Chapter 1177

Chapter 1177

"End of life early?" Chen Qiao asked with a frown.

"That is to say, if he can't hold on, he will die directly." The system said mercilessly.

Hearing this, Chen Qiao was a little discouraged, but he still asked, "What is the solution?"

After a long silence, the system spoke again, "As long as the gene fusion rate in your body reaches 150%, you can fuse your starfish gene to Zhuo Anmi."

"Starfish gene?" Chen Qiao couldn't help frowning.

"Yes, the starfish gene can repair the damage of the human body. As long as the fusion rate is high enough, the starfish gene will repair the human body faster. As long as it reaches a peak, it will be able to repair his whole body." The system said.

"Is it enough if the fusion rate reaches [-]%?" Chen Qiao asked.

"It's theoretically possible."

The sound of the system has become much slower than before.

"As long as the repair speed is fast enough, the previously fused genes in his body will not be able to cause any damage to him, and he will naturally no longer face the danger of dying."

"But what?" Chen Qiao answered.

"However, if his body itself is on the verge of collapse, the new gene fusion may not only fail to restore his body, but may instead cause rejection of other fused genes in his body. In this case, he is very likely to May explode and die."

"How high is the probability of success?" Chen Qiao asked.

"Ten percent."

It has to be said that this probability is very low, so low that Chen Qiao even thought that the system was joking with him.

"How many years does he have to live?" Chen Qiao lay down on the bed, closed his eyes and continued to talk to the system.

"At most three years."

Zhuo Anmi is only seven years old now, if he has three years to live, wouldn't he not even be able to live to be ten years old?

Chen Qiao let out a deep sigh, and a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind, "Does it mean that the higher my gene fusion rate, the higher the probability of success?"

"Theoretically it is."

"Theoretically speaking, what is my fusion rate, so that this matter can be foolproof." Chen Qiao asked.

The sound of the system disappeared, but Chen Qiao felt that it should be calculating the probability.

"Three hundred percent." After a long time, the system that had disappeared for a long time suddenly said.

"Three hundred..."

Although this gene fusion rate is a bit high, it is still within the acceptable range of Chen Qiao. After all, according to his previous calculations, if he wants to be safe, his gene fusion rate should reach 5.00%. .

"System, how can my gene fusion rate reach [-]% in the fastest time?" Chen Qiao sat up, crossed his legs and rubbed his chin and asked.

"There are no shortcuts," the system said.

Chen Qiao curled his lips, well, that means he needs to continue to extract more biological genes for fusion, and at the same time, he needs to carry out gene fusion for more people.

Although it is not completely safe at the moment, there is finally a solution to the matter, and Chen Qiao finally relaxes a lot.

Later, Chen Qiao called everyone into the main account, and then told everyone about Zhuo Anmi.

The three of Shen Yongda, who had already known these things in advance, did not have any other emotions, but the others were not as calm as they were.

Seeing the faces of everyone except Shen Yongda who had been punched hard, Chen Qiao smiled softly, "What's the matter?"

Qi Zifeng and Wang Chong looked at each other, and then said: "General, this..." After speaking, he looked at Zhuo Anmi who was sitting next to Chen Qiao, "Is this kid really so powerful?"

In their view, the grace to save Chen Qiao's life is more amazing than the Arabian Nights.

Chen Qiao nodded with a smile, and said, "That's right, without him, I should be an ordinary person now, what's more, I'm already dead."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions became more subdued.

"Strange, shouldn't the person who hurt me be the one you are most concerned about now?" Chen Qiao asked puzzledly.

Hearing Chen Qiao's talk, everyone came to their senses again. It was only because they were too surprised by this incident that they ignored the person who injured Chen Qiao without paying attention.

"General, do you need the soldiers from the Jifeng Battalion to investigate secretly?" Yang Xujing asked with a frown.

Chen Qiao shook his head, "Even I am not that person's opponent. If the people from Jifengying really found his trace, I am afraid that they will be silenced by that person before they come back in time to report."

"Then..." Qi Zifeng looked at Chen Qiao.

Chen Qiao sighed softly, "I'm telling you this, not because I want you to track down that person, but just to make everyone more vigilant, and before I become more powerful than him, all of you are not allowed to act rashly .”

In the end, Chen Qiao's expression became extremely serious.


Hearing Chen Qiao's words, everyone had no choice but to respond in unison.

"But don't be too scared." Seeing everyone's tense faces, Chen Qiao persuaded again: "The enemy who has already shown up is better than hiding in the dark all the time, waiting to give us a fatal blow one day much better enemy."

Although I said so, everyone present knew very well that that person was originally planning to give Chen Qiao a fatal blow, but...

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes involuntarily fell on Zhuo Anmi who was sitting next to Chen Qiao.

Zhuo Anmi had never been looked at by so many people at such a close distance, and he was inevitably a little nervous for a while, his body tensed up involuntarily, as if he was about to attack the person in front of him.

"Okay," Chen Qiao said in time, interrupting everyone's blatant scrutiny, "There's nothing else to do, you all go back first."


Everyone noticed the change of Zhuo Anmi just now, and when they heard what Chen Qiao said, they all agreed in unison, got up and left the main tent in twos and threes.

It wasn't until everyone left that Zhuo Anmi returned to normal. He put away all the murderous aura on his body, and looked at Chen Qiao anxiously. This place was too unfamiliar to him, and he could rely on There is only Chen Qiao alone.

"Don't worry, there are no bad people around me, no one will try to hurt you again, just rest assured."

Chen Qiao said to Zhuo Anmi, who was obviously a little uneasy.

Zhuo Anmi stared at Chen Qiao for a long time, and finally nodded silently.

In the next few days, Chen Qiao often took Zhuo Anmi for a walk in the Black Dragon Army camp, trying every means to make Zhuo Anmi get acquainted with other people in the camp faster.

Finally, under Chen Qiao's insistence, when Zhuo Anmi saw other people, he finally stopped acting as if he was ready to attack as before.

The biggest potential hidden danger has been resolved, and Chen Qiao finally decided to lead the Black Dragon Army home.

Although the king of Xiaowan Kingdom had been trying to keep him for a long time, Chen Qiao was completely unmoved. His expedition this time was already the longest in so many years, so naturally he would not stay any longer.

So after staying in the Western Regions for seven or eight days, on the first day of late autumn, the Black Dragon Army finally set off to return to the dynasty.

On the way back, because he was not in a hurry, Chen Qiao led the Black Dragon Army to stop and go all the way. When they finally returned to Chang'an City, the first snow had already fallen in Chang'an City.

(End of this chapter)

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