I am farming in the fairyland

Chapter 127 55 points

Chapter 127

The nun still had a smile on her face when she heard the words, not only her actions, but also her words showed a respectful look, which made it difficult to find fault.

To be able to stay in the Pill Pavilion of the Healer Assessment Alliance, she still has some insight.

Who can be sure that the girl in front of her can't refine the elixir, after all, she can't lose anything.

At most, it's a waste of words.

As for why she responded so decently to every monk who entered the Pill Pavilion for assessment, it was naturally because she could get some rewards from it.

The premise is that Liu Yixiang can successfully test a first-rank alchemist.

Otherwise, why would she have a good look at every monk who came in? What she was afraid of was that she had shallow eyesight, in case she offended some alchemy master.

The lines on the fire jade just now were engraved by her. If the girl really passed the examination, then the reward would be hers.

If this young girl can really pass the examination of a first-grade alchemist, she can take [-]% of it based on the alchemy rate in her furnace.

Forty percent is taken from the Pill Pavilion, and the remaining fifty percent goes to the alchemists who have passed the examination.

That is to say, out of ten pills, she can get a profit from one pill.

It doesn't matter if you exchange spirit stones with Pill Pavilion, or just ask for pills directly, you can make money no matter what.

This is also a lot of income.

Don't underestimate these pills. After the girl becomes a first-rank alchemist, if she comes to test a higher-rank alchemist in the future, she can also get a lot of money.

The Pill Pavilion provides monks with spiritual plants for alchemists to refine pills, and if the pills are completed and passed the assessment, no matter what grade of pills it is, they must be divided [-]/[-] with the Pill Pavilion.

In the Pill Pavilion, there are more than 20 monks like her, all of whom are serving the monks who came to assess the alchemy master.

It depends on one's vision, if one really encounters an alchemy genius, it will be hard to keep one's mouth shut.

Like these 20 people, they are all called Yindanxiu.

It is worth mentioning that her ranking is 26, and the men's ranking is 27.

Most Yindanxiu refer to each other by ranking.

Now there are only her and the male cultivator left in the Pill Pavilion, and it's not because there is a great alchemist in the Pill Pavilion.

How can these 20 people manage others, and they went to the big man alchemist one after another.

Even if the alchemist is happy, he will give out a bottle of elixir at will, which is also a priceless treasure.

The two of them have no backing and are not strong, so how could it be their turn to step forward, so they can only stay here.

26 leaned closer to the girl without a trace, and immediately blocked her view, so that the girl could not see the male monk behind her.

Where there are people, there is competition, and Dange is no different.

She doesn't care if she provokes the jealousy of the male cultivator behind her or not, since it's embarrassing anyway.

Originally, she didn't want to do things so terribly, but other people's thoughts were deep.

Originally, the two had agreed to come to assess the alchemist monks, and they took turns to come, one for each.

As a result, the male cultivator promised well, and when there are monks coming for assessment, he can't wait for every monk to be guided by him.

He snatched the monks from her for assessment... not once or twice, she has nothing to worry about.

There are many thoughts in my heart, but there is still a smile on my face.

"Junior Sister Longevity, if this elixir is successfully refined, although the Pill Pavilion does not require my junior sister to produce spirit stones, half of the elixir still needs to be left in the Pill Pavilion.

And in the future, if Junior Sister Changsheng comes to Dan Pavilion to examine higher-level alchemists, Lingzhi will also come from Dan Pavilion.

If the younger sister succeeds in refining the pill, just give [-]% to Pill Pavilion, and if it fails, it doesn't matter, just pay it to Pill Pavilion according to Lingzhi's price. "

Liu Yixiang was stunned, the calculations made by the Pill Pavilion were too greedy, half of the refined medicine would be given away?
The value of Lingzhi is naturally not as high as the value of refining Lingzhi into pills. In this way, this Dan Pavilion produces Lingzhi who refines pills.

It is impossible to lose money, and it is bound to make a lot of money.

If there is a high-grade alchemist...


Liu Yixiang gasped, the benefits involved were simply unimaginable.

What can she do, can the gnat shake the big tree?

Can only nod in agreement.


26 Yu Guang glanced coldly at the male monk 27 behind him, seeing his livid face, if she hadn't taken into account that the girl was here, she would have laughed out loud.

With a sneer in his heart, he led Liu Yixiang to the alchemy room in T-shaped room.

Liu Yixiang naturally saw the eyebrows of the two, she ignored it, and walked quietly behind the female cultivator.

The Dange Alchemy Room is further divided into Class A, Class B, Class C, and Class D according to their grades.

These levels are different, and the strength of the alchemy fire in the alchemy room is also different, the first level is the best, and the fourth level is the second.

Ding and the others used her to assess first-rank alchemists, and there were more than one mistakes in refining first-rank pills.

There are seven floors in Dange's attic, and 26 led Liu Yixiang to the topmost floor of the attic.

The closer to the ground, the stronger the core fire that that layer can attract, and vice versa, the weaker the firepower.

26 Push open the purple gold nanmu door of Ding et al.'s alchemy room on the seventh floor for Liu Yixiang, and ask:
"Junior Sister Changsheng, have you thought about refining those two pills?"

"Bigu Pill and Yangqi Pill."

Liu Yixiang almost blurted out that she can only refine these two kinds of elixirs.

26 nodded, "Dange will prepare two spiritual plants for junior sister, I will prepare the spiritual plants and send them to you right away."

Liu Yixiang said "Mmm", then Shi Shiran looked at Ding's alchemy room.


After a while, 26 sent six jade boxes for presenting spiritual plants, which contained two spiritual plants for refining Bigu Pill and Yangqi Pill.

"Junior Sister Changsheng only has two chances, you must cherish it, and seize the time to refine the elixir within three hours, then 26 will congratulate Junior Sister here first."

After speaking, 26 said goodbye.

She didn't understand the steps of refining pills, nor did she know that in each room, the Pill Pavilion had a magic circle set up to watch the process of monks refining pills.

There will be an alchemist to check through the magic circle, and she just needs to wait outside quietly for the result.

Liu Yixiang looked at these spiritual plants, didn't rush to get started, picked up the spiritual plants, and examined them carefully with her spiritual sense.

The first thing to do is to confirm whether there is anything wrong with the amount of spiritual plants such as Wulingcao, Polygonatum odoratum, Fuling bean, vermilion fruit, Tianxing vine, and clover lotus.

Exactly two, no more, no less.

These spiritual plants were only slightly less tender than the ones she had just put away from the system space and Yunmeng Lingtian.

The aura is full, without the spiritual plant it is dry.

The spiritual plants of Bigu Pill are all one year old, and the spiritual plants of refining Yangqi Pill are ten years old, and one part is 20 years old.

Looking around the entire alchemy room, a small alchemy furnace was quietly placed on a stone platform.

The stone platform is hollow, and the center of the stone platform is chiseled into a circle, which reveals faint traces of fire.

Near the alchemy furnace, a burst of heat rushed over.

The aura in Liu Yixiang's dantian suddenly became more active.

(End of this chapter)

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