Huang Ting Xiandao

Chapter 67. Cursed things, reversed dreams are illusory

Chapter 67. Cursed things, reversed dreams are illusory
As soon as Mo Xian appeared outside, he was not polite, and a sword light shot straight at Jue Yuan.

Jueyuan didn't expect that Mo Xian would break through his ghost country, his hands and feet were in a mess for a while, and he stepped back one after another, leaning his back against the courtyard wall, with blood dripping in his hand, he slammed the wooden fish hard, with a bang, Mo A sense of stagnation in the air.

If you look far away, you are already behind the wall, as if the wall does not exist.

Mo Xian's sword failed, and there was already a courtyard wall in front of him. He didn't have Jue Yuan's ability to treat the wall as nothing, and he was curious in his heart, for him, the wall could be destroyed with a single sword strike.

But he didn't do that. Destroying the wall is easy, and it will inevitably be delayed. This time is enough for the opponent to fight back, and the opponent's work is based on it.

What's more, Mo Xian's curse is still in effect, although he has been temporarily suppressed, but if he is distracted to suppress it, the time will not last.

However, when Mo Xian was stunned for a moment, a piece of Buddhist treasure, the Heavenly Mirror, had arrived. On the mirror, there were five Buddhas sitting in the sky. These five Buddhas were transformed from relics of eminent monks. Like, at that time, the surrounding area was blocked, and a light in the middle was directed at Mo Xian.

Mo Xian's whole body seemed to be tied up. With a loud shout, his body suddenly melted into the sword light, turned his head, and rushed out.

The five buddhas each held their handprints and printed them all on Mo Xian's back. Although Mo Xian's sword light was strong, the power of the five buddhas hit Mo Xian's back.

Fortunately, Mo Xian's sword light body protection vented most of the strength, Mo Xian's eyes were still dark, his heart was sweet, and with one step, the ground shrunk into an inch, and he was already half a mile away.

At this time, there was a bang, Mo Xian didn't have time to look behind him, took another step, and disappeared into the street.

The wall crashed to the ground, although Jue Yuan changed the wall by changing the virtual and the real, but the power of the Buddha treasure was beyond his control, his face turned pale and he could hardly stand up.

He let out a long breath, he didn't expect Mo Xian to be so difficult to deal with, obviously his own merits were superior to him, and finally he used the Buddha treasure to drive this person away, he is the great enemy of Yan Luo Palace.

Mo Xian ran wildly all the way, resisting the nausea, resisting the curse. This time when the curse broke out, he had activated the murderous intention, but who knew that the murderous intention would immediately trigger the curse.

Finally, the curse passed, and the eyes of the tattooed Rakshasa on the arm closed again.

Only then did Mo Xian heave a sigh of relief. As soon as he relaxed, his injuries immediately flared up. His eyes went dark, and he passed out before he could take out the elixir.

Feeling thirsty in a haze, he moaned unconsciously: "Water...water!"

Someone helped him up, and put a bowl of water near his lips. He was not sober. After taking two sips of water, he opened his confused eyes, and the first thing he saw was his bare head.

Startled, he flinched instinctively.

"Almsgiver, don't move, I have no malicious intentions." An old voice came over, and Mo Xian could see clearly that the one who was lying on the bed and feeding himself water was a little novice, but the old voice was an old man. The monk, with a patched monk's robe, looked at himself with a smile, and then looked around, everything seemed simple.

He understood that he was rescued by the monk, and he was a bit dumbfounded. He was injured by the monk and rescued by the monk. Could it be that he is so destined to be a monk?

"Thank you, master, for saving me. Thank you, Mo Xian." Mo Xian wanted to get up on the bed, but the little novice held him down.

"You don't have to thank me. Saving someone's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. What's the matter with the Rakshasa killing curse on the donor's body?" asked the old monk.

Mo Xian was startled all of a sudden, he was calm on the surface, but he was already on guard in his heart: "May I ask the Master's Dharma name?"

The old monk's eyes flashed, and he saw that Mo Xian's body froze for a moment, and said with a smile: "Old Na Delin, Tim is the abbot of Banshan Temple. Banshan Temple is a small temple, a Zen monastery. Of course, it belongs to the double cultivation of Zen and pure cultivation. , Don't worry, you have the Rakshasa Exorcism Curse on your body, this curse is taboo by my Buddhist family, it should be the hand of Yan Luodian."

Zen Master Delin noticed that, in order to reassure Mo Xian, he deliberately said so many words and explained the situation clearly. Zen Master Delin was old and mature, so of course he could see that Mo Xian was on guard.

Mo Xian felt a little relieved that he would not completely let go of his guard just because of De Lin's words. He hadn't been a killer for a long time, but the habit of killer still remained.

He smiled slightly and said: "Master, I am a disciple of Yuxianzong. A few days ago, I met someone from Yan Luodian and attacked me, but I killed him, but he was dying and sacrificed his life to me. The curse broke out, and the master taught me to use the Taishang Purification Mantra to suppress the curse, and last night I met another person from Yama Temple, during the battle, the curse broke out, I fled, but was saved by the master."

What Mo Xian said was basically the truth, but he didn't say anything about Guangji Temple, so Mo Xian was still wary.

"So it turns out that the Taoist Taishang Qingjing Mantra has a suppressive effect on curses, but it's not specifically aimed at curses." Delin smiled.

