Datang's strongest super god army

Chapter 1165 Hearing is worse than Seeing

Chapter 1165

Chapter 1165

However, even though he couldn't understand what they were talking about, after seeing the mocking expression on Xin Zhicheng's face, the Western Roman general still felt a ball of anger ignited in his chest.


This time, although the Western Roman general was still very embarrassed, he insisted on getting scared from the ground. Standing opposite Xin Zhicheng, he yelled at Xin Zhicheng the only Chinese sentence he knew.

With a sneer, Xin Zhicheng raised his hand holding the long knife, pointing the bleeding tip at the Western Roman general.

"You can still swear, not bad."

As he spoke, Xin Zhicheng slowly walked towards the person who was not far away from him step by step.

It's very strange, there are fighting and shouting soldiers everywhere, but the moment Xin Zhicheng raised his footsteps towards the Western Roman general, the Western Roman general felt that all the voices that were still filling his ears just now disappeared. up.

Only the sound of Xin Zhicheng's heavy footsteps remained, as if they were stepping on his heart.

Everyone around was retreating quickly as Xin Zhicheng approached. That Western Roman general relied on several beauties presented to the Western Roman Emperor.

Even Sidoro, who sent his sister to the palace, and Angre, who had saved the life of the Western Roman Emperor and grew up with the Western Roman Emperor, were not in the same breath as him.

It was also because of this that the general of the Western Roman Empire always acted domineering except in front of the Western Roman Emperor, and the court ministers avoided him like snakes and scorpions.

"you you……"

General Xi Roman's eyes widened, and the soles of his feet moved back step by step as Xin Zhicheng moved forward, delusionally trying to escape from under Xin Zhicheng's nose again.

It's a pity that this time, there was no other Zhuo Anmi who rushed out suddenly, and those Western Roman soldiers who tried to sneak attack Xin Zhicheng had already been beheaded one by one by the soldiers of the Black Dragon Army guarding Xin Zhicheng.

Staggering on the soles of his feet, the Western Roman general fell to the ground again. He looked up at Xin Zhicheng who was still walking towards him, his eyes full of fear and shivering.

"No one will come to rescue you this time."

General Xi Roman's eyes were wide open, and a cold light was reflected in his pupils.

When the knife was raised and the knife fell, a cluster of blood sprayed from the neck of General Xi Roman, and the panic in his eyes had froze, and his body fell limply.

Seeing this, the Western Roman Emperor, who was watching the battle with a telescope, felt even worse. He never thought that his army would lose, and there was no suspense in losing.

Bean-sized beads of sweat remained along the temples of the Western Roman Emperor, and hit his golden armor, forming a puddle of small water stains. After several rolls in his throat, the Western Roman Emperor's hand holding the rein suddenly slammed Clenched into a fist.

After confirming that there was no room for retreat, the Western Roman Emperor immediately put the telescope in his arms, pulled the reins and turned the horse's head to prepare to escape from this ghost place.

He boasted that his war horse was one in a million, and Chen Qiao, who was still standing at the gate of the camp, was still standing there naked. He believed that as long as he walked in time, he would be able to leave here.

Chen Qiao, who had been staring at the Western Roman Emperor, saw that the other party put away the binoculars, so he guessed what he wanted to do.

With a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, Chen Qiao finally moved.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Qiao arrived at the center of the battlefield.

The heroic words of the Western Roman Emperor were still imprinted in the hearts of these Western Roman soldiers. Chen Qiao suddenly appeared in the center of the battlefield, like a drop of water in a frying pan, and instantly shocked all the Western Roman soldiers to rush towards him.

The soldiers of the Black Dragon Army surrounded Chen Qiao at a faster speed, beheading those Western Roman soldiers who wanted to attack Chen Qiao one by one.

Western Roman soldiers rushed up one after another, and were killed one after another by the knives of the Black Dragon Army.

After beheading tens of thousands of people, those Western Roman soldiers who were blinded by money and confused their minds finally stopped flying moths to the flames.

Chen Qiao's attention was always on the Western Roman Emperor, and the reason why he entered the center of the battlefield just now was to temporarily stop this fat-headed Western Roman Emperor.

After watching for a long time, the Western Roman Emperor finally saw that his soldiers were no match for the Black Dragon Army, so he raised his whip high and prepared to leave.

However, just as the arm holding the horsewhip was raised, the Western Roman Emperor found that his wrist was grabbed by a fiery hand.

The Western Roman Emperor only felt that his heartbeat had almost stopped. The flesh on his face trembled and he turned around, only to see that Chen Qiao was behind him at some point, and he was standing on the horseback, looking narrowly at Own.

"Where are you going, Your Majesty?"

Chen Qiao asked with a smile.

Frightened, the Western Roman Emperor yelled and rolled off his horse.

Seeing this, Chen Qiao rolled back and fell off the horse. After standing firmly on the ground, Chen Qiao's eyes fell on the Western Roman Emperor who fell to the ground.

"I heard about His Majesty's name in the past. Seeing it today, it really is better to see once than to hear a hundred times." Chen Qiao said in a mocking tone.

The Western Roman Emperor looked at Chen Qiao with hatred and fear. He never imagined that he would end up in such a fate today.

Suddenly, he didn't know what to think, and he got up from the ground with his hands and feet, and looked at Chen Qiao fiercely with his bloodshot eyes, "Finally, what kind of conditions did my good brother agree to you!"

"King Naya?"

As soon as he heard the words of the Western Roman Emperor, Chen Qiao was stunned for a moment, but he came back to his senses in a flash. It seemed that the Western Roman Emperor believed those rumors after all.

The Western Roman Emperor panted heavily, and nodded curtly, "My good brother is the most greedy for life and fears death, and indulges in pleasure all day long. It seems that he has no ambitions for the throne, but who knows..." The Western Roman Emperor snorted He hummed twice, his face full of sullenness.

Chen Qiao laughed, and couldn't help feeling in his heart, King Naya was still thinking about his elder brother until his death, but he thought that he really loved his elder brother, but in fact, he already had doubts about him in his heart.

"Tell me! What kind of conditions did he agree to you! You actually worked so hard to win the throne for him!" the Western Roman Emperor roared hoarsely.

Chen Qiao stood in front of the Western Roman Emperor with folded arms. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew by, which made his untidy hair even more messy.

"Your Majesty, why don't you guess? Let's see what kind of conditions can make my heart move." Chen Qiao tilted his head and said.

The Western Roman Emperor choked up. He never thought that Chen Qiao would be so brazen. After taking a few deep breaths, he finally said, "Gold and silver? Beauty? City? It's all like this."

"Unfortunately, you think these things are important, but I don't care about any of them." Chen Qiao curled his lips and said something regrettable.

The Western Roman Emperor didn't speak, but just looked at Chen Qiao angrily, as if he wanted to kill Chen Qiao with his eyes.

"It's really boring to be an emperor. It's obviously just some illusory rumors, but you take them as true." Chen Qiao laughed lightly, too lazy to deal with this person in front of him, so he simply told the truth.

"Rumor, rumor?" The Western Roman Emperor's body froze suddenly, and his eyes finally stopped looking like swords, guns, swords, and halberds, and became unbelievable.

(End of this chapter)

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