Datang's strongest super god army

Chapter 1510 I Regret Letting Her Marry

Chapter 1510 I Regret Letting Her Marry

Chapter 1510 regret letting her marry

"How dare they!"

Li Lizhi looked at the two people sitting in front of her in shock.

Chen Qiao and Fu Lan looked at each other, both of them had a look of helplessness in their eyes, Fu Lan shrugged and said to Li Lizhi: "Changle, you should know that once some people have delusions that they shouldn't have, Then they no longer have reason."

Hearing this, Li Lizhi was stunned for a moment, then sighed heavily, "Then what should we do?"

Chen Qiao nodded his chin, frowned and pondered for a moment before he said: "There is no need to worry about Dudu Zheng. I have already mentioned this matter to Your Majesty when I entered the palace to ask His Majesty to grant a marriage."

"Then what you should worry about is..." Li Li asked Chen Qiao puzzledly.

Chen Qiao showed a helpless smile, spread his hands and said, "It must be girl Xi."

Li Lizhi and Fu Lan finally came to their senses when Chen Qiao said the name of Girl Xi.

That's right, according to Yi girl's temperament, if she knows that there are people with ulterior motives secretly framing Zheng Dudu's family, I'm afraid she will go out and find out those people herself.


Just as Li Lizhi said a word, there was a rush of footsteps outside the house.

Chen Qiao raised his eyebrows and mouthed to the two of them, "Look, Cao Cao is here."

Just after saying this sentence, a pale blue figure appeared at the door, and girl Xi rushed into the room angrily, and poured down a cup of cold tea without saying a word.

"What a bastard after all! How dare you do such a thing!"

Putting the bottomed teacup back on several sides, Girl Xi spoke viciously.

"If you let me know who is behind the scenes, I will tie him up and put him in the prison!"

Fortunately, when girl Xi brought Yi girl to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs to make trouble, Chen Qiao gave him a good reprimand. Although girl Xi is already furious, she still has reason, and she didn't want to directly expose the behind-the-scenes People have been knifed.

Li Lizhi, who was worried at first, felt relieved a little after hearing what girl Xi said, but still said with worry on her face: "Xi'er, your grandfather will take care of these things, you can just wait for marriage with peace of mind. "

Girl Xi pursed her lips and sat down. After a while, she finally said in a deep voice: "No, those people have put the shit bowl on Dudu Zheng. If I just sit back and ignore it, it will be too shameful!"

Li Lizhi sighed helplessly, "You are a daughter after all, what can you do?"

Girl Xi wrinkled her face, first looked at Li Lizhi and Fu Lan, and then looked at Chen Qiao with eyes full of prayers.

"Back then, Grandpa let the eldest brother handle the affairs of Qu Yuanhou's mansion by himself. Now, even if Grandpa doesn't promise me to handle this matter with full authority, he should promise not to hide it from me!"

Chen Qiao and Xi girl looked at each other for a long time, finally Shi Shi agreed with a smile.

"Okay, Grandpa promises you, let's deal with this matter together."

"Really?!" Girl Xi looked at Chen Qiao overjoyed.

Chen Qiao nodded, "Of course it's true, when did Grandpa lie to you?"

Girl Xi thought about it seriously, and after realizing that Chen Qiao had never lied to her, she finally let go of her heart, and after she had made up her mind, she asked again: "Have you already found out who did this? "

Although it seems that she is always in a hurry on weekdays, but girl Xi is far from being as innocent as she seems on the surface, and she can always appreciate those conspiracies and schemes quickly.

Chen Qiao nodded again: "It's true that I have found it, but I can't tell you yet."

Girl Xi and Chen Qiao looked at each other for a long time, and finally gave up after realizing that she couldn't see any clues from Chen Qiao's eyes, "Okay, then I won't ask any more, but since Grandpa agreed to deal with it with me, I will You can't lie to me!"

Chen Qiao burst out laughing, and then said solemnly to Girl Xi: "Don't worry, grandpa won't lie to you."

After repeated assurances from Chen Qiao, girl Xi was finally satisfied and got up to leave.

"Where are you going?"

If it was the usual situation, girl Xi would not continue to ask, and would continue to stay by Chen Qiao's side to wait for a follow-up, but now she would take the initiative to leave in the face of such an important matter, so Li Lizhi couldn't help asking.

Hearing Li Lizhi's voice, girl Xi, who was always carefree, blushed once in a century.

"Brother Zheng, Zheng Ang will definitely be sad and sad when such a big incident happened, I..." Girl Xi quickly glanced at Li Lizhi, "I'll go and see him!"

After saying these words, Girl Xi flew out like a bird without waiting for the three people in the room to give any further instructions.

Chen Qiao looked at the back of Xi girl with a very complicated mood, and finally sighed heavily after his daughter's slender back completely disappeared from his sight.

"I suddenly regretted it."

Chen Qiao said very sadly.

"What do you regret?" Fu Lan asked blankly.

Chen Qiao looked at his two wives very distressed, and after a while, he finally said under the puzzled eyes of the two, "I regret letting girl Xi get married."

As he said that, Chen Qiao couldn't help pinching his brows again, and continued: "It was clear that I, the grandpa, was the closest person to Girl Xi, but now that something like this happened, I couldn't wait to see Zheng Ang. kid!"

Hearing Chen Qiao's resentful words, Li Lizhi and Fu Lan couldn't help laughing out loud. They never thought that Chen Qiao would have such a time.

"Okay, husband," Fu Lan said with a smile, "Chang Le and I were worried before, I was afraid that girl Xi would be ignorant after becoming a wife in the future, but now that she is so considerate of her future husband, I feel a little relieved some."

Chen Qiao glanced sideways at Fu Lan, obviously not very satisfied with what Fu Lan said.

"It's such a big deal, I don't believe that Zheng Ang can't even handle this." Chen Qiao said sourly.

Li Lizhi smiled and said: "For Qiao Lang, he naturally knows that this is not a big deal, but girl Xi can't help but care about it and cause chaos."

After speaking, Li Lizhi took the initiative to hold Chen Qiao's hand again, and said earnestly, "Qiao Lang, girl Xi has grown up."

Hearing Li Lizhi's words, Fu Lan couldn't agree more and nodded.

Hearing this, Chen Qiao also knew that he was making a fuss out of a molehill, so he finally had no choice but to nod under the narrow eyes of his two wives, "Okay, I know, stop looking at me like that."

Hearing this, Li Lizhi and Fu Lan looked at each other the same way, and finally they both burst out laughing together with a "puchi".

Sure enough, just as Fu Lan said before, shortly before Li Zhiyu delivered the copy of Zheng Dudu's participation, he jumped out again, saying that he had collected evidence of Zheng Dudu's thieves, and even found witnesses.

Although he already knew what was going on, Li Zhi still followed Chen Qiao's wishes and ordered Dali Temple and the Ministry of Criminal Justice to jointly try this fictitious case.

In fact, not only Chen Qiao and Li Zhi, but anyone with a brain has already seen the strangeness, and has decided not to say a word on this matter.

Up to now, there are only people who are wholeheartedly thinking of framing Dudu Zheng, and they think that they will succeed soon.

And the so-called witnesses were the soldiers who had been dealt with by Dudu Zheng when he was still in Gumo Prefecture, and among them, there was not even a confidant of Dudu Zheng.

"How can the people behind this scene be so stupid?"

After hearing the news, even Li Lizhi couldn't help sighing.

"Isn't it better to be a little stupid?" Chen Qiao asked with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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