Chapter 173

Some vague phantoms rushed towards her clamoring.

Liu Yixiang was stunned, with a trace of bewilderment on her face.

The scene in his mind became clearer and clearer, his pupils dilated a little, and then he returned to calm.

She sneered in her heart, this nightmare beast really has tricks.

Seeing that the methods he had used before could not deceive her, he changed his mind and used love to confuse her, so as to make her spiritual consciousness fall into emptiness forever?

If it wasn't for the Nightmare Beast who wove her a father, otherwise, she really wouldn't be able to discover the clue so quickly.

She has never met her biological father. As long as she can remember, her father passed away. She is not familiar with him and has never had contact with him.

Liu Yixiang really longed for a true family relationship, but during the half of the life that the Nightmare Beast made the baby, Liu's father was indeed very kind to her, and he listened to what he said.Even if she wanted the stars in the sky, she would get them for her, and she would not speak harshly to her.

It seems to be silently tender, but Liu Yixiang feels that the relationship between father and daughter should not be like this, it should not be blind love.

No matter how naughty she was or how angry Father Liu was, he never got angry and always smiled gently.

She couldn't imagine how she would get along with him if her biological father was still there.

Between her and her mother, her father chose her mother.

Longing for father's love and true family affection, but Liu Yixiang couldn't truly understand his biological father, and had complicated emotions in her heart.

Sometimes indifferent, sometimes feel a little lost.

Thinking about it now, the phantom created by the Nightmare Beast, she thinks he looks fake, his smile is fake, everything is fake.

She didn't notice anything was wrong at all, and even enjoyed it.

Liu Yixiang had some thoughts in her mind, pretended to be in great pain, put her hands on her face, covering her entire face, and her shoulders were still shaking.

It looks like it's crying.

In her entire memory space, Nightmare can be said to be everywhere, basically it can possess any memory phantom it wants to possess.

The entire area of ​​flowers, grass, trees, even houses, stones, and streams are its eyes.

Except for the owner of this space - Liu Yixiang.

Seeing the young girl in the cold palace, Yan calmed down a little, but didn't dare to relax at all.

Such a large scene was all fabricated by its divine power.

It takes a lot of consciousness to maintain the phantom of the entire memory space and the normal operation of those people.

That's it, it can only be achieved with the cultivation base of the Golden Core stage.

It's also strange, this girl is obviously only in the middle stage of foundation establishment, but her spiritual consciousness is terrifyingly strong, she is only short of that one step, and can be compared to a monk in the golden core stage.

But those two Yunhowling pigs in the later stage of foundation establishment had extremely weak spiritual consciousness, so they could easily confuse them, and absorbed the spiritual consciousness in their consciousness sea to strengthen themselves.

Yan didn't know how long it had passed, during this period of time, he had been consuming his consciousness, fighting with this girl.

Ben used to use only a sliver of divine sense to create an illusion that she could not bear, but the result was far from it.

It took almost an hour, and those phantoms were smashed by her. Recently, it seems that she has realized the superficial attack technique of spiritual sense.

And its spiritual consciousness has been consumed and cannot be replenished.

There is also an annoying big yellow dog outside, and from time to time there are spiritual fluctuations coming from outside.

Every time it always distracted him a little bit of mind, and sometimes, in this moment of distraction, Liu Yixiang caught the clue and broke the illusion.

If the Nightmare Beast hadn't put all its attention on Liu Yixiang and couldn't spare it for the time being, it would have been the first to crush it to death.

Yan also wanted to kill the girl just like this, but the skill was so good, it wanted to absorb her spiritual consciousness to strengthen itself, it had to make her mind be confused and fall into nothingness forever.

Only in this way, the flesh and blood and spiritual consciousness of her body will be the most beneficial to its cultivation.

However, this girl's consciousness is so strong, as long as it is patient, it can confuse her, and after absorbing her whole body and the consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness, it might be able to advance.

Thinking of this, a flash of excitement flashed in the eyes of the young man holding his concubine.

The memory space is Liu Yixiang's home field, as long as she is not confused by the nightmare beast, she will be invincible.

The premise is that she must hold on.

Although it is in the memory space, the used consciousness will not be consumed, and will return to its own consciousness.

But for many days, he stayed awake and fought against the nightmare beast, and his mind couldn't bear it.


Covering it with both hands, Liu Yixiang adjusted her expression.

When she took her hand away, her eye sockets were flushed just right, her nose was also pink, her little face was extremely pale, and teardrops were hanging at the corners of her eyes, unable to fall.

The whole person was lying on the cold wooden bed, staring at the beam in a daze, and his eyes became more and more red.

Although there was charcoal burning in the house, which made the whole house warm, it couldn't warm her heart.

If it were anyone else, it would be inevitable that he would feel some compassion for her appearance.

But could the Nightmare Beast be a spirit beast that loves the fragrance and cherishes the jade?

Sorry, it's not.

Rhubarb felt very distressed outside, even though he knew that Xiangxiang was on the show, he couldn't help but feel distressed.

Rhubarb was furious, changed the direction of his paw, and slashed fiercely at the phantom entwined with it.

It passed the phantom that bound it, and if you look closely, you can see that the color of the phantom is a little lighter.

The young man who was doing such things with his arms around the concubine froze, and the intermittent sound stopped.

Liu Yixiang, who was separated by a wall, thought of something, and suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

She has never had this young man and his concubine in his arms in her memory, so they can only be evolved from nightmare beasts.


the two of them……? !

Wouldn't it be equivalent to doing those things on yourself and yourself? ! ! !
Liu Yixiang: "..."

This nightmare beast can really play.

She almost failed, raised her palm, and wiped the corner of the eye, seemingly wiping the teardrops, but in fact, she pressed the twitching corner of the eye by wiping the tear.

She did it very secretly, even the nightmare beast who had been watching her didn't notice the clue.


The young man first looked at her carefully, not letting go of the slightest expression on her face.

The more you look at it, the more excited the nightmare beast becomes.

It's almost done.

The young man rolled his eyes, stopped his waist, and appeared in front of Liu Yixiang just like that, naked, holding his concubine's big thorns.

"Woof! Woah! Woof!"

You are shameless!How can you not wear clothes! ! !I just want to spoil my family Xiangxiang!

Rhubarb who was outside suddenly barked wildly.


Liu Yixiang faced the white body directly, almost blinded.

Fortunately, this concubine and young man came from the illusion of Yan, and they didn't use her memory to mess around, otherwise she would be really sick to death.

The young man did not miss the look of disgust that flashed in her eyes. A few steps up, with a wicked smile on his lips, he said with a light smile:

"How does it feel to be my concubine who killed my father and enemy? Are you satisfied?"

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(End of this chapter)

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