li Lin's next step. , it must be Jingzhou, this person is Zhuge Liang, and he is also the person I have to talk about at the end of this book...

Since ancient times, the emperor's approach to troubled times has been "putting down the chaos first, and then governing the world!" If the root cause of the troubled times is not removed, how to calm down the troubled times will only make the chaos worse. Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, and even Dong Zhuo and others have no one I don't think so, even Li Lin from later generations thinks so. After all, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, and when it is broken, it is broken!But among these, there is one person who cannot agree with this idea, and that is Zhuge Liang.

I have to say that Zhuge Liang's concept is perfect.Why is it perfect? ​​Zhuge Liang believes that whether it is long-term pain or short-term pain, it is understandable that it is pain!If it is under the banner of calming the world, it will conquer the Quartet.Dominating the world may indeed calm down this troubled world and benefit future generations, so what about the people born at this time?Became a victim of iron cavalry in the pacification of troubled times?

For example, since the Yellow Turban Disaster, there have been frequent wars in various parts of the Han Dynasty. There are millions of soldiers and horses at war, and the number of casualties is as many as one million. These soldiers have become victims of history, and I am afraid that they cannot even be named. To stay, there is at most one sentence recorded in history, in a certain year, whoever fought with that, with hundreds of thousands of casualties, then whoever wins, that's all!Not to mention the poor people who died in these wars.

Compared with Li Lin's philosophy, which is close to Legalists and military strategists, Zhuge Liang's philosophy is that "govern the world first, and then quell chaos!" .The purpose of "the unjust are few to help".Although Zhuge Liang's idea is perfect, it is actually not so feasible, at least, it is not so feasible in this era of the jungle.Zhuge Liang may also understand this, so he said that he is also a stupid person!
Zhuge Liang is cautious in doing things, and always leaves a way out, which is almost exhaustive. For a small matter, he has to repeatedly calculate dozens of times, and strive to achieve the greatest victory with the least loss. In Li Lin's words, Zhuge Liang is too devoted to perfection in doing things, but everyone understands that there is no so-called perfect good thing in the world. Calming chaos and governing the world are originally conflicts.To pacify the troubled times, sacrifices are inevitable. Even Li Lin, who didn't know how to use troops at the beginning, understood that it was the only thing Li Lin could do to improve the treatment of soldiers and military members. At the beginning, I also hoped that the soldiers would be loyal to me, and cherish the soldiers under my command, not to mention the relatives of the soldiers.

And what Li Lin understands, Zhuge Liang will not fail to understand, but he chose this road. When the Yellow Turban broke out and spread to the whole world, Zhuge Liang moved with his tribe from Langya, Xuzhou to Xiangyang, Jingzhou. Along the way, he saw many tragedies. Some thieves took advantage of the situation to coerce the people into riots, and were finally wiped out by the officers and soldiers together with the people. There were also natural and man-made disasters in successive years, and the people ran out of food and food, and their sons ate each other. The peace gained in exchange will not be too long, only enlightenment, awakening the world, and holding high the imperial flag.Soldiers of righteousness, teachers of kingly ways, conquer disobedient ministers, eradicate treacherous rebels, clear the side of the emperor, and order the troubled times!
Zhuge Liang is a solid supporter of the Han Dynasty, who believes that eating the king's salary and worrying about the king is the foundation of being a human being!Dong Zhuo, Yuan Shao, Cao Cao and others are all traitors in Zhuge Liang's heart!Even Liu Biao, the Liu Biao who had a close relationship with Zhuge Liang, Zhuge Liang didn't take this person seriously. He was always looking for a famous gentleman worthy of his own help!
At this time, Liu Bei appeared... First of all, Liu Bei is a descendant of the royal family and has the name of the emperor's uncle; secondly, Liu Bei saved Xuzhou in the past.What is thankless in the eyes of outsiders is not the case in Zhuge Liang's eyes.As Zhuge Liang said, Liu Bei is also a stupid person. Earlier, in order to save Xuzhou and Cao Cao from fighting against each other, he only led thousands of soldiers to help him. Now, Liu Bei can't bear to seize the same clan's foundation, and he wants to fight against the powerful Li Lin alone. In the eyes of others, revitalizing the great man is extremely stupid and pedantic, but in Zhuge Liang's view, it is not only benevolence and righteousness!And it is great benevolence and righteousness!

What is great benevolence and righteousness?When you meet a person who is about to starve to death, you hand over a steamed bun and call it benevolence?Is it Da Renyi?Hey!Only when you yourself are about to starve to death, and you meet a person who starved me to death, and hand over the only steamed bun in your hand, this is called benevolence and righteousness!This is called great benevolence and righteousness!
Is Li Lin Renyi?So many people support Li Lin, so many soldiers, civil servants, and scholars are loyal to Li Lin, and the common people love Li Lin and are willing to follow Li Lin. However, in Zhuge Liang's view, Li Lin's benevolence and righteousness are only small benevolence and righteousness. Forget it, it's not worth mentioning, the only one who can enter Zhuge Liang's eyes now is Liu Bei!This kind of great benevolence and righteousness that is almost stupid and pedantic, but hidden in mystery, is only Liu Bei. Although benevolence and righteousness are close to hypocrisy, this is the feeling Zhuge Liang needs, the stupidity he needs, so Zhuge Liang called him stupid because he thought he was too. A fool.Because he wants to find a road that can calm the troubled times with less bloodshed, or even no bloodshed, and convince people with virtue!

Similar to many talented people, the fledgling Zhuge Liang thinks too ideally, but this does not mean that he is naive, on the contrary, he understands it very well.To pacify the troubled times, there will inevitably be sacrifices. Since he chose this path, it means that he has realized that there is a world of difference between doing and not doing it!Perhaps the cruel reality in the future will make Zhuge Liang hit a wall, but right now, he really thinks so, so Zhuge Liang chose Liu Bei!
Looking at Zhuge Liang's use of troops, it can be seen that Zhuge Liang respected the king and valued the Han family, and paid attention to being famous as a teacher and putting righteousness first. If you talk about Li Lin, he only wants to calm the chaos and rule the world as soon as possible, and get rid of personal emotions. Similarly, because he only wants a peaceful and stable life, it is precisely because no one can achieve the life Li Lin wants, and there are even some people who want to ruin the life Li Lin is already close to, so Li Lin stood up and was willing to calm down. The world is not obsessed with power, not like the feeling of being in control, but for the stable life of oneself, and even the stable life of the world.

But Zhuge Liang was different. He hoped that the troubled times would be settled by the descendants of the royal family.In the vast world, Liu Bei is probably the only one who agrees with Zhuge Liang's many demands...

But what Zhuge Liang didn't expect was that the opportunity to confront Li Lin would come so soon...

In April of the sixth year of Chengye, Li Lin made a report in Jingzhou. Liu Biao died of illness and there was a great funeral in Jingzhou. When Li Lin knew about it, he laughed and shouted: "God help me!" As the deputy, Xu Shu was the general of the army, and sent troops to Wancheng, Nanyang!The centuries-long struggle for hegemony among the Three Kingdoms in history has gradually kicked off, and the journey of Li Lin, king of Liao, has finally begun...

(End of this chapter)

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