Chapter 1922
Chapter 1922 Rebel
Since this news was spread to the Western Regions, it caused a great shock.

All the countries are secretly discussing, what is the purpose of the Great Tang, and the summoning of all nations is not just to pay tribute to the glory of the Great Tang Emperor Li Zhi, right?
They are not that crazy yet, there must be something deep in it.

Did Datang make another big move?

This is not right, if there is a big move, as Datang's hands outside, when Datang made these moves, the Black Dragon Army would have already made a move.

However, it is said that the news from their own intelligence network said that the Black Dragon Army did not have the slightest news, not even some actions.

This made them feel very fascinated. Could it be that it had nothing to do with them, that the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty wanted to show off, or that the Tang Dynasty wanted to frighten some young people?

They even had the possibility that Datang no longer trusted the Black Dragon Army, but they couldn't come up with any evidence.

In fact, after thinking about it, they found that it was actually possible.

Because the three words "Black Dragon Army" in the Western Regions are more useful than the two words "Datang", if the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty has doubts about the Black Dragon Army, this is also well-founded. Applicable.

Therefore, they will have this idea.

However, with the increasing power of the Black Dragon Army, this is actually not impossible.

If the emperor of the Tang Dynasty had doubts about the Black Dragon Army, so he didn't tell the Black Dragon Army the specific truth, so the Black Dragon Army would not move at all. I'm afraid they don't know if they can move now, right?

Thinking this way, there are always some people who think that their chance has come.

Ever since, they used their lives to test whether the spears of the Black Dragon Army were sharp, and they also used their lives to challenge the bottom line of the Black Dragon Army. They did not regret their deaths.

"If there is a chance, there will be a chance, we will definitely let Heilongjiang pay the price!"

On the outskirts of the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, in the basement of a house, a leader shouted loudly. His face was extremely ferocious, and he looked extremely terrifying.

However, looking at the people sitting together below, they were all tightly wrapped in gray robes, even if they showed their faces, they were so gray that people couldn't tell who they were.

They are the abandoners of this era. The destruction of their homeland is inextricably linked to the Black Dragon Army, but in fact their main enemy is not the Black Dragon Army at all, it is just an excuse they are looking for for their cowardice.

So, under the leadership and incitement of some caring people, they became each other's loyal supporters. Even if the real destroyer of their homeland appeared in front of them, they would not think of revenge.

Such is the power of hatred and ignorance.

"Everyone, let us be patient for a little longer. The Black Dragon Army is no longer trusted by the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. As long as we are patient enough, we will have a chance to turn defeat into victory."

"Sooner or later, the Black Dragon Army will be driven out of the Western Regions by us!"

The people standing above are extremely fanatical, and the people below are also constantly welcoming. This is the daily hatred guidance of the underground rats.

However, it seems that their "good times" are over.

At the entrance of the basement, there was a muffled hum, and then the door opened.

Everyone turned their eyes. Although in this dim basement, they were limited by the lack of light and could not see the figure that appeared at the gate clearly, they still knew that the muffled groan was the voice of their companion outside before they died.

In fact, there was no figure coming in through the basement door at all, but several short sticks were thrown in, with black smoke emitting from one end of the sticks.

The smoke spread quickly, and everyone present panicked, because they had some strange smells from the smoke, which made them drowsy and weak.

"Oops, boss! These smokes are mixed with drugs!"

"What! Hurry up and throw it out!" The leader covered his mouth and nose with his blackened gray robe and shouted loudly.

I saw a few men covering their mouths and noses while picking up the short sticks that were emitting smoke, but they couldn't open the door.

"Boss, the gate is sealed, we can't throw it out!"

The leader was startled, and looked around, surrounded by panicked believers, who were desperately covering their mouths and noses, but it was useless, the smoke had been continuously inhaled into their bodies through the gaps.

So, they were yelling, their voices became smaller and smaller, the more they struggled, the weaker they became, and then they gradually lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

"Boss, it's the Black Dragon Army, it's the horn of the Black Dragon Army's charge, I heard it!"

Someone shouted, his tone full of despair and panic.

"Boss, what should we do?"

"Boss, the outside is surrounded by the Black Dragon Army!"

"Boss, this smoke is... ahem, poisonous!"


The subordinates were hissing and roaring, but their leader had already froze in place. Around his unbelievable Kan Ze, there was still an unknown liquid flowing from his crotch.

He was trembling all over, and he would never have imagined that one moment he clamored to take revenge on the Black Dragon Army and drive the Black Dragon Army out of the Western Regions, and the next moment the Black Dragon Army would secretly make dumplings.

"Leader, let's...cough cough, what should we do?"

The leader was also stunned at this time, and soon he felt a trance, and then his whole body went limp, and gas came into his mouth and nose at some point.

"Black Dragon Army!!!"

With a loud roar, the leader also fell to the ground.

Seeing that the leader had fallen, everyone present seemed to lose their souls instantly, and their fainting accelerated immediately.

This kind of smog is a hypnotic smog developed by the Black Dragon Army with the main drug Sleeping Grass, plus some other ingredients, and white phosphorus is added to it, so it is easy to ignite even if there is no fire.

This kind of weapon has not yet been produced on a large scale as a sharp weapon for attacking fortifications, but it was the first to be installed by the spies of the Black Dragon Army in the Western Regions.

Facing the passage of time, everyone present fell down.

I don't know how long it took, and a few short sticks with smoke were thrown in.

This is the antidote for Sleeping Powder, and of course it only speeds up the dilution of Sleeping Powder in the air, but it doesn't have much effect on people who have already inhaled Sleeping Powder.

Soon, as the drowsiness faded, the door gradually opened. .

Then a group of people wearing black unicorn-patterned costumes rushed in, holding the standard short knives of the Black Dragon Army in their hands.

"Is this the thieves?"

The leader looked coldly at the group of gray robes lying on the ground.

"It's all tied up, take it back and interrogate it, there must be more than that!"


The people in the back clapped their hands, and then began to tie up the people on the ground with ropes and dragged them out one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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