Huang Ting Xiandao

Chapter 809 84. Talking about the Immortal League

Chapter 809 84. Talking about the Immortal League

Mo Xian was very generous, revealing the core of the mind-shielding magic weapon. He did this not without purpose, on the one hand to reassure them, on the other hand, he also wanted to know how they refined the magic-proof shield.

Sure enough, after Mo Xian demonstrated it, Feng Nan said: "It's not my fault that you are not afraid of demons. So there are magic tools. Our refining of magic tools is different from yours, and we don't know the principle. We are very useful in practice." He took out a bead from his body and explained the refining process. They followed the ancient method of refining and only knew that it was useful, but they didn't know why.

Mo Xian was very surprised. He worked harder than others in the study of Gewu Planet for several years. Now he has heard almost all the principles of Gewu. The moment he touched the magic weapon, he understood the principles. In doing so, using one's own spirit as a guide is not shielding, but allowing the divine mind to bypass them unconsciously. It can be said that they have achieved the effect of invisibility.

Mo Xian pondered for a while, and drew out a talisman in his hand.As soon as the talisman appeared, several people looked at Mo Xian puzzled. Feng Nan frowned for a while, feeling a little familiar, and suddenly called out: "You realized a talisman from our magic weapon?"

"Haha, that's exactly the case. I didn't realize it from the magic weapon, but the trajectory of the spiritual power in the magic weapon is indeed like this. With this talisman, you will be invisible in the spiritual induction of the demon. You can try it." Mo Xian laugh.

The six people were stunned. Li Erhei closed his eyes first. In his consciousness, the area occupied by Mo Xian was empty. When he opened his eyes, Mo Xian was still there. He was overjoyed: "It really is!"

After he demonstrated, the other five people immediately closed their eyes and only used their spiritual sense to check. Sure enough, Feng Nan opened his eyes: "That is to say, if you hold this talisman without using a magic weapon, it can be the same?"

"That's right, I call it the God's Hidden Talisman. In fact, the God's Hidden Talisman is more useful than that. It can be attached to anyone's surface and play the role of visiting to hide the divine thoughts."

"Thank you fellow daoist for giving me the talisman!" Feng Nan said sincerely.

"You don't need to thank me, you actually discovered it and used it. Among you rebels, isn't there a talisman master?" Mo Xian asked.What he meant was difficult for everyone to know. The hidden talisman was inside the magic weapon. If there was a master of talismans, he should be able to find it.

Feng Nan said with a wry smile: "Our three major sects, and many small sects, should have existed. The Qing Wei Sect is good at talismans, but the Heavenly Demon appeared too suddenly. A large number of seniors and excellent talisman masters were all involved in that battle. If we die, we don't even have a complete moral system. Although we are fighting, it is more of a desperate struggle. Many people are pessimistic. The only thing that supports us in fighting is our self-esteem. We are not willing to give up our dignity. Walking dead, it's better to die vigorously like this."

Mo Xian also felt a sense of sadness, but it was more of admiration. In terms of cultivation, they were nothing in Mo Xian's eyes, but as a person, they really stood up. He comforted: "Now the demon is A new solar system has been invaded, and we have taken precautions. Don't worry, we will defeat the Heavenly Demon and save you from this tragic fate. You are responsible for harassing the enemy. I will report this situation to the Immortal League. "

"Xianmeng? You don't have any sects?"

"Our world has long since lost sects. All the people are practitioners, and everyone is like a dragon. The full name of the Immortal League is the Alliance of Practitioners. The exercises and principles are open to all human beings. There is no distinction between secular and extraterrestrial. Venerable Li was the first to disclose the exercises and founded the Xianmeng. Due to the principles of the exercises and the research on various aspects, they have reached a very high level. The sect has long been unsuitable for the environment. The solar system is advancing into deep space. This time, a spaceship was hijacked. All the people on board were killed, and their bodies were occupied by demons. Open up space, come towards our star system, use the comet belt on the outskirts of the star system, and force it to come here by the forbidden space array that is tens of thousands of miles long and hundreds of thousands of kilometers down." Mo Xian briefly explained Condition.

Feng Nan and the others were confused about what they heard, especially because it was mixed with the understanding of the universe. Li Erhei asked, "What is the solar system and the star system?"

Mo Xian slapped his head, he forgot this point, their level of civilization is low, many nouns are not understood at all, he thought for a while, explained the nouns briefly, and at the same time gave a superficial explanation of the composition of the world, Mo Xian this After explaining it, it is difficult for everyone to understand that their own world is so big and boundless, their planet is just a drop in the ocean, and the bright stars in the sky are all stars like the sun.

It was only then that they marveled that Qi Xiu had gone so far. Thinking about their sect, they were still wandering in the mythical world. If their own planet had developed to such an extent before the Heavenly Demon came, they might have a chance.

Mo Xian made an appointment with them for a secret sign, and the six of them left. This is what they were cautious about. Mo Xian also turned his head and left. He wanted to see other situations, but this news was important, and he had to pass it on to the deity as soon as possible. After leaving, he tried to contact the deity. Originally, the distance was not a world, and the mind could receive it. However, on the comet of the deity, in order to prevent the invasion of heavenly demons, he put on a mind-shielding magic weapon. It is impossible for the mind of heavenly demons to invade, but the deity There is also no connection with the avatar.

Mo Xian's avatar contacted him twice, but he couldn't get in touch. He frowned, thought for a while, and had to wait for the deity to take the initiative to contact him.He came to the city again.

The Dark King snorted coldly. He got the news from the insiders of the rebel organization. The rebel organization thought they were hiding, and they had entered the Dark King's field of vision a long time ago. He didn't touch them. He just thought these ants were very interesting, and the demons were destroyers. , is the ultimate pursuit of desire. There is such a small group of opponents, who are precisely the destroyers of his order. The demon pursues chaos, but even the most chaotic situation cannot last long. Life pursues order, and order will gradually be born. Keep this small group of rebels, disrupt the lifeless order, and make it the most chaotic, where despair and chaos collide and interact, revealing the essence of the demon, from which we can comprehend the way of the demon.

Now this group of ants actually wanted to resist completely, and even contacted his enemies. Well, he happened to catch them all, and he even wanted to occupy Mo Xian's body.

But Mo Xian didn't know that he was among the human beings in the city, and among the human beings, they had long been indifferent to other people, and completely ignored Mo Xian's appearance. In a flash, she greeted her with a charming smile.

(End of this chapter)

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