Datang's strongest super god army

Chapter 1692 The Future Eastern Roman King's Future Pawn

Chapter 1692 The Future Eastern Roman King's Future Pawn

Chapter 1692 The Future Eastern Roman King's Future Pawn

"I hope so!"

Chen Qiao breathed a sigh of relief and said.

"I thought you would give up the title of Commander-in-Chief."

Chen Qiao squinted at Brother Han, who was not afraid at all, and said with his head held high:

"Grandpa, you said that there are no cowards in General Chen's mansion!"

Chen Qiao hesitated, then laughed.

Now that this matter has been resolved, Chen Qiao will no longer reprimand him. Isn't the purpose of Chen Qiao's education is to let him keep his heart? Only by keeping his heart can he understand the true meaning of commanding the Black Dragon Army. It is such a pure army.

"The son has just been born, you can't have an accident, otherwise, who can support him when I leave in the future?"

Brother Han was shocked by Chen Qiao's words, yes, his own son was just born, so he can't be so willful anymore.

Although he was not very old, this conversation suddenly seemed to have grown him up by decades.

Zheng Ang on the side was stunned, what is going on?

"Okay, let's go on."

Chen Qiao brought the topic back.

Brother Han scratched his head and was stunned for a while before he realized it.

"Grandpa, I feel now that Huck didn't want to betray us at that time."

"It's just that he seemed to have heard our conversation at that time. He knew that the large army of the Black Dragon Army was still wandering on the border of Western Rome, so he was not daring at the time."

"Then he followed suit, as if he was the one who made me disturb the capital of Eastern Rome. Although he just made a suggestion, I didn't know how to accept it at the time."

"Grandpa, looking at it this way, this Huck is not a small character easy to deal with."

Chen Qiao stroked the beard on his chin, thinking.

At this time, Brother Han went on to say:
"Grandfather, I paid attention to him just now, and found that when Ollie stood up just now, Huck frowned, and then returned to the original state. He seemed to know what Ollie was thinking very quickly."

"Furthermore, Grandpa, you also saw that he agreed with Ollie to our proposal on the spot."

"The point is, Grandpa, I saw that he didn't seem to have discussed with his negotiating team at all. It was all on his own initiative. When I was observing him, I was almost discovered."

"Besides that, is there anything strange about him?"

Chen Qiao asked. At that time, his attention was all on the control of the audience. He didn't know much about the expression and expression changes of a single person, so he continued to ask Brother Han this question.

Brother Han thought for a while, then said:
"Grandpa, when Ollie stood up, he was puzzled at first, but I noticed the playfulness in his eyes afterwards."

"Grandpa, do you think he knows that what we negotiated with us in the capital in the capital is a permanent lease, so he will make such a bad move?"

Chen Qiao frowned and said nothing, is that really the case?
If it's really like what Brother Han said, then it means that the opponent's ability is far from what it is showing now.

So why is he hiding it?
Judging from his ability, Ollie of West Rome is not able to compete with him. Compared with him, the latter is a curly-haired baboon, but East Rome and West Rome must check and balance each other to make Chen Qiao feel at ease.

In this case, Chen Qiao hesitated, should he kill Huck halfway, and then change to another obedient king, it will be more at ease than this Huck, otherwise he is afraid that the other party will stab him when Chen Qiao doesn't know. The Black Dragon Army strikes.

Don't be afraid of thieves stealing, but be afraid of thieves thinking about it. Although no matter how powerful the opponent is, it is impossible to shake the foundation of the Black Dragon Army, but I am afraid that the opponent will sneak attack on the Black Dragon Army when the Black Dragon Army is empty. This will always be a thorn in the Black Dragon Army.

Chen Qiao wondered if he should kill him secretly.

But at this moment, Brother Han said again:

"Grandfather, I heard that he seems to have a nephew."

Chen Qiao narrowed his eyes slightly, Brother Han continued:
"I heard that Huck trained him to be the next king of Eastern Rome."

This answer made Chen Qiao's eyes brighten. He thought of a way. Although he was a little disdainful, it was related to the future of Tang Dynasty, and Chen Qiao was willing to pave the way for future generations.

With cares in his heart, Chen Qiao stopped being entangled. He looked at Brother Han and said:
"Then leave him alone for now. If it's okay for him to settle down, we'll pretend we don't care, but if he wants to kill himself, we don't have to bear it."


When the two made a decision, Zheng Ang, who was fishing at the side, said, "Boss, Brother Han, don't you think Huck's timing was too good?"

Chen Qiao and Brother Han turned their heads, looked at Zheng Ang, and listened to what the son-in-law and sister-in-law had to say.

Zheng Ang continued:
"I learned something just now. In the process of forming the temporary alliance of these countries in the Western Regions, there was Huck's shadow, and when Huck made his statement just now, it actually forced us and the countries of the Western Regions to confront each other in two aspects."

"And he, from a country in the Western Regions, became a person who could influence the situation at that time."

After Zheng Ang finished speaking, Chen Qiao and Brother Han fell into deep thought. Looking back at the previous scene, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

Brother Han thought for a moment, but he still turned his seeking gaze to Chen Qiao. The latter pondered for a moment, and finally said:
"Anyway, let's put his affairs aside for the time being and let him settle down. Everyone is welcome. When the Silk Road is stabilized and the Black Dragon Army is fully stationed, the Black Dragon Army will have the energy to deal with him."

After saying this, the three of them were silent on the spot.

This is not Chen Qiao's attitude, but Chen Qiao still cares too much about the re-opening of the Silk Road, and he dare not make the slightest mistake.

According to his previous practice, he directly arrested the other party, tortured him severely, and finally found a place to bury him.

But now is a critical moment, once he disappears during the negotiation, then the consequences will have to be borne by the Black Dragon Army, and the Black Dragon Army will also be distrusted by them.

On the territory of the Black Dragon Army, a big king disappeared, who would believe it?

It seems that the Black Dragon Army is not that safe, and it is difficult to regain the lost trust.

As for arresting the other party on the spot, what reason is there?

The man in front of him clearly supported him, and he helped him up, but in the end he killed his supporters by himself, which makes those countries that want to rely on them think.

So it still doesn't work, but Chen Qiao still grabbed his last handle, his nephew, Locke.

This little boy is the future king of Eastern Rome. As long as this little boy is still under the nose of the Black Dragon Army, then there is no need to guess that the other party will definitely not be wary.

(End of this chapter)

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