Huang Ting Xiandao

Chapter 497 132. Refining Treasures

Chapter 497 132. Refining Treasures

Tang Dongxun found himself back again and wanted to re-enter the Sea of ​​Consciousness. Now he knew that he had inherited the practice knowledge of Guanzhi and Snake King, and even everything they remembered. He naturally knew the Sea of ​​Consciousness, but he couldn't enter it. Even though he has gained knowledge in one step, he still needs to practice it by himself in order to be familiar with it and apply it.

It's not without benefits, the benefits are great, at least his soul is two or three times that of ordinary people, although Guanzhi was already weak to the point where he didn't even have one percent of himself when he fought against the Snake King, but a deadly emaciated camel is bigger than a horse , for Tang Dongxun, it was still too much, and there were many things he couldn't digest.

According to Guanzhi's memory, he walked to the place where Guanzhi's physical body collapsed, and picked up the seven-rooted banner, which is the Qipo banner. He looked at Mo Xian's path again, and Guanzhi almost died at the hands of this person. This person died in Guanzhi's memory Among them, Mo Xian killed Guanzhi's friend Mu Shan, Guanzhi still had a pestilence flag in his hand, if it wasn't for this person, Guanzhi would not die, Guanzhi would not die, Tang Dongxun would not be taken away, Tang Dongxun I'm afraid he will die at the hands of the Snake King.

He was grateful to Mo Xian, but Mo Xian didn't know that his departure made a country boy whole.

Mo Xian has already refined the white lotus sacrifice, his breath is connected with the white lotus breath, but it has not been completed yet. If you want to restrain and store evil karma, the white lotus is just a bearer. Although evil karma is acquired, it does not belong to the five elements. It's just the air mechanism induced in the misty, although the white lotus is a Buddhist thing, it can't be leak-free. It needs to use the clear air of the nine heavens and the dirty air from the ground to form a chaotic mass to seal the evil karma.

The turbid air in the ground, you have to find a volcano and go deep into the ground, you will inevitably die, even if a normal person goes there, it will be dangerous again, not to mention that Mo Xian is full of bad luck now, but even so, he has to go.

Mo Xianyu escaped from the light and flew towards Hell Volcano. Hell Volcano is located in the sea of ​​ice in the extreme north. Ice and fire form a wonderful balance. Here ghosts and witches are rampant, but there are almost no human traces.

The turbid qi from the ground is different from the innate evil qi. It is the turbid qi stagnated in the earth lungs that has not yet been resolved after there is no differentiation of yin and yang, and it must penetrate deep into the earth lungs.

In the lungs of the earth, there is an untold number of millions of years of poisonous fire and fierce evil, as well as the true power of the earth's magnetism, and the magma of the earth's lungs. To penetrate into the lungs of the earth, one must first guard against the magma, and then defend against the magnetism, and the true power of the earth's magnetism. It can make the metal-containing magic weapon be attracted all at once. Except for the six-hundred soul flag and the purple bamboo stick, the other magic weapon on Mo Xian is the Qianli Yunyan Bow, but the arrow still contains metal, and the rest contain metal.

Mo Xian stopped on an uninhabited island. He wanted to refine a batch of magic weapons. These magic weapons were prepared to be used as consumables. The first thing he refined was defensive magic weapons. Considering the special environment, he collected Guishui Essence, refine the nectar and clean water that is not much on your body into it, and collect the energy of clouds and clouds, and everything around you, without using any metal, refine it into a true light, and once you give this treasure, everything around you seems to appear, lush and green , divided into twelve layers in the middle, because it is a temporary refinement, there is only one magic ban, even Mo Xian didn't need one magic ban, but when it finally became a treasure, it produced a magic ban.

This magic weapon took Mo Xian 49 days, and the surroundings were arranged like copper walls and iron walls. He was afraid that there would be accidents, and he was startled three times a day while refining the treasure. Let out a sigh of relief.

Just when this treasure was first completed, the forbidden law he arranged suddenly collapsed, and a key point was actually destroyed by the otter. The forbidden law collapsed, once the forbidden law collapsed, Baoguang was released, but it was just a magic weapon, not a spiritual treasure, nor a catastrophe.

Someone just came, Mo Xian smiled wryly, he didn't do anything, but like a guy full of evil, God made things difficult for him everywhere.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he put away the true light of the sky, ghosts chirped all around, shrouded in darkness, and green ghost fires drifted around. It was only afternoon, but it was already the same as night, and it could be seen that the person was a ghost cultivator.

"Who is here?" Mo Xian was unmoved, looking at one of the ghosts flying around, and asked coldly.

"This place is my Lord Yinfeng's territory. You are here to refine the treasure and hand over the magic weapon!" A voice faltered, flickering from east to west. Trembling, emitting a faint purple light, which just enveloped his body. He was estimating the strength of this ghost cultivator. Judging from the phenomenon, the ghost cultivator was always erratic when he didn't show up. Although Mo Xian locked him, he couldn't judge him for a while. However, since I can easily lock him, the most ghost king achievements, ghost cultivation from low to high, is divided into ghost spirits, ghost generals, ghost kings, ghost emperors, ghosts and other levels. The ghost king achievement is equivalent to the Taoist Yuanying, or called They are called ghost infants, and ghost generals often form ghost pills.

"If you want to grab the magic weapon, just say so, and use your territory to make people look down upon you!" Mo Xian sarcastically said.

"Boy, you're pretty crazy. If I don't show you how powerful I am, I won't show how powerful I am, Venerable Yinfeng." Amidst the strange laughter of Venerable Yinfeng, countless Yin fires gathered into a big fireball and shot straight at Mo Xian.

"Noisy!" Mo Xian snorted, a talisman flashed beside him, and a gust of wind picked up, blowing the green fireball away, "You can try it with my stick too!"

With the purple bamboo stick in his hand, with a movement of the purple bamboo stick, thousands of purple lights and thousands of white lotuses were shot towards the figure. Venerable Yinfeng let out a strange cry, and the figure immediately scattered away. In front of Mo Xian's purple bamboo stick, ghost figures were like moths. Like fighting a fire, he kept breaking the purple bamboo stick, but Venerable Yinfeng managed to get rid of Mo Xian's stick.

"Boy, you pissed off the patriarch..." Before Venerable Yinfeng finished speaking, a lamp appeared in Mo Xian's hand. With a loud bang, a flaming mountain suddenly appeared, with dazzling radiance, the Venerable Yinfeng never expected that Mo Xian would kill him without a word.

Before he finished speaking, he turned into screams, his body bang, and turned into a bunch of torches. As soon as the ghost baby appeared, the flames rolled up, and black smoke billowed everywhere. What a treasure the Spirit Snake Cup is. , Immediately broke the darkness, the sky was bright, there was only a circle of black ash on the ground, even the Qiankun bag was burnt, most of the treasures disappeared, drifted into the chaos of time and space, only a skull, lying helplessly on the side.

Mo Xian looked at the whole island again, although it was not big, it had changed its terrain. There was sea water coming out of the ground, it turned out to be a coral island, and it was cold water coral. Law.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the skull jumped into his hand. Cracks had already appeared on the skull, but there were gods and demons in it. Mo Xian smiled slightly, and disappeared into the sky.

 Happy Hungry Ghost Festival!Thanks to superfil02 for rewarding 100 starting coins, Yuanshui Shengwang voted for monthly support!Thank you very much! !
(End of this chapter)

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