Datang's strongest super god army

Chapter 2064 Cooperate very skillfully

Chapter 2064 Cooperate very skillfully

Chapter 2064 Cooperate very skillfully

Just a joke, the right prime minister can't protect himself now, how can he still have the mood to stand up for you?
The left minister looked at the right minister indifferently from the corner of his eye, he wanted to know what the right minister would do next.

He didn't believe that Prime Minister Right could really turn a blind eye to their eyes, after all, Prime Minister Left was an abandoned person.

He did not fail the people of the world, but the people of the world failed him.

But the right side is different, he has always maintained his peak state, so even if the world betrays him, he cannot defeat the people of the world.

The Prime Minister on the right seemed to be really deaf, he didn't pay attention to anything, and he didn't even pay attention to the small gestures made by his colleagues to him.

Seeing this, all the officials at the scene looked sad, and the only person they could rely on did not speak out. What should I do?

They don't know how to scold Prime Minister Right now, but Prime Minister Right is smiling wryly in his heart.

What can he do? He has a hunch that this brother Han's action may be related to him.

But he can't say it. Once he says something, he will definitely be punished.

Besides, at the critical moment, he should not be paid too much attention by the emperor and Chen Qiao, otherwise it would not be conducive to the implementation of the next plan.

But how could he have imagined that Chen Qiao had already sent someone to penetrate into their organization, and he couldn't be more clear about the right minister's plan.

Regarding this naive plan of the right prime minister, the Black Dragon Army is already formulating corresponding countermeasures.

Predicting the enemy's leniency has always been Chen Qiao's way of doing things, and it is also the way the Black Dragon Army organizes the army, so the right minister's plan will never succeed.

The only ones present who knew the general situation of the right-hand man were the left-hand man, except what should be known.

Those who participated in the plan of the right minister are even more confused than the right minister, and they don't even know that their plan has been exposed.

There were even a few officials who joined in, which was of great help to Emperor Li Zhi's subsequent power collection and centralization.

As for their life and death, when they participated in this plan beyond their means, they could only spend the rest of their lives in prison.

Or beheaded directly at the south gate, there is no room for negotiation.

As for those ministers who did not join it, they were in a state of confusion, and indeed for them, the greatest happiness.

The more ignorant they are, the bolder they are, that's why they dared to impeach Chen Qiao and their Black Dragon Army.

Seeing the hint in Li Zhi's eyes above, Chen Qiao nodded slightly to show that he knew.

Chen Qiao is an old fritter in the court. After those old officials have retired, there is no one in the court who can fight against him now.

Ever since, Chen Qiao stood up at this moment, and he was going to come out to finish.

This is a cooperation between him and Li Zhi, and it is also a step down for the court officials.

Otherwise, could he really punish Chen Qiao severely?of course not.

Naturally, Chen Qiao would not be that stupid. He naturally understood the principle of taking things lightly, so he stood up to Chen Qiao decisively.

"Your Majesty, I have something to say!"

Li Zhi also cooperated at the right time, raised his hand slightly and said:

"King Zunyi can speak freely without hesitation!"

"Yes!" Chen Qiao should be, but he can't really speak freely and do whatever he wants.

"Your Majesty, I believe that this matter is due to my failure to control Brother Han, which has caused such serious consequences, and has had a great impact on the country and society of the Tang Dynasty."

"It even became a joke, making the missions from foreign countries laugh!"

"So, I think, please Your Majesty to punish me, otherwise it is really unreasonable!"

What Chen Qiao said was very humble, and at the same time, it also expanded the impact of this incident, almost by more than one point.

The corners of the civil servants' mouths twitched. They couldn't tell that they were all smart people. They knew these rules after working in the court all these years.

Chen Qiao said it was so serious, was it really that serious?

They don't believe it even if they are killed, but do they believe it is useful?

Of course it didn't work!

So while they were very disdainful of Chen Qiao exaggerating his charges, their faces also showed their true thoughts, Chen Qiao was indeed cruel.

The higher Chen Qiao held it, the lighter he released it, and the harder the slap in the face was.

Since Chen Qiao has confessed his crime so sincerely, are they going to continue to pursue the responsibility?

Of course not!

If they continue to pursue the responsibility, they will not only slap Chen Qiao in the face, but also want to really make Chen Qiao look bad.

If they made Chen Qiao look bad, would they still have something good to eat?

No one dared to embarrass Chen Qiao first. They couldn't bear Chen Qiao's anger, so after Chen Qiao stood up to speak, they all fell silent.

Quietly watching Chen Qiao's performance, and then they all looked like dead parents, their faces darkened.

After listening to Chen Qiao's words, Li Zhi above naturally cooperated immediately.

"King Zunyi is serious, there is still room for relaxation!"

"Besides, since King Zunyi has admitted his fault so seriously, I naturally can't make big things into small things, and small things into small things!"

"I am also responsible for this matter, and you are no longer responsible for the crime!"

All the courtiers knelt down, including Chen Qiao, because the emperor had spoken. As courtiers, they naturally wanted to dissuade the emperor from taking responsibility.

But the emperor didn't pay any attention to it, but continued:

"Because King Zunyi has a good attitude in pleading guilty, for Datang, punishing a prince will have a great impact, so I can only confiscate King Zunyi's salary for half a year, and hope he will change his ways!"

Penalty for half a year's salary?All the civil officials looked at each other in blank dismay. They had already thought how light the punishment for Chen Qiao would be, but they didn't expect it to be so light.

It's so absurd that half a year's salary can cover his charges.

Which official still lives on salary now?Not to mention King Zunyi.

Therefore, this punishment is like scratching an itch, it has no effect at all.

There is no doubt that they lost this game again.

Emperor Li Zhi was originally from Chen Qiao's side, and his buttocks were crooked, so it turned out to be beneficial to them?

Do not think too much?
Li Zhi looked at the crowd kneeling below, and pretended to ask:

"All my loves have no doubts, right?"

Dare they have any doubts?Of course they didn't dare, so it didn't matter what Li Zhi said or what.

But there was no room for them to resist, not to mention that Chen Qiao was still watching.

"I have no objection!" Everyone shouted in unison.

Regarding their answers, Li Zhi nodded in satisfaction. He could feel that his power was constantly returning, and it was also constantly concentrating on himself.

All of this is the cooperation between him and Chen Qiao.

(End of this chapter)

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