Guess Lei Zun: I have a tower of magic town

Chapter 375 Change of Battle Situation

Chapter 375 Change of Battle Situation
"It's just that this kid doesn't know how to be a human being. Since he has the opportunity to participate in the competition, he should flatter and flatter people from these sects a lot, and take the opportunity to make more friends. This is the best way."

"With his current attitude, even if he goes outside, I am afraid that other people will not welcome Lin Mo, which will put him on the road to ruin."

Those masters who heard these words all nodded in approval, their haughty attitude absolutely did not allow the slightest insult from others.

Unless that person has the same identity as them, Lin Mo is just a person with no connections.

What he is doing now is tantamount to making these people angry.

So besides not being optimistic about Lin Mo, everyone also had opinions on Lin Mo in their hearts.

The battle on the field is still going on, and now the two sides have been fighting for 10 minutes.

Lin Mo's dodge was not so easy every time, but he was very lucky to escape Ma Mobai's attack.

The relationship between Lin Mo and Ma Mobai was also exhausted, and both sides also had minor injuries on the surface of their bodies.

Lin Mo's fist hit Ma Mobai's body, causing Ma Mobai's arm to bruise.

And Ma Mobai had already caused two tiny wounds on Lin Mo's body with the weapon.

If it weren't for Lin Mo's clothes being torn, no one would have noticed these two scars.

"Do you guys dare to fight me honestly? If you want to run, run to the bottom of the ring!"

"Your dodging is useless at all. No matter how far you dodge, the two of us will have to decide the winner in the end."

Ma Mobai was a little impatient, so he said this sentence.

But Lin Mo didn't say a word, just fighting according to his own method.

Of course, he also found that Ma Mobai's physical strength was only half at most, and his strength could still be well hidden.

"This stupid guy thinks he's really going to lead, so let him have fun for a while, there are at most 5 minutes to end this fight."

"But now I really see the lack of strength of these players. After the game is over, I have to think about how to help them improve their strength."

Those people would never have imagined that Lin Mo was thinking about the next game and the team members.

They all thought that Lin Mo was in a hurry now, and it took another 5 minutes.

Lin Mo felt that Ma Mobai only had [-]% of his physical strength left.

This time, he no longer blindly dodged and fought back like before, but resisted Ma Mobai's two moves and quickly punched Ma Mobai in the chest.

Ma Mobai couldn't believe his benefactor took a few steps back.

Because this was the only time Lin Mo counterattacked in the audience, he was defenseless and suffered minor injuries.

"Wow, Lin Mo still has physical strength now, no wonder Lin Mo uses this strategy, maybe he just wants to use his trick later!"

"It's so smart that in two consecutive battles, it used different methods to calculate the opponent. This IQ is something other people don't have."

"I really didn't expect to fight like this. I learned another trick. I have to think about it when I go back, even if I can learn a little superficial!"

The ordinary spectators on the fringes of the stands were thrilled.

Originally, they were all disappointed with Lin Mo, but they didn't expect to see Lin Mo's counterattack now.

When Ma Mobai retreated, Lin Mo's body disappeared from the spot and reappeared, he was at Ma Mobai's side.

He raised his fist and punched Ma Mobai's face. Ma Mobai instinctively used the weapon to protect his face.

He fought back at Lin Mo again, but Lin Mo just took a step to the side.

The direction of the fist changed, and it hit Ma Mobai's ribs, and Ma Mobai spurted out a mouthful of blood.


The audience was shocked.


The people from the various sects in the stands in the middle never dared to imagine that Lin Mo would regain the advantage in this way.

According to their thinking, Lin Mo is now at the end of the road.

All that was left was to make them appreciate Lin Mo's miserable appearance of failure.

Now Lin Mo only had two shallow scars on his body, but Ma Mobai spat out a mouthful of blood.

Judging from the intensity of Lin Mo's attack just now, someone could tell that Ma Mobai's ribs must be broken.

"It's over. If the fight continues like this, Ma Mobai won't be able to withstand a few moves. Even if the two sides fall into a stalemate again, it will be Lin Mo who goes up and dies!"

"Why is this idiot Ma Mobai like this? The advantage he had just now, as long as he defends carefully and adds offense, there will be no problems."

"Ma Mobai must have been careless. Lin Mo is really smart. He spent more than ten minutes bewildering Ma Mobai."

"It's really admirable for a person to be able to hold back for more than ten minutes, not to show his real unique skills, and to confuse his opponent all the time!"

Someone is saying these words.

But some people analyzed that if Lin Mo didn't use such a tactic, it might be difficult to defeat Ma Mobai.

So Lin Mo was very clear from the very beginning.

He angered Ma Mobai just to make Ma Mobai come up and spend more energy to attack Lin Mo.

As for Lin Mo who had been dodging for more than ten minutes, everyone thought that Lin Mo was confusing his opponent.

Lin Mo didn't care about other people's comments, but fought with Ma Mobai again. This time Ma Mobai was defending, while Lin Mo was always attacking, but it was useless as before. Trick.

"Doesn't Lin Mo only have the ultimate move of this punch? Then there is still a little suspense about the outcome of the two sides this time!"

"I think that if the two sides fight hard, Lin Mo's advantage should be able to drag Ma Mobai down!"

"Not necessarily. If Ma Mobai uses some unique tricks now, Lin Mo won't be given a chance to exert his physical strength, and there may be a chance of victory!"

The opinions of the audience in the audience were automatically divided into two factions, but it did not affect the battle on the stage.

The reason why Lin Mo eased off for a minute or two was also to create new misunderstandings for everyone.

Only in this way can we better confuse others.

When Lin Mo and Ma Mobai met each other, he knew that he had achieved his goal after hearing what everyone said.

His figure disappeared from the stage again, and when he appeared near Ma Mobai's head, he punched Ma Mobai's head with one punch.

Just as Ma Mobai resisted Lin Mo, he appeared on Ma Mobai's back. It was the method of confusing first and then attacking just now, and punched Ma Mobai's back.

This time Ma Mobai spat out another mouthful of blood, and a little bit of his internal organs were brought out.

(End of this chapter)

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