I am farming in the fairyland

Chapter 131 Question Mark 4 in a row

Chapter 131 Four question marks in a row
27 instantly hated her even more.

Looking at the backs of the two women going away, a faint light flashed in his eyes.

27 sneered.


To put it nicely, as long as there are monks coming for the assessment, the two of them will take turns to come, and it turns out that they were taken over by 26.

He tried to say a word to the monks who came to the assessment, but he was snatched away by 26.

Longevity almost belonged to him.

It can't go on like this.

If he has been content with the status quo, his cultivation resources will definitely decrease gradually.

I have to figure out a way...

He thought hard for a long time, but he couldn't think of any way to deal with 26.

It's just because the monks in Xuanming City are not allowed to fight, otherwise they will be suppressed by Thunder.

27 resentful, had to shelve this idea for the time being.


However, he never thought that when he entered the Pill Pavilion, it was 26 who mentioned him, what good would it be, and he could take him to drink some soup.

In the end, it was even agreed with him that if the other Yindan cultivators were not around and some monks came for the assessment, the two of them would take turns.

It was fine at the beginning, but when it was 26's turn, 27's eyes seemed to want to eat her.

It was as if 26 had robbed her of a family heirloom and even dug her ancestral grave.

If that's the only way, 26 wouldn't argue with him, at most, each will rely on his own ability in the future.

But 27's eyes were not angry, and he was always acting strangely on the sidelines. The most serious one was that the monks who came for the assessment should belong to 26.

But he passed her directly, 26 has a gentle temper, but it is impossible to let him over and over again.

Since then, I have stopped being polite to him.

He has a gentle temper, and the same, when he is really angry, he is not so easy to talk about.

26 directly broke his face with him, and when he saw the monk quoted by 27, he had to go up and fight for it.

In this way, the contradiction between the two became more and more serious.


Putting this aside, 26 led Liu Yixiang to try his luck, to see if he could get this new senior alchemist to go in and observe.

I also blamed Liu Quan for being too hasty and forgot to tell Senior Changsheng if he could go.

Logically speaking, as an alchemist in the alchemy pavilion, he should have the opportunity to go, right?
26 is naturally a little cautious, expecting her to lead Changsheng in, and then she will be able to mix in with the senior like this, feasting her eyes.


At the same time, Kitchen Pavilion.

Rhubarb walked into it calmly.

I thought it would be treated enthusiastically by the monks of the kitchen pavilion, but it didn't mean that it should be more enthusiastic, at least be treated with courtesy, right?

The result was that it was blasted out.

"Go, go, who's pet has come here? The kitchen cabinet is not a place where a dog like you can come..."

The young female monk paused in the movement of driving the dog away, and glanced twice at Rhubarb's belly.

A thought suddenly arises in my heart: Is this big yellow dog hungry?

Don't say it, it's really possible.

Didn't this spirit beast smell the fragrance here, and found it unconsciously?
The young female monk Xia Xin's face softened, "Wait a minute, I'll get you a meaty bone to satisfy your hunger, but remember, you can't go in the kitchen pavilion anymore, just wait here .”

After finishing speaking, Xia Xin went directly to the kitchen on the floor of the kitchen pavilion.

She could still beg for a spirit beast bone, and if it hadn't been for how pitiful the dog was, she wouldn't have felt compassionate.

Rhubarb looked at her figure without looking back in astonishment, and asked four consecutive question marks.

Does this female monk have a problem with her brain?
How did she know that it came to beg for bones?
Does it look like a beggar in the mortal world?
Can't you tell that it is the future master chef?

Rhubarb snorted coldly in his heart, he really has no eyesight.

Ignoring the words of the female nun with a problem with her head, she swaggered into the kitchen cabinet.

I was thinking secretly in my heart, wondering what happened to Xiangxiang?
Its fragrance is so strong, it must not be a problem.

Rhubarb is very confident.

Since Xiangxiang is fine, it shouldn't be a hindrance either.

However, the footsteps of the big dog were once again blocked.

Rhubarb was very upset, how come the people in this kitchen pavilion are so blind, can't they see that it has the aura of a noble spiritual chef?

The big yellow face pulled down.

The male monk's tone was not good, "Where did the spirit beast come from, go out."

The aura is running, and the gesture is to push the big dog out with the aura.

Every day, why do I always wonder if a monk's contracted spiritual pet has come in.

As for whether the yellow-haired dog came to assess Chef Ling, he vetoed it without even thinking about it.

How could it be possible, being a spiritual chef is so easy to assess!
If it's a monk, it's still possible, it's not that he looks down on this big yellow dog.

At first glance, the dog seemed to be begging for food, not to be judged.

"Go, go, get out quickly."


The big dog roared.

All of a sudden, the monk who caused the kitchen and pavilion to come and go looked curiously at this side.

The male cultivator was even more annoyed, what's the matter with this big dog, he doesn't listen to his nice words, is he here to mess things up?

Touching the jade pendant around her waist with her fingertips, a smile of unknown meaning appeared on the corner of her lips.

Those who dare to make trouble in the kitchen pavilion will not get out of it.

This dog is really gutsy.

After a while, Rhubarb was stared at and surrounded by ten Foundation Establishment cultivators.

A unilateral beating is imminent.

Xia Xin rushed over with a chicken bone from a first-grade spirit beast, the Flame Chicken, muttering, "Here comes the bone!"

Rhubarb cursed secretly: I&@$¥#...!
Does it really look like a dog begging for a bone?

It's really pissed off, it's all blind!
A group of people looked at the chicken spirit bone in Xia Xin's hand and looked at each other, and the serious atmosphere eased a lot.

"What's the noise?"

On the wooden ladder on the left side of the kitchen pavilion, a Jindan cultivator came down.

The monks surrounding the big yellow dog stepped aside to make way.

Arching his hands very respectfully, he said, "Senior."

Xia Xin bit her lip, wanting to defend the big dog a few words, she was very embarrassed, the big yellow dog is pitiful, but she is not easy to offend her senior, so she finally gave up.

The big yellow dog squinted at him.

that's it!Bah...it's not that it's causing trouble, it's all because these people don't have the eyesight to see.

The big dog sighed faintly, it was really inconvenient not to be able to speak.

But with its current cultivation base, it is not yet ready to speak.

The Imperial Object Technique circulated the aura, and the aura formed a line of characters that the Yuanjie monk could understand in front of the Jindan monk.

"—Assess the spirit chef."

Jindan cultivator Jiang Ping was surprised, this spirit beast really came to test the spirit chef?

There are many spirit beasts in the kitchen pavilion to assess the spirit chef, but this is the first time he has met them.

The kitchen pavilion has very loose conditions for the assessment of spiritual chefs, no matter whether it is a monk or a spirit beast, anyone can come to the assessment.

There are spirit beasts to test, and very few of them can succeed in the test.

Up to now, there are no spirit beasts coming to assess the spirit chef.


(End of this chapter)

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