Huang Ting Xiandao

Chapter 814 90. Entering the Blessed Land and Discussing Plans to Fight the Demons

Chapter 814 90. Entering the Blessed Land and Discussing Plans to Fight the Demons
Gordon felt a bit in his heart, but his face remained calm.

Before he came, he had already thought of possible things, and he decided to keep his face. This was a precaution that had been taken in advance. The first half of his plan and so on were made public. The demon must know, but what should we do next?Mo Xian believed in Brother Xiaoyao, and their wisdom would definitely not disappoint Mo Xian.

"What do we need to do then?" Yu Fu asked.

"We need your help. We don't have many people here, but there are hundreds of millions of people in the world. We want to take these people away!" Mo Xian said.

"Do you have a spatial artifact that can hold people?" Kong Yifan asked.

"Yes, and it has been attached to the Xiaoyao monk. We need all of you to dispatch, take our people, and use the space magic weapon to save people, which is what you call the magic weapon of the cave." Mo Xian said.

"Are you going to destroy this planet?"

"This is the final solution. It is best to eliminate the demons without damaging the planet. If not, the only way to destroy this planet is because there are hundreds of millions of ordinary people in Shangnan. We must be saved, we are not heavenly demons, we cannot see the destruction of intelligent life and civilization, this is why I came to you." Mo Xian said.

Kong Yifan and the elders fell into deep thought. After a while, Kong Yifan said: "Give us a day, we have to discuss it carefully, and then I will give you a clear answer."

"Okay, but as soon as possible." Mo Xian said.

"Li Erhei, take Fellow Daoist Mo Xian to visit the blessed land." Kong Yifan instructed Li Erhei, and said to Mo Xian, "Friend Daoist, I'm sorry, but I will forgive you."

Mo Xian smiled and said: "It's not a problem, it's a big deal after all, you discuss it, I'm also very interested in Fudi, because of work, I didn't take a good look around."

Li Erhei was leading the way, and Mo Xian asked, "Li Daoyou, I saw many elders, one of them, by the way, Elder Yu Fu, is he from outside, or is he originally from inside?"

"Elder Yu Fu originally guarded another blessed land, but decades ago, that blessed land fell and suffered heavy casualties. Elder Yu fought bravely, killing dozens of demons in a row, and two heavenly demons were seriously injured. Our reinforcements rescued them. The battle was really miserable. Only three people escaped. Not long after that, two of them died due to serious injuries and the pills were ineffective. Elder Yu also lingered at the door of the God of Death several times, and finally healed Come here and be promoted to elder," Li Erhei said.

"Don't you elders decide based on their cultivation?"

"Not all, there is only one person left of the Huashen cultivator, and that is Sect Master Kong. There used to be several Huashen elders, but they perished with the enemy in the battle. Now there is only one left. The elders are all Nascent Soul cultivators, but Nascent Soul cultivators are not It must be an elder. Elders are people who have made great achievements in battle. It is not easy to be promoted to an elder. However, after so many years, many people are desperate. It is unexpected that a fellow Taoist came from outer space to bring us hope. You Is the Qixiu you mentioned really that amazing?"

"It's not amazing. Compared with traditional practice, one is the result of experience, which is often the wisdom of the individual, while Qi Xiu gathers the wisdom of the crowd and merges his own wisdom into the collective. The wisdom of the crowd is much stronger than the wisdom of the individual. , so on our planet, tool cultivation has become the main body, and a long time ago, Taoist cultivators and the like gradually changed to tool cultivation." Mo Xian said, and the two talked while walking.

"Interesting!" The Dark King sneered. With the help of the phantom in his eyes, he could see all this clearly. He wanted to rob people away and pretend that he was blind. However, it would be a good way to get involved. Do you want them to rob people, and send the demons to hide in it? No, the demons will not listen to you if they leave their rule. Forget it, I still have a clone in it. No day.

When he gave an order, tens of thousands of Heavenly Demons created their clones one after another. In the world, there were people who were in a daze for a while and were secretly ambushed by Heavenly Demons. It seems that what Mo Xian said is true, and the resistance organization seems to have been infiltrated. It is strange that they still exist. This is not only Mo Xian, but also a few Xiaoyao monks. I don't understand, does the rebel organization have any secrets, is it a magic weapon with great power, or some secret technique that makes the demons use it?

The projection avatars of the free monks are essentially the free monks. Even though their power is weaker than the main body, the skills to use them are the same. They also have magic weapons. The use of magic weapons is not weaker than ordinary soul monks, and they can even reach the power of the free monks. It has been integrated into it, even the Dark King can't find it.

The Dark King knew that he couldn't let them take people away smoothly. If he didn't stop them, they would definitely become suspicious, but he wanted to let them go and stop them at the same time. His dark eyes looked at Mo Xian through many spaces. , then rob him, and let go those who may have the magic weapon of the cave, want to rob people, and don't pay any price, what do you think of the Dark King.

Mo Xian was in the blessed land, suddenly felt someone was looking at him, his eyes were cold and evil, he raised his head, looked at the sky suspiciously, there was nothing in the sky, but he felt someone was looking at him.

The Dark King sneered, the little guy is very sensitive, after I captured his body, when he thought of this, Mo Xian's body has undergone a body-holding body training technique, forming a state similar to the neutron state, which is almost the most stable in the universe. With a powerful body, he was envious for a while, only such a body was worthy of his title of Dark King.

Mo Xian's heart sank. This is not a person in the blessed land. The tallest in the blessed land is no more than a god. The evil in his eyes points out his identity. If he expected it well, he should be the king of demons and the king of darkness. The last time he escaped by chance , it seems that this Dark King is very stingy.

From another point of view, the Dark King has noticed this place long ago, but has not moved here. What is the mystery here?Why didn't he get rid of the Anti-Demon Sect, and secretly sent the Heavenly Demon to possess Yu Fu, did Yu Fu know?Or is Yu Fu already dead, the demon Li Daitao stiff, or lurking on his body?

Mo Xian was racking his brains here. He ruled out one hypothesis after another. He suddenly thought that he couldn't see the demons with human eyes. It's intentional, I'm not a heavenly demon, so don't guess at all, the purpose of my coming is to eliminate demons!

Thinking of this, he smiled. He walked on the road, not for petty cleverness, but for great wisdom. Without knowing the enemy's intentions, he just followed the established path instead of panicking.

(End of this chapter)

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