Datang's strongest super god army

Chapter 343 The Queen of Thieves

Chapter 343 The Queen of Thieves
Chapter 343 The Queen of Thieves
"General Chen?"

The guards outside Shanxiangguo's mansion also looked surprised when they saw Chen Qiao, but they did not prevent Chen Qiao from entering Xiangguo's mansion.

"Where is Shanxiangguo now?" Chen Qiao asked, then walked straight inside.

"This way, General," the guard asked hurriedly while leading Chen Qiao to the place where Shanxiang Kingdom was located, "I don't know why the General came to Dongnu Country?"

Chen Qiao squinted at the guard, and before he could say anything, he suddenly felt a cold light flash in front of his eyes, and saw the guard suddenly pulled out the saber from his waist, and immediately slashed at Chen Qiao.


Chen Qiao dodged it, but his robe was still cut by the guard's long knife.After cursing angrily, he raised his foot and kicked the man hard to the far wall. With a dull impact sound, the guard slid softly to the ground.

"What happened!"

Hearing the movement, the other guards in the Xiangguo Mansion came towards this place. They looked at the guard who fell unconscious on the ground, and at Chen Qiao whose face was darkened, and they couldn't help feeling anxious for a moment.

However, before the guards asked about their origins, a voice came from not far away.

Hearing this question, the guards all turned around and saluted in the direction Shan Xiangguo was coming from.

"General Chen, what happened?" Shan Xiangguo looked at Chen Qiao with a worried face. According to her understanding of Chen Qiao, Chen Qiao would never do such a thing as casually hurting others.

Sure enough, Chen Qiao bowed his hands towards Shan Xiangguo, and then said: "I am afraid that Xiangguo is also old, so there is such a person with ulterior motives guarding Xiangguo's mansion."

Upon hearing this, Shan Xiangguo was about to ask some more questions when he saw the hole in Chen Qiao's robe in a blink of an eye.She silently looked at the unconscious guard on the ground for a while, and then led Chen Qiao towards her study.

"Stay here and interrogate carefully."

After walking a certain distance, Shan Xiangguo whispered instructions to the middle-aged woman who was following him.


After that, the woman saluted Chen Qiao before turning around and walking towards the unconscious guard.

"General Chen, what happened?" Shan Xiangguo hurriedly asked as soon as the door of the study was closed.

Chen Qiao closed his eyes, listened carefully to the movement outside, and after confirming that no one was outside, he opened his mouth and said, "The Byzantine commander is leading an army of 60 people to the Eastern Women's Kingdom," Chen Qiao said goodbye. Looking at Shanxiangguo meaningfully, "I originally thought it was just the Byzantines wanting to use the Dongnv Kingdom to kill our black dragon army's prestige, but now it seems that the Dongnv Kingdom already has Li A person who is a thief."

Hearing Chen Qiao's words, Shan Xiangguo couldn't help but frowned tightly, "To be honest, after General Chen led the Black Dragon Army to leave, the queen was let go by someone with ulterior motives."

Hearing this, Chen Qiao frowned unconsciously, "How could such a thing happen?"

Shan Xiangguo smiled wryly, and said: "I'm getting old, and I can't take care of many things anymore. Originally, I still thought that no matter how selfish she is, she is a native of our country, and even Queen Fu Lan's cousin. Her life is really unnecessary, but who knows..."

As Shan Xiangguo spoke, he let out another long sigh.

"I really don't know who she listened to the slander, and thought that Queen Fu Lan was coerced by the general and the old man to leave Dongnvguo."

Hearing that this incident had something to do with him, Chen Qiao frowned even more.

"Come to think of it, she is the one who knows the outsiders here." A ruthless light flashed in Shan Xiangguo's eyes, "Fortunately, General Chen learned about this before the army, otherwise Dongnvuo will be destroyed this time, if she really colluded The Byzantines intend to attack the Dongnv Kingdom, and the old man will never tolerate it again."

Raising his eyebrows and looking at Shanxiangguo, Chen Qiao was silent for a while, and then said, "It's just that the Black Dragon Army didn't come with me right now. Thousands of Byzantine armies fought."

