Datang's strongest super god army

Chapter 1143 Blame me for being too soft-hearted

Chapter 1143 Blame me for being too soft-hearted

Chapter 1143 Blame me for being too soft-hearted

Chen Qiao patted the child on the back and said, "Don't worry, I will rescue them all."

While speaking, Chen Qiao had already vacated into the air with the child in his arms, and after a few moves, he appeared in front of the city gate.

"So, there are many people like you who were sold into slavery in the city?" Chen Qiao asked with a frown.

The child drooped his head and nodded, "Yes, there are many more, but many of them have already resigned to their fate, so no one will ever run away."

"Shouldn't you be the first to run out?" Chen Qiao asked in surprise.

The child summoned up his courage to glance at Chen Qiao, and then quickly lowered his head, "I, I am not the first one, I have tried to escape before, but after those people were caught, they were all beaten to death So, after a long time, no one dared to run anymore."

Walking to the edge of the city gate, Chen Qiao held the child in one hand, opened the gate with the other, and asked the child, "If this is the case, why do you dare to run?"

The child said in a very low voice: "Grandpa said that I am still young, so I can't just be a slave to those sons of bitches for the rest of my life, so tonight there is a banquet in the palace, and Grandpa stuffed me into a wooden Inside the box, he took the opportunity to send me out again."

From this point of view, the child's grandpa still has some skills. After all, he has already heard from Na Se and Yan Huai that the status of slaves in Western Rome is not even as good as the dogs raised by ordinary people in the Tang Dynasty.

Being able to send the child out under such circumstances shows that the child's father is not simple.

The soldiers of the Black Dragon Army who had been waiting outside for a long time rushed in after seeing the city gate open. However, when they saw Chen Qiao still holding a little boy in the corridor, their faces were covered with tears. A look of shock.

"Chu Qing."

Chen Qiao suddenly shouted, and immediately, a young man came out from the crowd and walked up to Chen Qiao.

Handing the child in his arms to Chu Qing, he ordered: "Choose two people to take this little devil out of the city first, and bring the child into the city after all the matters in the city are settled."


Hearing this, Chu Qing could only take the child into his arms with stiff arms.

"Actually, I can walk by myself. I'm already ten years old."

Chu Qing was stiff, and the child in Chu Qing's arms became even more frightened, and finally said something with a flushed face after a while.

Hearing this, Chen Qiao couldn't help laughing, and then asked Chu Qing to put the child on the ground.

"General Chen."

Just when the two Black Dragon Army soldiers were about to take the child out first, the child suddenly yelled again.

Chen Qiao turned to look at the child, and asked, "Is there anything else?"

The child wrinkled his face and thought for a long time, and after everyone thought he was just shouting, the child finally opened his mouth with some hesitation.

"General Chen, the Western Roman Kingdom is very strange recently. King Naya, who used to do nothing before, doesn't spend much time at home recently. Even the banquet tonight ended early." The child said.

Chen Qiao still looked at the child, waiting for him to say something more.

"There are still a lot of people in armor who have been coming in and out of the palace. If General Chen is going to the palace of King Naya, he must be careful."

The child said while trying to remember.

Hearing this, Chen Qiao straightened up and looked at Han Lu and the others, then said to the child, "This news is very important, thank you very much."

After listening to the child's words, Chen Qiao knew that what he thought along the way might come true.

After watching the child being taken out by two Black Dragon Army soldiers, Chen Qiao said to the others: "You heard what the child said just now. It seems that the Western Roman Emperor really left behind. When everyone moves next, Remember not to act alone, there must be at least two people."


The crowd responded in unison.

Chen Qiao nodded, "In this case, let's split up. I'm going to Naya Palace for a while, and you all should do what you should do."


After the voice fell, Chen Qiao suddenly disappeared in front of everyone.

The Naya Palace is in the middle of the entire Noya city, and the Naya Palace is in the middle. Chen Qiao has sneaked into the Naya Palace without much effort.

There were many guards patrolling the mansion back and forth, Chen Qiao took advantage of a gap, and stood on the roof with a light jump.

The doctor in the distance was screaming heart-piercingly. Hearing the scream, Chen Qiao frowned slightly, and then walked towards the direction of the scream.

Different from the courtyard where Chen Qiao came in, the courtyard where the screams were made just now was also brightly lit at the moment.

A thin man with a pale face was sitting on a chair with intricate patterns. Although it was not midsummer, the weather was still hot, but Chen Qiao saw that the man wrapped himself in a thick cloak middle.

The man stared sullenly at the two men and two women kneeling in the courtyard. Judging from their age, these four people should be the parents, elder brothers and sisters that the child said just now.

"Tell me, where is your youngest son?"

The sitting man didn't speak, and the one who spoke was a bloated man standing beside him.

"I-I don't know..."

The child's grandpa seemed to have been tortured, his whole body was covered with bloodstains from the whip, and he was trembling slightly, as if he would be unable to support himself and fall to the ground at any time.

The woman kneeling next to him also had some wounds on her body. The young man and woman looked better than the two of them, but it was just a look.

Chen Qiao squinted his eyes and looked at the four people carefully, and found that the faces of the young couple looked uglier than their parents.

"Your Highness has said before that you want to take your daughter as a concubine. I didn't expect you not only to be ungrateful to Dade, but also to do such a thing of betraying the master. You really deserve to die!"

The middle-aged man with a big belly spoke again.

"Your Highness, check! I, I really don't know where Xiao Tong has gone!" The man kneeling on the ground trembled and said.

The courtyard was quiet for a moment. King Naya, who had been sitting silently, slowly stood up from his seat. He threw the cloak back on the chair, and took a long barbed long mantle from the middle-aged man. whip.

"Brother Huang has always said that I am too soft-hearted, I'm afraid there will be trouble if this continues."

King Naya's voice was a little weak, but Chen Qiao still heard what he said clearly.

Just thinking about what those soldiers said just now, Chen Qiao couldn't help but sneer with disdain.

"At first, I thought Brother Huang was worrying too much, but now it seems that I am really useless."

King Naya's voice was full of danger. He walked up to the man kneeling on the ground step by step, coughed twice before continuing: "It seems that it's time for you to know how powerful I am."



With the sound of a clear whip falling, the barbed whip fell on the young man kneeling aside, and the young man let out a heart-piercing scream immediately, but Chen Qiao felt that his There was an unspeakable weirdness in the screams.


Seeing the young man screaming and falling to the ground, the young woman kneeling beside him threw herself down beside him with a cry of surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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