Huang Ting Xiandao

Chapter 844 121. The heart is difficult to understand, but the enemy teaches art

Chapter 844 121. The heart is difficult to understand, but the enemy teaches art ([-])
(Leave for two days, starting from tomorrow, the 11th and 12th, and send out the saved manuscripts today!)

Through a ray of purple air in the east, don't open your mouth, swallow the first ray of purple air naturally generated by heaven and earth, and savor this purple air with vitality. This purple air is different from other places, bringing With a ray of the breath of the sun.Mo Xian felt this breath, which was different from the normal situation. Mo Xian thought for a while, it seemed that it was brought by Shuangyang.

Fang Yizhu also didn't sleep all night. Seeing Mo Xian swallowing the first ray of purple air between the heaven and the earth, he laughed: "How do you feel when you absorb the first ray of purple air between the heaven and the earth?"

"Although it is the first ray of purple energy between heaven and earth, the yin and yang are out of balance. It seems that only the purple energy after the longest night is authentic. It happens once in three days. I don't know why?" Mo Xian said.

"Anyway, there are still some days left, which can be confirmed. Do you want to prepare for a wave of enemy attacks today?"

"No need, no matter how many of them there are, it's just a drop in the ocean for hundreds of miles of mountains and forests." Mo Xian said lightly.At this time, the three demons also left their respective huts. Mo Xian glanced at them, a little strange, and asked, "Do you have the habit of adopting the first ray of purple air between heaven and earth?"

"The first ray of purple energy between heaven and earth?" The Three Demons obviously heard of it for the first time.

"Forget it." Mo Xian said, his mind was in the mountains and forests, he didn't get in the big formation, but took the harmony in the mountains and forests, he observed from the perspective of the mountains and forests, not from the big formation, everything in the world was presented in his mind.

A group of demon soldiers came meanderingly. They were sent by the demon king Jinpeng to check the situation of the demon star, and they got an order to wipe out the tribe of Yuren in the Hengjue Mountains. For the possibility of the demon star causing troubles in the world, it would affect his kingship. Influence, as long as there is such a possibility, he will kill him in the bud. As for whether it will hurt the innocent, he has not considered it at all. Those who rule the world cannot have the benevolence of a woman.

Unknowingly, the army fell into a large formation without any warning at all. The leading general Dong Ping rode on a golden-eyed rhinoceros, holding a thick-backed mountain-opening ax in his hand, faintly shining with aura. Hundreds of demon soldiers are divided into five groups, each team has 100 people, only 400 people are on the ground, and 100 people are flying in the sky. , holding a bow and arrow, with a faint aura on the arrows; the ground is divided into four teams, and the team that opens the way is a giant bear with great strength, holding a mountain axe and wearing armor, rampaging; The wolf demon and the others held a spear in their hands, but they were wearing light leather armor; behind them was a pig demon, holding a simple knife, full of murderous looks.

After entering the big formation, they first realized that something was wrong with the owls in the sky. When they lowered their heads, they realized that they had lost their way with the big army. This was a matter of losing their heads. The leader of the owls immediately panicked and immediately ordered them to divide into five groups to search in all directions. , They didn't know that they were caught in the formation, and they had already been fascinated by the formation, and they just circled around in place.

There was a layer of mist on the ground, and when the mist cleared, when Dongping looked again, none of the demon soldiers under him had disappeared, only him was riding alone on the golden-eyed rhinoceros, surrounded by trees, he was sure , There were not so many trees just now, and he vaguely understood that he might be caught in a big formation. He had been through battle for a long time, and he did not panic. At the same time, a faint green light appeared in his eyes, which was his illusion-shattering demon eyes, looking around.

Mo Xian was paying close attention to them, and saw that his eyes were shining with green light, looking around, he raised his ax in his hand, and knocked his feet, the golden-eyed rhinoceros was full of aura, and rushed straight to a tree in front of him.Mo Xian frowned, and cast the spell in his hand. In Dongping's eyes, suddenly the countless lines around him were bursting with mysterious movement like smoke and light. He stopped suddenly, shouted, and slashed out with the ax in his hand. , With a great inspiration, with one strike of the axe, the tree disappeared, and the formation changed. That node was broken by him. If it was a formation on this planet, it should be broken.But this large array of hundreds of miles is made up of the essence of Green Star Math, and it is mainly fractal dimension, which is also known as fractal geometry. It is best at holographic theory, and every part of it is a whole. Its one point does not cause it to collapse, on the contrary, the big formation seems to have life, and it repairs itself.If there is no such function, there will be too many accidents in the large formation of hundreds of miles. If it is a normal formation, it would have collapsed long ago.

What's more, the Immortal League has deployed tens of thousands of miles of formations. It can be said that arithmetic is far more advanced in the Immortal League than other civilizations. At least among the civilizations that Mo Xian has seen, no civilization can compare with it.

Dongping went down with an axe. Although he saw and broke the local knots, he fell into a crisis. When the ax fell, the tree disappeared, and an invisible big wave rushed in. How is the power? Da, even if he had armor on his body, the aura dissipated in an instant, and he shouted again: "Open!", and finally resisted.

Mo Xian said to Fang Yizhu: "You can see, what kind of practice does he practice?"

Fang Yizhu pondered for a while, and the three demons were also standing aside at this time, they watched the five hundred soldiers scurrying around in the formation like headless chickens. From their point of view, one tree after another fell down, gradually lost contact with others, and became a lonely person, and so did others, completely lost in the grand formation.

"His practice should be body training, and the weapons he uses are no less than magic weapons, and even magic weapons will suffer in front of him. His whole body is focused on strength." Fang Yizhu said.

"That's right, what he uses is body training. Even the demon baby dare not fight him in front of him. It seems that his body training is better than yours, but his changes are not as many as yours. "Mo Xian said this to the Three Demons.

Xiu Jie sneered and said, "It's just a martial artist, but he's stronger."

"You look down on him, you won't be his opponent in close combat." Mo Xian glanced at Xiu Jie and said.

Xiu Jie snorted and stopped talking, and he didn't stay still. He was in the formation and didn't see the knot of the formation, but Xiu Jie did. Xiu Jie's eyes were better than his.

"How big is your formation?" Yunxiang finally asked this question. She saw that all the monsters within several miles were trapped in the formation, and Mo Xian didn't use magic to check, but Fang Yizhu used the magic water mirror to pull out countless sub-shots , there are hundreds of them, just like windows, Fang Yizhu clicked one at random, glanced at it, and clicked on another one, with a touch of his hand, one window moved away, and another window appeared.

"It's not big, just a few hundred miles away!" Fang Yizhu said indifferently.


(End of this chapter)

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