"Then this..."

Knowing that the only people who came today were Chen Qiao and Na Se, Shan Xiangguo suddenly became concerned again.

"It's okay, I think the Black Dragon Army is on its way to Dongnvguo right now." Chen Qiao comforted, "It's only 60 people, and I have my own way to bring them to the Black Dragon Army."

"Dongnvguo has repeatedly tried to save the general, this kind of kindness is really—"

Before Shan Xiangguo could finish speaking, Chen Qiao raised his hand to interrupt her, "Since I have married Fu Lan, I have a connection with Dongnu Kingdom. Although she is no longer the queen of Dongnu Kingdom, Dongnu After all, China is still her home country, and I will never sit idly by."

Shan Xiangguo looked at Chen Qiao gratefully, and didn't know what to say for a while.


Just when Chen Qiao was about to say something more, that kind of voice suddenly sounded outside the study door.

"What's the matter?"

Chen Qiao stepped forward to open the door of the study and let Na Se in.

"The subordinates have just sent Dongnvguo soldiers to investigate first, and news should come out soon."

Chen Qiao nodded, and then asked again: "Where did you get the news that the Byzantine army came to Dongnu Kingdom?"

Na Se took out something from his pocket and handed it to Chen Qiao.

"Fire Dragon Talisman?" Chen Qiao looked at Na Se with some surprise. He remembered that Na Se had left the Fire Dragon Talisman to the Tocharian people who moved to Dong Nu Country when Na Se left Dong Nu Country with the Black Dragon Army.

"The people of Tocharo are good at doing business. Although they have experienced the destruction of the country, those who survived still only know how to do business." Hearing this news from a drunken Byzantine, after learning about it, they entrusted the goods to a friend who sold goods, and after finding out where the Black Dragon Army was, they rushed to send the news."

Hearing this, Chen Qiao and Shan Xiangguo looked at each other, and then Chen Qiao looked at Na Se again, "Did the Byzantine say anything else?"

Hearing this question, Nase nodded and continued: "According to the Byzantine, although the new king of Byzantium is incompatible with Constans II, seeing the opportunity to expand the territory, he pretended to The vengeful prince of Constans II blatantly publicized how heinous the Tang Dynasty and the Black Dragon Army were in the country. If they didn’t strike first, the Black Dragon Army might drive straight into Byzantium.” Then, Na Se sneered, “ Although the new king of Byzantium is not as cruel and inhumane as Constans II, he is a very sinister and treacherous person."

Chen Qiao sneered, "Stupid, is it possible that I think the Black Dragon Army soldiers are not tired enough? What are they doing in Byzantium?"

"In this way, even if the people of Byzantium do not want to be drafted into the army, they have to go with the army for the sake of their own country." Nase said again.

People who talk are really brainless, and people who listen are even more brainless.

"Originally, the Byzantine king's goal was only the Tang Dynasty, but after a woman entered the Byzantine palace and became the king's concubine, the Byzantine king decided to eradicate the Dongnu country as well through this battle," Naser said. , looking at Shan Xiangguo, "That woman is not someone else, she is the new queen of the former Dongnu Kingdom."

"Bastard!" Shan Xiangguo scolded angrily, she had never hated someone so deeply as now.


Suddenly, a voice sounded outside, it was the middle-aged woman just now.

"Come in." Shan Xiangguo restrained his anger, raised his voice and called the person in. After the middle-aged woman came in, Shan Xiangguo asked, "How's the interrogation going?"

The middle-aged woman first bowed to the three people in the room, and then said: "The man was unconscious first, and when he woke up, he bit his tongue and committed suicide while no one was prepared." Then, the middle-aged woman knelt on the ground At the table, "The minister is useless, please ask the Prime Minister to surrender."

Hearing the middle-aged woman's words, Chen Qiao couldn't help flashing an unclear light in his eyes. He turned his head and glanced at that color. After seeing that color's eyes were also different, he became more certain of his guess in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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