Mo Xian's heart moved, and he asked: "Is there any method in the Buddhist family to eradicate this curse?"

"No, what mantra has such a great effect?" Delin said with a smile, "Only by truly understanding the Buddhist principles and realizing the nature of the mind, the curse will naturally be unsolvable."


"Everyone has obsessions. They are attached to real existence. They don't know the wonderful existence of emptiness. They regard illusion as reality. Let me ask you, will your body belong to you?"

"Of course my body belongs to me, Zen master don't lie to me." Mo Xian smiled.

"Since the body belongs to you, then the curse in your body, does the curse belong to you?"

"Of course the curse does not belong to me!"

"Since the curse does not belong to you, how can it affect you?"

"So, the curse should belong to me?"

"Since the curse belongs to you, you should be able to control it, can you control it?"

Mo Xian was entangled all of a sudden, to whom does the curse belong?It is in my body again, and it is good to say that it belongs to me, but it is not controlled by me, and it is good to say that it does not belong to me. Why?
Mo Xian was completely confused at once, De Lin didn't rush him, but looked at him with a smile on the sidelines, Mo Xian thought for a long time, and said: "Then, my body doesn't belong to me."

"The body is a combination of the four elements, which are brought together by karma, and the curse is just a karma. Therefore, the body is empty, and the body undergoes various changes. It has nothing to do with one's own nature!" Delin said.

Mo Xian fell into deep thought, and Delin smiled: "Its reasoning is thought-provoking, but you don't need to think about it, just realize it immediately, and you will see its infinite wonder."

Mo Xian smiled wryly and said: "In theory, I can understand it, but in reality, I can't do it at all. It is too difficult to realize both body and mind."

Delin smiled and said, "Don't worry, take your time."

"How can you not be in a hurry, I am cursed." Mo Xian said.

"You are in a hurry, I am not in a hurry. Think about it, people can't help but think about the future, but they only live in the present."

Mo Xian shook his head: "Zen Master, you may be able to do it, but I can't."

"Don't tell me I have three eyes and four mouths. I'm not the same as you. I have two hands, one mouth and one nose. You can do it too."

Mo Xian was amused by De Lin's words, not only relaxed, but felt that the old monk was very innocent, and the little novice next to him said, "Master, it's time to recite sutras."

As soon as Mo Xian heard about it, he felt embarrassed, so he said: "Zen Master, I'm sorry, I have delayed your time for reciting scriptures and practicing, don't disrupt your life because of me."

"Yes, you have this thought and heart, and it is in line with the Buddhist principles. The Buddha is in your life, don't think it is profound." Delin's eyes lit up, and he said meaningfully.

Mo Xian smiled and changed the subject: "Little master, what scriptures are you recitation?" He said to the little novice monk.

"We recite the Heart Sutra, the Diamond Sutra, and the Lengyan Sutra, etc. The Heart Sutra is the shortest. Your benefactor, you have been cursed and your heart is terrified. You can recite the Heart Sutra." The little novice gave a suggestion.

"Heart Sutra, what does it say?"

"The Heart Sutra is a scripture that Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, also known as Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, goes deep into concentration."

"Do you have the Heart Sutra? Can you show it to me?" Mo Xian said with a heartbeat.

"Okay, I will give you this scripture. We have a lot of it. I copied this scripture." The little novice monk said.

Mo Xian took the scriptures and saw that it said: Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra, the calligraphy is very neat, as if sharpened by a knife, Mo Xian has no attainments in calligraphy, but he can see that although the calligraphy is immature, it must be copied with heart of.

He opened the book, and it was written: Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva practiced the deep Prajna Paramita for a long time, and saw that all five aggregates were empty...

The scriptures are not long. Fortunately, Mo Xian was with Daoxuan and the others in the previous stage, and he heard a lot of Buddhist terminology. The terms that appeared in the scriptures, such as Prajna Paramita, did not bother Mo Xian.

When Mo Xian saw "Bodhisattva, according to Prajna Paramita, there is no hindrance in the heart, no hindrance, no terror, far away from reversing dreams, and finally Nirvana", he suddenly realized that he was in the dream. Sleepiness is not just reversed dreams. I suppressed reversed dreams with the etheric purification mantra, but I don’t know that blocking is worse than sparse. If I have nothing to worry about, there will be no terrible things, and then I can stay away from reversed dreams.

Mo Xian recited the "Heart Sutra" silently, and penetrated the truth into his heart. He also knew that mere memorization of the Heart Sutra is not enough. Only by truly comprehending the true meaning of it can it be possible to expel the Rakshasa in his dream.

How the Rakshasa Killing Curse works on himself, Mo Xian still doesn't know yet, he vaguely feels that to cut off the curse fundamentally, it is not just a spell or a method, but start from the root, Remove all curses, as the Heart Sutra says, overcome all hardships.

He entered the dream, and the Rakshasa began to appear again. Mo Xian's heart was flowing with the scriptures of the Heart Sutra. He keenly discovered that when the Rakshasa appeared, it seemed that there were many thoughts. , in the past, Mo Xian directly suppressed it with the Purification Mantra.

But at this moment, he turned a blind eye to everything, as if everything was fake, and his mind was naturally quiet. The Rakshasa ghosts began to fade away, but he still turned a blind eye to them. After a while, only the solitary Rakshasa was left.

(End of this chapter)

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