Huang Ting Xiandao

Chapter 4 4. Obtain the secret technique, fight and chase the soul in Jiangjia Town

Chapter 4 4. Obtain the secret technique, fight and chase the soul in Jiangjia Town
He didn't pay attention to the Hujia Village that Mo Xian left in the dark. When he walked out of the border of Hujia Village, everything behind him was blurred. The whole Hujia Village disappeared without a trace, as if it didn't exist in the world at all.

Mo Xian didn't look back, he didn't know all this, in the night, he walked farther and farther.

In the room, Lu Yi quietly appeared, watching him leave, it's okay, he just left like this, for Lu Ru, it was just the best result.

She thought of Huiming, he must be eight or nine years old, but where is he?His sect doesn't allow him to have any contact with a demon girl at all, besides, does he remember that there is a witch who hurt him?
It was already dawn, and Mo Xian had already turned around two hills, and he could not see the valley where Hu's village was located for a long time. The mountains stretched out in front of him, and he was tired after walking for most of the night.

He saw a stone under a big tree, which was very clean. Looking around, he found that the trees were not dense, so he closed his eyes and rested on the stone, and fell asleep after a while. Although he was in the dreamland, he was still vigilant.

An hour passed, and in the haze, Mo Xian seemed to hear something. His eyelids moved, but he didn't open his eyes, but he had already woken up. Based on his hearing and feeling, he knew that someone was coming.

The person who came was staggering, he was injured, and the injury was very serious, and his breathing was heavy. Who is he?

The visitor also found Mo Xian, first he was startled, looked suspiciously, and then was ecstatic, God helped me, I fought with others, got seriously injured, my foundation was shaken, I couldn't hold on to the place where there were people, and the sky never stopped me.

He was refreshed, and his steps towards Mo Xian suddenly accelerated, Mo Xian suddenly felt a chill approaching him, and his heart shivered, but he is a killer, and he has been living in intrigue ever since he remembered, and he never dared to relax for a moment , although his right hand is tucked in his sleeve, he has quietly grasped the dagger.

But Mo Xian did not expect that the opponent did not rush forward, but stopped suddenly at a distance of four or five feet.

"Borrow your soul, call your soul, I give the order now, and the spirit will come and go, and I will obey the order of the Lord of the Nine Phantoms!" The curse sounded, and Mo Xian suddenly opened his eyes, and saw that the other party was holding a small banner covered with ghosts. Talisman seals, strips of black air stretched out towards Mo Xian.

At the same time as Mo Xian opened his eyes, his body was straightened up, the dagger in his right hand flashed like the sun, and a murderous aura rushed out.

Hei Qi was charged with murderous aura, and there was an instant pause. The time was extremely short, but it was enough. A few feet away, Mo Xian's short sword had already pierced the opponent's throat.

Although Mo Xian felt a momentary sense of powerlessness and stagnation when his arm passed through the black smoke, in the end it was the person who fell down powerlessly, with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

Mo Xian felt the other party's malice, and he didn't care what the other party did to him. As long as the other party threatened Mo Xian, or even suspected him, Mo Xian would strike without hesitation and kill everything in the bud. Mo Xian has trained as a killer for more than ten years, and this has become instinctive.

After Mo Xian killed the other party, his body felt exhausted for a while, and he felt unbelievable that his body would be so weak?He didn't know, if it was because of his decisiveness, coupled with the fact that the enemy's level was not high, and he was seriously injured, Mo Xian would explain it here today.

Only then did Mo Xian look at the corpse on the ground. This was a Taoist, but there were several wounds on his body, one of which was two feet long under the ribs, and the muscles were turned outwards. The bleeding had stopped, but the wound was obviously black.

Seeing this kind of wound, even though Mo Xian was used to seeing life and death, he gasped. How did he get here?
Mo Xian searched carefully, and in a cloth bag on his body, there were four books, a short sword, some talisman seals, a small jade bottle, and some silver taels.

Mo Xian also picked up the small flag in his hand, it didn't look like anything special, but Mo Xian knew that the small flag was filled with black air just now.

Seeing that there was nothing there, Mo Xian simply buried the body, and left the place, he was not in a hurry to read the book, the book was already his, as if the two were about martial arts, and the two should be scriptures.

Mo Xian walked for dozens of miles before starting a fire on the side of the road. He killed a rabbit and roasted it on the fire. He began to read the book in his hand. One was "Huang Ting Jing". It was all seven-character poems, he read it, and couldn't understand many parts, it seemed to describe the gods of the human body, eyes and liver gods, etc. He frowned and put the book away, knowing that it was probably a Taoist book. Scripture.

On the cover of another book is "Muni's Three Pan Sutra", the content is even more inexplicable, there are prescriptions and spells, but there are many terms of cultivation in it, such as three channels and seven chakras. There are several good ones, which can replenish vitality and strengthen the body, such as tiger bone marrow refining ointment, Jiuhua Rongwei pill and so on.

Do you know if these ointments and pills can prolong your life?I have lost the source of my life, so there is no harm in trying, Mo Xian thought.

The third book is a book of boxing. For Mo Xian, it just suits his needs. This is a secret biography of Xingyi Liuhequan, the inner fractal Xingyi Wuxingquan and Xingyi twelve forms. Unity, mind and Qi, Qi and strength, shoulders and hips, elbows and knees, hands and feet.

