382 Chapter 385 Dowry I must come back

"Father, as long as grandma hand over my mother's dowry, from now on my daughter will only stay in the Ruyan Pavilion with peace of mind, and never come out to bother grandma again!" Liu Ruyan said firmly. Isn't it the mother's dowry?Even if I want to fulfill my father's filial piety, I can't take advantage of this grandmother who has no feelings for him.

"Ruyan, is your mother's dowry so important to you? It's worth you to use it to persecute your grandmother! You really disappoint me!" Liu Mengyuan slowly stood up from the ground and pointed at Liu Ruyan with some hatred Said iron not steel.

"Daddy, why don't you accuse grandma of wanting to occupy her granddaughter's property? Is this what a grandma should do?" Liu Ruyan looked at Liu Mengyuan with a teary face, and said without retreating at all.

"Ruyan, don't be presumptuous!" Liu Mengyuan raised his slap, but he was not willing to slap it down.

Liu Ruyan couldn't believe her eyes, is this the father who loves her?He actually slapped himself high!

Although the slap was not slapped, Liu Ruyan felt that her heart had been broken in an instant, the only piece of warmth in her heart had been broken like this, she felt that her heartache was a little unbearable, She slowly closed her eyes, and the tears flowed down silently.

"Come here, send the young lady back to the Ruyan Pavilion, and don't go out without the order of the old lady!" Liu Mengyuan slowly put down her raised slap helplessly, and then said sharply to the guard behind her, then It was the bodyguard he brought back from the barracks, and he looked like the kind of bodyguard with high martial arts skills.

"Mengyuan, you should send your mother away. For the sake of an old woman like your mother, you have caused your father and daughter to be at odds. My mother is really ashamed." Mrs. Liu said very sadly on the side, wiping her face while she spoke. eyes.

"Mother, you don't need to say more. You are the most important person to your son. Ruyan dares to disrespect you. For such a daughter, if the son didn't beat her to death and make amends to you, he would have already felt sorry for you, old man. Pity the parents of the world. Please mother forgive my son." Liu Mengyuan said in a low voice.

"Mengyuan, you don't know yet, Ruyan girl has very high martial arts, if you let her stay in Ruyan Pavilion alone, how can the servants outside be her opponents, wait for you Let’s go, she’s probably going to beat her mother right away. Meng Yuan, Yi Niang said, you’d better send your mother away, at least you can live a few more years.” Mrs. Liu continued wiping her face. Said the eyes, her eyes were already red from being wiped by herself, but she didn't mean to stop at all.

Looking at Mrs. Liu with red eyes, Liu Mengyuan knelt down in front of Mrs. Liu with a slap, and said firmly: "Mother, don't worry, my son will definitely send someone to take good care of Ruyan girl. The son will abolish her martial arts."

Liu Ruyan's tears were gone at this time. Hearing this, she knew it was time to wake up. She was reborn, and everything changed. Even her father who loved her so much gave up on her. She knelt down blankly. Waiting on the ground for Liu Mengyuan to attack her, she believes that with her father's martial arts, she still has a chance if she wants to escape, but she doesn't think about anything, even if her father wants her life, she will give it to her with a smile, let alone just Abolish your own kung fu.

(End of this chapter)

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