Chapter 2054 A Chance

Chapter 2054 A Chance

With the passage of time, the turmoil in Chang'an City seemed to have disappeared without a trace on the surface, but all the leaders of Chang'an City knew that the turmoil in the dark was more violent than before.

It's just that these are all covered up by the big event that is about to happen. Once this big event is over, it will be the moment when Chang'an City is truly turbulent.

Starting from the black dragon army's large-scale investigation, the investigation of all frontier troops also began, but no one objected.

Because even the emperor has checked his personal guards, the Imperial Forest Army and the Jinwu Guards, and even now has not lifted the check.

All the powerful people in the court knew that Chang'an City was now like a bowstring being taut, once something unexpected happened, it would explode violently like gunpowder being ignited.

Therefore, the court that Li Zhi desperately wanted to be absolutely loyal to him was realized. Now no one dares to oppose him, and he, the emperor, has truly achieved dictatorship.

Even Chen Qiao didn't want to talk too much in the hall. After all, the matter had become a settlement. After all, this court meeting attracted too many people's attention. Once the court meeting ended, it would be a bloodbath.

Ever since Prime Minister Zuo was subdued, Prime Minister Right seemed to have nothing to say. Every time he seemed to fall asleep, he didn't say a word in court.

"Left Prime Minister, Ai Qing, how are the preparations for this grand meeting going?"

Hearing Li Zhi calling his name from above, Zuo Lian hurriedly stood up and said respectfully:
"Returning to Your Majesty, the ministers have already made preparations, and everything will wait for the Great Court Meeting to come!"

Li Zhi was very satisfied with his words, and now only Prime Minister Zuo's work went smoothly. Of course, Chen Qiao's secret preparations were also submitted to him.

As long as the court meeting is over, Li Zhi will be able to realize his control over the entire court, and Chen Qiao will be able to let go of his current burden.

Everyone knew whether the princes in the court had any ghosts in their hearts. They had no way of escaping. The Black Dragon Army had sealed off the entire Chang'an City since a day ago, only allowed to enter, not allowed to exit.

In other words, their final retreat is gone.

"Okay, Prime Minister Zuo did a good job!" Li Zhi laughed heartily.

"This is the duty of a humble official!" Zuo Xiang said modestly.

Behind him, many court officials rolled their eyes. On the surface, they looked down on the leftist, but they were expressing their envy and jealousy.

Everyone knows that the left minister will soon be on par with the right minister. After all, the left minister is also a person who has been re-activated by the emperor, but they don't know, but Chen Qiao knows that the person in the court will no longer be the right minister. It's left-handed.

After the court meeting, a group of court officials filed out and walked towards his mansion, but before Prime Minister Right walked out of the palace, Chen Qiao called him to stop.

"Right Prime Minister, I have something to say."

The Prime Minister on the right looked at the young prince, and smiled decently, as if he was getting older, he didn't want to move any more.

But Chen Qiao didn't believe what he saw in front of him. He just knew that the old man in front of him planned a riot with a group of rebels at night, and raised many dead soldiers in the Western Regions, and even attacked him secretly. People from the Black Dragon Army.

This changed Chen Qiao's perception of the old man on the right again. You put all your energy on the rebellion, right?

"I don't know if the lord has something important to tell the minister?"

The right side seems to know nothing, just like before, acting as an image of a good old man.

Chen Qiao smiled, with a very kind look, just like his attitude towards the right minister before, he said:

"It's nothing, it's just that you are getting old, Prime Minister Right, so don't keep thinking about staying up all night, it's not good for your health, if you accidentally get sick, it's not good for His Majesty, the court, or the world."

The right minister had a flattered expression on his face, but his heart sank to the bottom. How did Chen Qiao know that he stayed up late?
Did he already know?No, if he already knew, why didn't he do it?
Right Prime Minister thought that what he was doing was perfect, but he couldn't possibly know that, in fact, Chen Qiao never let go of his vigilance against him, that's why he planted some secret sentries outside the Right Prime Minister's mansion to keep a close eye on the Right Prime Minister's mansion.

"Thank you, Lord Zunyi, for your concern. The Tang Dynasty is not at peace these days. The minister needs to manage the government a lot. It is indeed a bit tiring, but for the sake of the Tang Dynasty and His Majesty, everything is worth it."

The right minister still had an expression on his face that I would do my best for the Tang Dynasty, which made Chen Qiao secretly surprised when he saw this scene. He deserves to be a person who can live such a long life. In terms of face, Chen Qiao was really shocked. .

The corner of Chen Qiao's mouth twitched, he waved his hand and said:

"Since that's the case, I won't say much. The right minister is getting older, and he does think about some things more clearly than this king, but things are not done this way."

"Right Prime Minister, you are still a little too rough."

After finishing speaking, Chen Qiao caught up with Prime Minister Zuo who was walking in front, and they left the gate of the palace together.

Do things too rough?Is this an evaluation of yourself?
The Right Prime Minister was a little puzzled, he didn't feel that he handled government affairs too rough, after all, Chen Qiao only had the right to speak in military affairs, but in government affairs...

Could it be... no way?

The right minister still doesn't believe it. After all, the more confident a person is, the less he will doubt himself.

Chen Qiao walked in front, with Zuo Xiang on the side. At this time, Zuo Xiang was proud of himself, but he still maintained his rationality. He could clearly realize that the person in front of him was the one he wanted to stutter.

Without Chen Qiao, it would be impossible for him to have the chance to be reactivated now. Moreover, during the preparations for the Great Court Conference, Chen Qiao supported him with all his strength and did not stumble.

If Prime Minister Right was to assist him in the preparations, I'm afraid he would make a joke in the courtroom today.

"Today, Prime Minister Zuo is really proud of himself!" Chen Qiao joked.

Zuo Xiang has now fully recovered to the momentum before he was suppressed. After all, he really has younger brothers under his command, not those who are good at standing in line before.

But Prime Minister Zuo's mentality has completely changed. He is no longer the proud and arrogant Prime Minister of the Left. He is now a hard-core imperialist, and he has nothing to say.

"No, no, it's all because of His Majesty's trust and King Zunyi's support. Without these two points, I wouldn't be in the current situation."

He is not a fool, so he can naturally guess that the emperor and Chen Qiao seem to be alienating the right minister recently.

No matter what, as long as the emperor and Chen Qiao distance themselves from each other, it will be his chance to show his talents, and he finally has the chance to return to that position.

(End of this chapter)

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