Datang's strongest super god army

Chapter 1746 So this is just a test!

Chapter 1746 So this is just a test!

Chapter 1746 So this is just a test!

Thousands of miles away from Datang, in a small desert town.

The dilapidated town is now very lively, and the whole town is surrounded by endless military tents.

This small town exists on the basis of an oasis, and the Black Dragon Army rests in this small town according to the established route.

This small town is not big, nor can it accommodate hundreds of thousands of people, so it only exists here as a temporary resting place.

If you look at it from above, the entire desert is bare, a large black military tent surrounds the small town buildings of the same color as the yellow sand, and the small town is surrounded by the only touch of green.

In the tent of the Chinese Army, Brother Han sat at the top, and below sat Shen Yongda, Na Se, Qi Zifeng, Yan Huai, Wang Chong, Wang Yi, Zheng Hao, Xin Zhicheng, and other generals. Behind him stood Yang Xujing.

Seeing that everyone was here, Brother Han waved his hand, and Yang Xu, who was behind him, understood and passed on a letter.

"This is the road map passed back from Datang."

Brother Han said.

It was originally a brochure passed down from Zheng Ang, but Brother Han asked Yang Xujing to sort it out and draw it directly into a road map, which is more intuitive.

"What do you guys think?"

Seeing that all the generals passed it on, they all knew what was painted on the letter.

The attendant on the side also moved up the sand table at this time, and it had already been marked.

"Dare to ask, young commander... this route, why do we have to change the existing route?"

Na Se asked, the current route was drawn up by Chen Qiao and the others before the expedition.

Although it may not be the closest route, it must be the most suitable route for the Black Dragon Army.

This is not only what Na Se asked, but also what all the generals want to ask in their hearts.

Suddenly changing the route will inevitably make everyone think too much.

On the battlefield, if the route is suddenly changed, either the enemy army knows its own marching route, or the army has established strategic goals.

Regardless of the possibility, it will have a great impact on the Black Dragon Army.

After being away from home for more than two months, and traveling thousands of miles to conquer the Western Regions, although the morale of the soldiers still looks high, it is difficult to conceal the exhaustion in their hearts.

Changing the route easily at this time will still have an impact on the morale of the army.

Brother Han looked at Na Se, and replied:

"Uncle Nase, this route is a preliminary route, which was already prepared when the coach was here."

"The coach said that once there is a change in Datang, we will change the existing route and change this route!"

It is true that Chen Qiao has already decided on this route, but in fact the specific route map was only drawn by Zheng Ang a few days ago.

However, according to Brother Han, there is nothing wrong with it. This is indeed a plan that Chen Qiao has already made.

After Brother Han moved Chen Qiao out, everyone had no objections.

They believed that Brother Han would not deliberately move Chen Qiao out as a shield for this matter. The Black Dragon Army was not only owned by Chen Qiao, but also Brother Han now.

Nowadays, no one values ​​the Black Dragon Army more than Brother Han, so the generals believe that other people will be bad for the Black Dragon Army, and they will not believe that Brother Han will be bad for the Black Dragon Army.

That color nodded, he had no objection to this.

At this time, Wang Yi, who has always been reticent, stood up and asked:
"Dare to ask the young commander, is this route sure to be safe?"

Everyone turned their eyes to him, with surprise in their eyes, he dared to question the safety of the young marshal's route.

Regarding this, those young generals thought he was crazy, because they did not dare to question the orders of Shaoshuai Han, and only those veterans dared to do so.

Unlike the young generals, Shen Yongda and the others found it strange that Wang Yi raised this question.

Facing the different eyes of everyone, Wang Yi's expression remained unchanged, and he continued:
"It's not that I don't believe in the young commander, it's just that the origin of this route is unknown, so it's really hard for my subordinates to trust me."

What he said was the truth, and Brother Han knew it, so he just nodded and asked him to sit down.

Brother Han took a sip of water to moisten his throat, and then said:

"Don't you doubt the safety of this route?"

Everyone looked at Brother Han with burning eyes. They really wanted to know the reason for this route.

Although this route was determined by Chen Qiao himself, they all knew that the plan could not keep up with the changes. Chen Qiao probably only made the basic plan, and someone else was responsible for the formulation of the specific route.

As Na Se asked before, who made this route and whether it is safe or not is what they should pay attention to.

As for why the route was changed, that's secondary.

In any case, he returned to Datang in a few days sooner or later. With the generous military salary, the return home could barely be postponed.

"This route was actually proposed by Zheng Ang."

Zheng Ang?

Everyone wondered, why is the road map submitted by Zheng Ang?
Is it?

None of them are stupid, and they quickly thought of the reason, since the route was provided by Zheng Ang.

And this plan was formulated by Chen Qiao, so Brother Han probably also participated in it, otherwise he would not have handed over this route so easily.

So, that is to say, Zheng Ang was also the one who planned to defy the military order and return to Datang with Chen Qiao and Brother Han?

In an instant, the entire military tent was silent.

Shen Yongda and other veterans squinted their eyes, and they knew that Chen Qiao was famous for protecting his weaknesses, and Zheng Ang's fate would not be too miserable, but they didn't expect Chen Qiao to hide it so deeply.

As for those young generals, they felt like a bolt from the blue in an instant, exploding in their minds.

Zheng Ang's disobedience to the military order was planned by the commander-in-chief and the young commander-in-chief?
That is to say, the previous intercession for Zheng Ang was also fake?

Their faces turned pale, and the veterans looked at them jokingly. It seemed that the younger generation of Black Dragon Army generals were far from being so pure.

That's good, some people can always be eliminated, and the Black Dragon Army can keep its original style, so that kid Huang Fu can get into their eyes.

Zheng Hao actually knew about it before, otherwise he would have stepped forward to intercede.

It's just that if he stepped forward to intercede, it would disrupt Chen Qiao and Brother Han's deployment. If he stepped forward to intercede, it would be even more embarrassing for those veterans to step forward, or not.

Therefore, Zheng Hao is the only one who knows about this plan, and Yang Xujing is not fully aware of this plan. In fact, he is still being tested.

When the young generals knew that all of this was Chen Qiao's plan, they also knew that this was actually just a test, and none of them passed the test.

Oh no, there is one person who passed the test, and that is Huang Fu.

They were bitter in their hearts, bowing their heads again and again, not daring to look directly at Brother Han's eyes.

They were ashamed and bitter in their hearts. No wonder Brother Han asked them again when he returned to the military tent. It turned out to be the last chance for them.

Unfortunately, they all missed it.

(End of this chapter)

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