The Reborn Farmer's Businesswoman

Chapter 124 Tricky Questions

Chapter 124 Tricky Questions

As soon as he walked into his uncle's house, Su Zihua ran towards Su Weiran and hugged her thigh, "Sister Weiran, I miss you so much!"

Su Weiran patted his head, "I miss you too! My sister even bought you some candy, guess what kind of candy it is?" I haven't seen him for a long time, Su Zihua has nothing but a little bit taller how to change.

His face was as black as charcoal, as if he had crossed the Sahara once!But no more snot!
"Moon candy?" No matter what kind of child it is, it is very cute, especially when he blinks his eyes, the black and white eyes are always subconsciously pampered!

"Lollipops, but they are delicious!" Su Weiran took out a dozen lollipops from his pocket and handed them to him, "You can only eat one a day, otherwise no one will buy it for you if you run out of it!"

Su Zihua took the candy and ran away happily!
The two families sat around the dinner table.

A plate of stir-fried pork, a plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, a plate of shredded potatoes... and stuffed tofu, it seems to be a relatively hearty dish.

As soon as he picked up the chopsticks, before he started picking up vegetables, Su Weiran's uncle, Su Zehong, asked, "I heard that Weiran took the college entrance examination this year? How was the result? Are you confident to get into the teacher's college in the city?"

Well, the teacher's college in the city is the lowest grade college among all the secondary schools. Of course, there are also many students who are too crowded to get in!Because again, that is also a second copy.As for Sunshine High School, a year is just a score line for more than a dozen people to get into the second school!

"Dad, do you think the normal colleges in the city are so easy to take the exam?" Su Keqin said, "If we go out from the countryside, it's not bad if we can get three colleges!"

Last year, when Su Keqin was admitted to the Provincial Finance Institute, it was the honor of the whole village.

Of course, in the eyes of many villagers, only Su Keqin from the village head's family can continue to go to school, because she is not only beautiful, but also has a very clear voice, and her mother never let her go to the fields.

With Su Keqin, the inconspicuous Su Weiran will naturally be despised by the villagers, who think that Su Weiran is trying to imitate Su Keqin!
"Sister Keqin is right!" Su Weiran said with a smile: "There are not many people who can pass the second exam!"

"So, you didn't pass the exam?" Su Zehong asked expectantly.

Who knows whether he expects Su Weiran not to pass the exam, or whether he expects Su Weiran to pass the exam?Anyway, he absolutely hopes that all the glory will fall on his family, and he doesn't want anyone else to share it, even if this other person is his own brother!

Su Weiran smiled and didn't speak.

Su Zejiang next to him understood, and immediately said: "Our family did very well in the exam this time, she got full marks in the exam, and won the provincial champion!" After finishing speaking, there was a humble smile on his face!

Provincial champion?Su Keqin is also concerned about this year's college entrance examination, but she has never heard of Su Weiran getting a perfect score in the exam!
If she really got a full score in the test, it's impossible for her not to know!
"Uncle, did you make a mistake? Or were you deceived by Weiran? The provincial number one scholar has already been interviewed by the TV station, and that person is not Weiran!" Su Keqin retorted immediately.

Whoops, this is really a tricky question!

Su Zejiang blushed, is this really the case?Weiran really lied to him?

Su Keqin continued: "If Weiran really got a full score in the exam, he would probably be a celebrity in our province by now!" There was a lot of disdain in his tone!

(End of this chapter)

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