Huang Ting Xiandao

Chapter 864 142. Genesis

Chapter 864 142. Genesis

A large amount of organic matter began to be formed, but most of them were decomposed in the acidic seawater, and the acidity of the seawater further decreased. There were more than 20 Yuanshen monks from all walks of life, including the Department of All Spirits. There were two people in total. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the soul, I issued an order. Including him, the three all-spirited monks and three holy lights of life fell into the ocean from three directions. The holy light of life was the carrier, and more importantly, information, life Information.

The three rays of holy light are like the pillars of light that opened up the world and shot into the sea. Under the action of the holy light, organic molecules such as amino acids began to self-organize, and primitive life began to appear, which was something like a virus. The conceived monks led by Fang Yizhu observed that life comes from the self-replication of some molecules' self-structure, and gradually settles in the soil particles, undergoing a series of complex physiological and physical chemical processes.

Like Genesis, yes, this experimental project is called Genesis.

The process of genesis is coming to an end, and the time to come down is to observe slowly, and when necessary, use the technique of cosmic light and other supernatural powers to speed up the process as much as possible without interfering with the evolution of life.

The Ark Star has a large satellite, and the other small satellites are not enough to cause any specific effects. In order to get closer to the conditions of the green star, they destroyed the rest of the satellites. Countless meteors fell into the atmosphere of the Ark Star, and most of them were burned on the Ark Star. In the atmosphere of the star, and the remaining one satellite, they were told to move it to a suitable position. They established a base on it, and they could observe the situation of the Ark star conveniently. From time to time, they would go to the Ark star. Go up and collect samples.

A year has passed in the blink of an eye, and everyone is doing various things in an orderly manner.In the base, it is normally divided into three shifts, and the first shift is resting. In fact, monks rarely rest, and most of them are practicing; Work.

As the general manager, Mo Xian does not get involved in specific affairs, but he knows everything and the results.Fang Yizhu is in his office.

"Although life was only formed, the results are beyond our expectations. The soil colloid in seawater not only has a catalytic effect, but also participates in the physical and chemical process, which has not been mentioned before. Silicon in the soil forms organosilicon, It forms a network structure, which seems to be similar to a cell membrane, although the cells have not formed." She handed the report to Mo Xian.

Mo Xian glanced at the ten lines, took the content into his eyes, and said: "This is also reasonable. Although experiments have been done before, what conditions are like this? You must know that the formation of life is at least a major event on the planet, and it cannot be done in a laboratory." Simulation. The current environment of Ark Star is like hell, the sea water is extremely turbid, and the standard is a pot of biological soup, where carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus and other elements are boiled into a pot. Now life is primitive to a certain extent Life without even the formation of cell membranes is not even life."

"The evolution of life takes a very long time. Even if we use the art of cosmic light to a certain extent, one year is equivalent to a thousand years in some places, and we can see some clues. Thanks to the senior Huiyang of the Department of Celestial Objects and Physical Properties and several disciples , use the gravitational lens to gather sunlight and starlight, and then supplement the energy information of that place." Fang Yizhu sighed.

Mo Xian smiled and said: "Not only him, but also other people, such as the primordial spirit of planetary ecology, also artificially caused volcanoes in other places, accelerating biological evolution."

"It would be great if the time could be faster!" Fang Yizhu sighed again.

"I am applying for a cosmic light cage now. You may not have noticed that the cosmic light cage developed by phase cosmology has been finalized. It is called a time accelerator, but the cost is extremely expensive, especially the planet-sized cosmic light cage. Customized for us, in which the time is accelerated to 5000 million times, and there are more, I have already set it, but it needs a free monk, and it must be a free monk of the Xiangyu system to start, time is accelerated, and other information and energy must follow Yes, otherwise, if there are creatures in it, I’m afraid I’ll just starve to death. You go back and publish your findings in the form of papers, and I’ll tell others that I’ve achieved a lot this year, and I need to apply to Zhouguang Cage, you must do something that can tempt the Xianmeng, and the upper echelons of the Xianmeng must be optimistic about the future of this project, so it is the best choice to show the results!" Mo Xian said.

"Really? I'll go back and get the results of this year's research out as soon as possible. There is one more thing." Fang Yizhu said.

"I know, judging by your appearance, the Yuanshen period is probably not far away." Mo Xian smiled, "Do you want to go back and come back after entering the Yuanshen?"

"No need, I want to ascend to Yuanshen here, Zhaojing shows, I'm afraid it will affect other people, and I still have some observation equipment." Fang Yizhu said.

"It's not a big problem. I've thought about it a long time ago. I built another shelter on the back of the moon. You go to the shelter to advance, so that it won't affect this place. I feel that your cultivation base is improving by leaps and bounds at this stage. Originally I thought you still have one or two years before you can enter the Yuanshen stage, but it was so soon."

"This is a gift from you. If I hadn't joined the Genesis Project, I wouldn't be able to upgrade so quickly. To put it bluntly, the Genesis Project is a pioneering work in Panpsychology after all. It studies the origin and evolution of life. I have benefited a lot, don't worry , I will pass on the thesis before entering Yuanshen." Fang Yizhu laughed.

Mo Xian told all the researchers about the news of Zhou Guangcage, and asked them to conduct a phased summary. As soon as the news came out, everyone was in a good mood. The Genesis Project originally required a long time span, even if there was a primordial spirit from the Phase Universe system. It takes tens of thousands of years to accelerate time, but if there is a cosmic light cage, the time is much shorter. This pioneering work can be completed in a hundred years at most. Many people may not wait for tens of thousands of years, of which lifespan is one The reason is that even if one enters the Yuanshen, life expectancy is no longer a problem, but no one can tell what kind of changes human society will have in ten thousand years. The longer the time span, the more accidents are likely to happen. When Gu Shen submitted the application, it was a place that people in the Immortal League criticized, but Gu Shen insisted on applying for this plan because of his lofty status.

The most important reason is that the study of life itself is indeed very important, and the Golden Crow Emperor is also studying it, and it has even been carried out for 10 years. Peer AC, therefore, approves this plan.

 Thanks to Autumn Shenguang for rewarding 100 starting coins!Thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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