Chapter 2062 Relief
Chapter 2062 Relief
After Shen Yongda left, Na Se hurriedly dispatched his personal guards to guard the place, and then took his daily office position.

There are too many affairs to be handled in the Black Dragon Army Camp of Nuo University. Usually, even if Brother Han is not here, these official staff are still handling it.

Brother Han doesn't need to pay too much attention to some trivial things, unless some important secrets are involved, or it is assessed by the staff that there may be a major risk, so Brother Han needs to deal with it.

But he doesn't need to control general affairs. He only needs to deal with some major issues, such as the allocation of some food and grass, and some preparations that may be required for some military exercises in the military camp, and of course the advance deployment of the next year's expedition.

Expeditions don't just go away, the sooner the preparations are made, the more stable the rear will be. Generally speaking, for an expedition of tens of thousands of people like this, it takes three to half a year to prepare to maintain the stability of the army.

Of course, if the Black Dragon Army went on an expedition to the Western Regions, it might take even more time. Like the last time Chen Qiao ordered an expedition to the Western Regions to rescue Yi's girl, Dongnvguo had been preparing for nearly two months.

After all, Chen Qiao prepared for a long time in advance, so he was barely able to launch the Black Dragon Army expedition to the Western Regions.

As far as gunpowder and armaments are concerned, it is necessary to coordinate well with the people of the Ministry of Industry. Otherwise, if it affects civil activities such as the production of agricultural tools for autumn plowing by the Ministry of Industry, it will be a huge loss for Datang.

Therefore, in the highest position of the Black Dragon Army, although there is no need to deal with those minor details, it is still necessary to maintain the general direction.

Although they are only maintaining the general direction, in fact, even the major issues they need to deal with are not small, and all major and minor issues need to be evaluated by the staff group.

Even Chen Qiao needs the evaluation of the staff group to handle these military affairs, otherwise, even if they are an iron man, they will not be able to handle so many military affairs.

Efficiency is time, especially when marching and fighting, if the advice of the staff group is not followed, then once the coach makes a wrong judgment, the loss of the Black Dragon Army may be countless soldiers.

This is absolutely not allowed. Chen Qiao dare not leave the staff group. Of course, the staff group can be replaced, but it cannot be absent. These staff members are all the coach's confidantes, so there is no such thing as betrayal.

But they can't agree with the coach's idea, they have to speak with facts.

"Continue to deal with whatever you look at!" Na Se said directly when he saw the people from the staff group and the civil servants who were helping to handle military affairs.

They all heard the order from the Zunyi Palace sent by the messengers earlier, and the person in front of them is the most powerful person in the Black Dragon Army at the moment.

So for his orders, they must naturally obey.

They are all human beings, and from the temporary position of coach Han and Na Se, they can all hear that Na Se's position in this position is only temporary.

Chen Qiao still has expectations for Brother Han, so this position still belongs to Brother Han, and the word "temporary generation" in front of that color will not be removed.

Therefore, the hearts of all the people settled down.

"Yes, my lord!"

The official affairs processing machine of the Black Dragon Army is extremely efficient. This is the highest processing method that Chen Qiao and the others have tried many methods and borrowed from the Chinese government affairs systems of different countries.

In order to maintain the greatest control over the Black Dragon Army, the heart of the Black Dragon Army is absolutely safe, and it is located in the very center of the Black Dragon Army camp.

The closest thing around is the school ground, and the surrounding areas are assigned guards by different battalions, that is to say, unless all the Black Dragon Army has rebelled, otherwise, the heart of the center will definitely not be in danger.

After all, there are still many roads that can lead to a battalion that can still be controlled. This was also the first thing Chen Qiao considered at the beginning.

Although Na Se thought it was nonsense when Chen Qiao proposed this idea, but now he doesn't think so.

Because the current actual situation has explained a lot of things, some people in the Black Dragon Army are really unreliable, who knew that things would happen so quickly.

Even Chen Qiao didn't expect that this kind of idea would happen so early, and it was only less than two months after he left his job.

With the continuous operation of the center of the Black Dragon Army, the problems existing in the Black Dragon Army are also slowly being resolved.

However, there are always some people who want to challenge the majesty of the Black Dragon Army.

In a corner of the Black Dragon Army camp, this is the location of the supply camp, which is also the location of the Qianshi Battalion that Chen Qiao first set up.

After all, this place is not as tense as it was during the war. Although they are also soldiers of the Black Dragon Army, they are the same as ordinary Black Dragon Army soldiers. They only need to be responsible for the supplies of the Black Dragon Army.

This also led to the slack in their military affairs, which is compared with the regular army of the Black Dragon Army.

But compared with other troops, they already have a stricter code of conduct than their most elite soldiers.

At this time, more than a dozen soldiers were sitting together, talking quietly.

Among them, there are not only a few people with impure minds, after all, pure minds will not mix with them.

"Do you think the coach can come back?"

"We have heard that the coach has been dismissed. This is what happened just now!"

"Stop talking nonsense, who knows if this is true or not?"

"Don't talk about it, this matter has nothing to do with us, it's not bad to dawdle here!"

"The coach has been dismissed, are you still in the mood to eat and sleep here?"

"if not?"

"If it were me, let's just ask the Seshen General for an explanation!"

"Why, is it because our treatment is not as good as those of the regular army?"

"No, we have to stand up and fight!" someone said.

There were still people on the side who were fighting the fire, so gradually, their voices became louder.

As for the treatment of the Black Dragon Army, Chen Qiao had long thought about it, but it was a bit too ridiculous for them to use this kind of reason to rebel now.

The more they talked, the more excited they became, but they didn't think about the gap between them and the regular army.

At this moment, none of them noticed that a person in the corner suddenly disappeared.

As time passed, just as they had already discussed it, they planned to persuade others to join them in asking the central tent for an explanation.

A noise came from outside, bringing them all back to their senses.

Under their puzzled and vigilant eyes, they saw the Black Dragon Army pickets blocking their door.

"This officer, who are you?"

Facing the other party's question, the picket team waved their hands and arrested them without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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