Chapter 319 The Blue House
After putting away all the trophies, Lin Mo returned to his room with a sullen face, sat on the bed, his eyes glazed over.

In another room, the three girls looked at Lin Mo silently through the huge hole in the middle.

"Sister, us?" the boy asked.

"We are the safest here. We will return to the imperial capital tomorrow morning." The girl said viciously: "People from the Huang family dare to provoke us. They really have the guts of a bear. I want to make them look good."

On the other side, Lin Mo finally raised his head slowly and looked at the girl.

The girl hurried over and said, "Thank you so much this time. If it wasn't for your rescue, I would be finished."

Behind the girl, two teenagers looked at him with a little fear.

At this moment, Lin Mo was covered in blood, and he didn't intend to wash it off at all. It was really scary.

"Do you know the Huang family?" Lin Mo looked at the girl and asked.

The girl said viciously: "The Huang family and our Lan family are old enemies. We have been fighting for more than 300 years. The Huang family must have recognized me, so they attacked me.

By the way, do you know the Huang family? "

Lin Mo said indifferently, "I know."

The girl smiled and said, "Then you must know our Lan family."

"do not know!"

The girl's smile froze on her face, she was a little embarrassed, and then she said to herself: "It doesn't make sense, our Lan family is no less famous than the Huang family. Although we have been fighting for many years, we have never gained the upper hand..."

"That's right." The girl said, "You offended the Huang family, what are you going to do in the future?"

Lin Mo said indifferently, "Destroy them."

Girl: "..."

Her head was a little short-circuited, and she didn't know how to answer this.

After a while, the girl said: "The Huang family is very strong. It's not unreasonable that our Lan family has been at a disadvantage for so many years. You... Although you are very strong, how can you be the opponent of the Huang family. "

Lin Mo said indifferently: "You don't need to worry about these, can you contact your family?"

"Yes." The girl said, "I have already used nephrite jade to tell my family that I am in this place. By the way, they all know that you saved me, and they even asked me your name."

"My name is Lin Mo." Lin Mo shouted in a deep voice, "Please tell my family that I am going to destroy the Huang family. If you can, help find out the whereabouts of my sister."

"Your sister?"

Lin Mo said indifferently: "If you send the message back, they will naturally know."

The boy on the side couldn't help but said: "Good guy, you haven't even heard of our Lan family, and you think our Lan family knows you and your sister... don't you..."

"Stop talking nonsense." Lan Xiaoling slapped the boy on the head again, "If you talk nonsense again, no one will save us next time."

Immediately, Lan Xiaoling smiled sweetly at Lin Mo again: "My name is Lan Xiaoling, this is my younger brother Lan Xiaoxing, and this is my cousin Lan Xiaohe."

Afterwards, Lan Xiaoling entered the nephrite and delivered news to the family.

After a while, Lan Xiaoling opened his eyes, with deep surprise flashing in them.

"My father really knows about you." Lan Xiaoling said in surprise, "He said he asked me to thank you for saving his life. Then he also knew about your sister's disappearance.

Xu Xiaohu, the young master of Changshengzong, found my father and asked him to help with the investigation.

My dad said they suspected that the Huang family did it.

He also said that the Huang family is very powerful, so you must be careful on the road.

My father... But he has never paid so much attention to a young man.You... who the hell are you? "

Lin Mo nodded slowly, with the killing intent in his eyes tumbling wildly, and said in a deep voice, "Okay, thank you. As for who I am, I'm just an unknown junior."

"Oh, okay! By the way, the blood on your body... won't you feel bad?" Lan Xiaoling asked cautiously.

"Blood?" Lin Mo lowered his head silently, and then said calmly, "It's time to wash it."

Lan Xiaoling hurriedly said, "I'll get someone to fetch water for you."

After finishing speaking, he kicked his younger brother hard: "What are you two still doing, go and boil hot water."

Lan Xiaoxing scratched his head: "Let the waiter go..."

In the middle of speaking, he smiled awkwardly: "It seems that Xiao Er is dead, let's go to boil water..."

Silent all night.

After washing off the blood on his body, Lin Mo entered the world of hope and waited, hoping that these familiar names would suddenly light up.

That night, Lin Mo had no sleep.

Until the next morning, Lin Mo didn't see any familiar people appearing in Hope World.

Whether it was Fatty or Bai Yiyi, or Han Yunying and Li Moxin, they all disappeared, as if they had disappeared out of thin air.

Even Xu Xiaohu never appeared again.

This made Lin Mo's heart even more gloomy.

I don't know how long it took, when someone patted Lin Mo's shoulder, Lin Mo woke up suddenly and quit the world of hope.

At this moment, he looked extremely haggard, his eyes were red.

It was already bright outside.

In the room, breakfast is already set.

Biting said: "Eat some food and cultivate your spirits before you have the strength to kill the enemy. I don't need to teach you this truth. Xiaoling bought these things outside."

Lan Xiaoling on the side smiled sweetly, "We've all eaten it, so you can eat it, if it's not enough for me, I'll buy it again."

Lin Mo nodded silently, came to the table, grabbed a five-jin piece of meat, and started to chew.

After eating more than 20 catties of meat in a row, Lin Mo drank another large bowl of broth.

As his physical body became stronger, Lin Mo's appetite doubled, and his digestion speed was also extremely fast. What he ate was digested in a short while.

After wolfing down his meal, Lin Mo walked out of the room with a cold face.

Lan Xiaoling and the others hurriedly followed.

Lin Mo looked back at Lan Xiaoling.

Lan Xiaoling said: "We also plan to go back, but now we realize that we are too weak to practice in this kind of place."

"Oh." Lin Mo responded noncommittally.

Not long after, a building boat slowly landed in the central square of Black Forest City.

Lin Mo and others bought a boat ticket and asked for the best room.

In the room, Lin Mo was still in a bad mood.

It's been the second day, and he still hasn't heard any news about Lin Yao, which makes his heart sink continuously.

Don't worry about it.

If something happened to his sister, Lin Mo wouldn't even know the meaning of his life.

"Don't worry, she will be fine. As long as she is still alive, I will help you rescue her." Biting comforted Lin Mo in a low voice.

Lin Mo didn't take it seriously, Biting still couldn't show her full strength, according to what she said, she could only play two or three points...

Lin Mo didn't expect her to bring him any help.

The door of Lin Mo's room was kicked open suddenly, and a group of people with sticks rushed into Lin Mo's room.

A leader stepped out of the crowd, sneered at Lin Mo, and said, "If you dare to behave wildly on the boat, come on, beat him to death with a stick and throw him away!"

Lin Mo: "???"

Biting yelled with a sullen face, "We just got on the upstairs boat, did you make a mistake? Do you know who he is?"

The steward sneered and said: "I don't care who he is, if he dares to make trouble on our Feitianzong's building boat, it will be a dead end. What are you still doing, why don't you hurry up?"

(End of this chapter)

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