At first glance, the boxing method is extremely simple, straight forward and straight, and you can taste it carefully, but the more you look at it, the more interesting it becomes. It can be said that Mo Xian has a very deep understanding of martial arts. Although he pursues one-hit kills, the sun sword he practiced is an extremely fast and fierce swordsmanship , but hurt others and self, at the cost of life potential, but Xingyiquan is very simple, but it has both health preservation and actual combat effects.

Mo Xian's heart moved, and he secretly decided not to practice the Sun Sword, but to practice Xingyi. Although he didn't care about life, it was because of his helplessness. If he had the chance, he still hoped to live longer. The beautiful figure of a woman is Luru.

He looked at it seriously, and the rabbit was burnt, but he didn't notice it. After a while, he looked at the rabbit meat in his hand with a wry smile, and gnawed it half burnt and half mushy.

The last book is a book of swordsmanship, "Sword of the Ape Lord", which is very ancient and simple, and its moves are divided into five styles: drawing sword style, fencing style, thrusting sword style, grid sword style and washing sword style. It looks simple, but the variety is endless.

Mo Xian felt very strange. It seemed that the Taoist was not strong in martial arts, and he couldn't block his own sword. Didn't he learn these two sets of kung fu?

Mo Xian didn't know that the "Muni's Three Pan Sutra" that he didn't quite understand was cultivated by the Taoist. If the Taoist himself had not been seriously injured, Mo Xian would have been injured by him long ago. These two martial arts books are just Taoists get it occasionally, and don't take it seriously at all.

Mo Xian put aside the doubts in his heart, stood up, and practiced according to the two books.

He narrowly escaped death this time, Yan Luodian thought he was dead, but he would not let Yan Luodian go, now he is in the dark, and Yan Luodian is in the light, he is not a gentleman, he must take revenge, anyway, his lifespan is only ten years , Even death will turn the Hall of Yama upside down.

A month later, in Jiangjia Town, a town located in the northwest of Luoyi, there was an academy, Jiangjia Academy, not a well-known academy, but in Jiangjia Town, it was the largest academy, with seven masters, among them The youngest is Jiang Hao, who is suave and suave. He often holds a fan in his hand and draws pictures of ladies.

He usually looks outstanding, but he is easy to respect and respectful. His students respect him as Jiang Shanzhang. Originally, the word Shanzhang belonged to the dean of the academy. However, in recent years, some outstanding masters in the academy have also been called Shanzhang. Hao is called the head of the mountain, which shows his status in the minds of the students.

Tomorrow is another fine weather. Jiang Hao looked at the sky full of sunset glow, waved his fan, and a smile appeared on his lips.

He strolled on the hill behind the academy. The students had already finished school. He didn't find it funny to see all the people in the town below the mountain busy all day, only some vendors were closing their stalls.

What a group of ignorant ants, busy, not knowing that everything in the world is not what they imagined.

Suddenly, his body froze, his hands tightened unconsciously, and his whole body immediately tensed up.

"Hunting ghost, you are still the same." A voice sounded faintly.

Jiang Hao, the ghost chasing ghost, heard the voice very familiar, but couldn't remember who it was. He turned his head slowly, and there was no flaw in his breath, but when he turned his head and saw Mo Xian, his eyes suddenly enlarged, and then he smiled: " Explosive ghost, you are so fateful, since you escaped with your life, you should hide your name, I never thought you would dare to show up!"

Before the words were finished, the fan in his hand unfolded with a bang, and the pink skull changed into yin and yang. This is the unique skill of chasing ghosts. When the fan blows, the lady on the fan suddenly turns into a skeleton. The trees around him seemed to be on fire, and the leaves fell one after another, flying all over the sky, and rushed towards Mo Xian with an irresistible momentum.

Mo Xian also moved, majestically, with a low growl, like a tiger howling deep in the mountains. In Jiang Hao's eyes, Mo Xian turned into a big tiger. The surrounding wind and clouds were moving, and he seemed to smell the fishy smell in the wind.

The tiger shape of the twelve forms of Xingyi goes straight to and fro, but it is irresistible.

Jiang Hao was taken aback, his body backed involuntarily, in fact, Mo Xian only gained some skin, but Mo Xian was already ranked above him, and he had never seen this kind of boxing before, so he couldn't help feeling timid.

Originally, Xingyi puts meaning first and pays attention to imposing manner, but his abdication just made Xingyi's imposing manner soar, and Jiang Hao's heart was taken away in an instant.

When he saw that the situation was not good, he flipped the fan in his hand suddenly, several bluish brilliance flashed, and the poisonous needle was shot. Originally, the killers of Yan Luodian were not fighting in an upright manner. They could use any means as long as they could take the enemy's life.

Mo Xian was also trained in this way, and he is very proficient in this set. Seeing him shoot the poisonous needle, his body shrank suddenly, which was exactly the shape of a monkey in the Xingyi Twelve Shapes, and the poisonous needle missed by a tiny bit.

As soon as Jiang Hao shot the poisonous needle, he flipped his hand again, and the fan bone made by Wujin roared out, but Jiang Hao didn't look at the result, his body was already flying into the air, he missed a single blow, and fled thousands of miles away.

Just as Jiang Haoteng stood up, there was a sound of a sword and a flash of sword light, and the first form of Mo Xian's ape-gong sword style, the sword-drawing style, was imminent.

(End of this chapter)

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