Doomsday black cat is not cute

Chapter 220 Gu Yanqing was arrested.

Chapter 220 Gu Yanqing was arrested.

It took an unknown amount of time before Gu Yanqing came to her senses, and she found herself bound by iron chains and locked in an iron cage.

The surroundings are very dark, but there is also light revealed, the roar of the car, and the bumps on the road.

She was locked in the trunk.

She was just about to break the iron chain, but found that her strength was so weak, and her energy had only recovered a little bit, and she could only use teleportation once.

To deal with the skeleton zombie and save the woman, he used space freeze and space strangle in succession.

The space strangulation energy to deal with the bone zombie is half more than before. It must be that this bone zombie is more powerful than the one she encountered before. After all, she watched this zombie swallow several human crystals one after another.

It must be some woman!

Gu Yanqing regretted that she had saved her, but even tied her up.

When her energy recovers, she must make her look good!
Gu Yanqing pricked up her ears and heard the conversation in the car.

"Is this mutated cat really the 4-tailed cat?"

"Of course, you didn't see the pictures at the base?"

When Gu Yanqing heard this woman's voice, Gu Yanqing became angry for a while.

"But this cat has five tails! If you dare to lie to me, I'll leave you here." The man grabbed the woman's hair and said fiercely.

"No, no, this is definitely the mutated cat. It's black, with red pupils, and it has multiple tails, or it may have grown a tail. But it was the one who killed the mutated zombie... I gave you all the crystals, You can't cross the river and tear down the bridge."

The woman's face was pale, and she hurriedly explained.

She woke up not long after, and then saw the crystal, and Gu Yanqing who fainted aside.

Seeing that Gu Yanqing's tail was black again, he picked up Gu Yanqing's eyes, the red pupils, this is the mutant beast in the Dongzhou base that offered a high price for a reward.

There are even rumors that the multi-tailed black cat's skill is space, and it can even store things.

It is said that I have seen it with my own eyes, so regardless of whether it is true or not, even if it is not for the high price of the base, as long as you catch this black cat, you can get its space.

The people with supernatural powers who signed the mutant beast in the base were all excited, and they all formed teams to look for the mutant black cat with multiple tails.

She was also lucky, when Gu Yanqing was weak, she happened to meet this team.

The man in front of him is the captain of the 10-person team, with a talent of A-level,... I don't know what kind of ability he is.

"Captain, I think what this woman said is true. I guess the cat has been upgraded. Didn't they also say that the cat had three tails at the beginning? And the tip of the tail is also colored. It's probably not fake." The man driving the car thought for a while and said. , He has also seen the photos of the base, so he should be right, it is impossible for so many coincidences to come together.

"Besides, our team is full of old men, many women... everyone also release the pressure." The man driving the car laughed.

The man sitting in the co-pilot also rubbed his hands.

The captain sitting at the back didn't say anything, which seemed to be acquiescing to what the team members said.

"Yes, yes, I will serve you well." The woman hurriedly said with a smile on her face.

She was really afraid that she would be left behind and her head would be ripped out by the bone zombies.

"Captain, we, the black cat, are going to be handed over to the base?"

The man asked cautiously and tentatively.

"Don't hand it in for now. I have a solution. If it really has space, it can be used by us." The captain said meaningfully.

No one else spoke. Although the captain was judged to be an A-level talent, no one knew about his specific ability.

(End of this chapter)

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