Datang's strongest super god army

Chapter 1526 is not impossible

Chapter 1526 is not impossible

Chapter 1526 Not bad

Deep disgust appeared in Yang Xujing's eyes, and he could already imagine how this man would treat his wife on weekdays.

Suddenly, there was a pungent smell, Yang Xujing frowned, and the contempt in his eyes was even worse. He never thought that this strong man was actually such a strong man.

"Crack it!"

A crisp sound sounded, and Yang Xujing's feet passed through the burly man's neck and landed on the bluestone slab.

The burly man who was trembling just now lost his breath in the blink of an eye. He tilted his head and turned his face sideways, still crawling unbearably at Yang Xujing's feet.

The head and body of the burly man are only connected by a thin layer of skin. He has a pair of eyes that cannot be closed, the eyeballs are protruding outwards, and blood is flowing from the eyes, mouth and nose.

Yang Xujing raised his foot in disgust, glanced at the burly man who had died, and continued walking towards his next goal.

"Don't, don't come here!"

Don't let the square-faced man Yang Xujing stared at stagger back step by step while his legs were trembling. Unfortunately, his backing speed was far slower than Yang Xujing's stepping forward. Yang Xujing has already grabbed the neckline.

The square-faced man looked at Yang Xujing with a pale face, his purple lips opened and closed several times, but he couldn't utter a complete sentence.

"The few words you said just now are still human words."

Yang Xujing sneered, threw the square-faced man aside, ignored him, and walked towards the bearded man again.

Hu Chanan was already stunned by the shocking upheaval just now, he stared blankly at Yang Xujing walking towards him, he couldn't even take a step back.

"Obviously he opened his mouth, how could he say something so unsightly?"

Yang Xujing came in front of the bearded man, folded his arms and looked up and down the person in front of him.

"Don't, don't kill, kill me..."

Hu Channan's voice was hoarse, and his words were intermittent, and his voice was extremely low. If it weren't for Yang Xujing's amazing hearing, he might not have heard a single word clearly.

However, even though he had heard what Hu Zhuan said clearly, Yang Xujing didn't continue to speak. He just looked at Hu Zhunan coldly, as if he was looking at a pile of rotten meat.

Yang Xujing raised one arm, using his palm as a claw, and clamped the bearded man's neck tightly.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, don't kill me!"

In the process of gradually suffocating, the bearded man finally began to struggle desperately. He wanted to break free from Yang Xujing's hand, and wanted to escape from this place that was more terrifying than hell.

It's a pity, how can he be Yang Xujing's opponent, his struggles are really not worth mentioning in Yang Xujing's view.

Yang Xujing's hand exerted a little force, and Hu Chanan's fragile throat suddenly snapped.

Looking at the bearded man who had completely lost his breath in his hands, Yang Xujing threw him to the ground in disgust.

"Don't make a sound."

A moment later, Yang Xujing walked back in front of the square-faced man. With his hands on his knees, he bent down to look at the already frightened square-faced man, with a cold smile on his lips.

"It's fine if no one asks. If someone asks you, do you know what to say?" Yang Xujing's cold voice rang in the square-faced man's ear.

The square-faced man who had been frightened for a long time suddenly felt blessed at this moment. He suddenly lowered his head, not daring to look into Yang Xujing's eyes.

"I know! Let's just say that we went out of the city tonight and met the bandits outside Anzhou City. The two of them died in the hands of the bandits. I, we both managed to escape!"

The square-faced man spoke quickly.

Yang Xujing nodded in satisfaction, then straightened up and raised his chin, "Come on, get out."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The square-faced man got up from the ground on all fours, stumbled and ran to the bamboo pole man. He had just helped up the bamboo pole man who had been seriously injured and unconscious, when he heard Yang Xujing's voice behind him again.

"What if Lu Ze doesn't believe your words?"

The square-faced man's heart was beating violently, and he didn't dare to turn his head, he just said quickly: "No, the lord doesn't care about the lives of us people at all, besides, some of us did die at the hands of bandits outside the city before. passed."

Hearing this, Yang Xujing curled his lips and nodded, without saying anything more, he left the street without a sound.

After not hearing Yang Xujing speak again for a long time, the square-faced man boldly looked back, and seeing that there was no one behind him, his legs gave way and he almost fell to his knees.

After sending the bamboo pole man back, the square-faced man hurriedly disposed of the bodies of the burly man and the bearded man.

Yuelai Inn, Qi Zifeng's room.

"came back?"

Hearing the sound of footsteps outside, Qi Zifeng got up and opened the door. After seeing Yang Xujing covered in blood, he frowned fiercely.

"What happened? Could it be that Lu's second son?"

Yang Xujing shook his head, and pushed Qi Zifeng into the guest room.

"No, everything went well on Lu's second side. When I came back, I met a few unsightly local hooligans, so I made a move."

Yang Xujing didn't intend to tell Qi Zifeng the foul language those people said, anyway, he already understood the matter, so he really didn't need to do anything more to make Qi Zifeng sulk again.

Qi Zifeng looked Yang Xujing up and down, and didn't ask any more questions.

"Second Lu has already agreed."

After a while, Yang Xujing spoke first to break the silence between the two.

Qi Zifeng nodded, but did not speak.

"However, before I left, he made a request." Yang Xujing continued.

Hearing this, Qi Zifeng finally stopped being silent, turned his head to look at Yang Xujing, and asked, "What request?"

"He wants us to rescue Lu Hao from Lu Ze." Yang Xujing said.

Hearing this, Qi Zifeng frowned again. He originally wanted to use the news of Lu Hao's death to directly stir up internal strife in the Lu family, but now...

"Actually, it's not impossible," Yang Xujing speculated and said, "Anyway, we don't have to let the Lu family fight among themselves in order to solve Lu Ze."

Qi Zifeng remained silent for a long time. If he changed his previous plan, although it would indeed reduce the troubles of the Black Dragon Army, but if he could exchange for the loyalty of Lu Lao Er and Lu Lao San, it would still be a good deal.

"Okay, let's rescue Lu Hao first, and then start to act." Qi Zifeng said.

Yang Xujing showed a faint smile and said, "I knew you would agree."

Hearing this, Qi Zifeng cast a sideways glance at Yang Xujing, "How do you know I will agree? What if I don't agree?"

Yang Xujing shook his head, and continued: "You will not refuse, you grew up with the general, and the general will never show mercy when he goes into battle to kill the enemy, but the general is not a person who will do everything he can."

With that said, Yang Xujing took a deep breath, "If you were a general, you would definitely agree to what happened today."

Hearing that Yang Xujing mentioned Chen Qiao, Qi Zifeng curled his lips and didn't say anything more.

"By the way, what did Lu Ze say when he invited you to a banquet today?" Yang Xujing asked again.

"What else can it be?" Qi Zifeng pulled out a sarcasm smile, "It's nothing more than constantly hinting to me that he wants me to speak well in front of the general for their Lu family."

Yang Xujing rolled his eyes, "What a once-in-a-lifetime fool."

Qi Zifeng shrugged and continued: "Besides, he also assured me that as long as the Lu family can ascend to the throne in the future, I will not let my efforts be in vain."

(End of this chapter)

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