The little princess tames the prince

Chapter 1013 Avoiding Suspects for Unmarried Couples

Chapter 1013 Avoiding Suspects for Unmarried Couples (3)
The eldest son, Zhao You, was summoned by the real sister again.He was so angry that he was scolded by Zhenjie at home: "I said it was uncomfortable at the time, why didn't you go and have a look, go now, if tomorrow is bad, go and see it once a day."

Furious Zhao You came in and saw Rou Zhuang's little face flushed, rolling on her big nanmu lacquered bed: "I don't want to eat, I'm fine, ouch, my stomach hurts, you go out."

The last two sentences are about seeing the eldest son Zhao You come in, and the Princess started pretending again.

King Baojing lightly touched Princess Baojing, which meant that he also came in.Since ancient times, the dynasties that avoided the defense of men and women the most, heard that the unmarried spouse was sick, even through the curtain, they still had to greet them.

There are also dynasties that don't pay much attention to it, and there are also meetings.

Zhao You came over, took the medicine bowl from his mother, and with everyone behind his back, with a grim smile on his face, he easily pulled Rouzhuang over.

Shizi is a teenager, Rouzhuang is smaller than him, just a child.For children, there is nothing to avoid.Regardless of Rouzhuang's punches and kicks, Shizi pressed her by his side, held her small face, and smiled fiercely: "Open your mouth."

After he came in and walked towards the bed, King Baojing grabbed Princess Baojing to prevent her from intervening. Princess Baojing also understood very well, and stood still and just watched.

Princess Rouzhuang screamed: "You're a villain, you're a bastard, I'm going to kill...Gulu," one gulp of the medicine, followed by another gulp.

After pouring this bowl of medicine, Princess Rouzhuang's small face was full of tears and sweat, and she was out of breath from crying. It was poured with medicine: "You, go away, don't come into my room ,Do you tube."

Princess Rouzhuang hated Zhao You to the bottom of her heart. Zhao You looked at her new clothes, which were wrinkled and dirty by her, and there was a small piece of sparkle, which looked suspiciously like snot or tears.

Zhao You felt nauseous for a while. After holding it back, he put on a smile and said to King Baojing and Princess Baojing who were standing beside him, "She is so strong, so it can be seen that she is recovering. But since she is sick, it takes three days to take this medicine."

Ask the mothers again: "When will this medicine be taken at night?" After the mother replied, Zhao You smiled: "Since the mother asked the two mothers to come, please work hard for a while. It is not convenient to live here. I will come back at night and come tomorrow morning." Take care."

Rouzhuang jumped up on the bed, with one hand on his hips and one hand clenched into a small fist, crying to the prince, "Get out, you are not allowed to come in again!" come out.At first, she rolled around on the bed and rubbed her hair to make it loose, and was held down by Shizi and struggled, and now it was about to fall apart.

The bun was originally on her head, but now it was tilted to one side, her forehead and face were stained with sweat, and her little face was even more red from crying.Choking and gasping for breath, he was still shouting, "Get out, get out!"

Zhao You was very calm, put his hands behind his back and scolded her with a stern face: "It's shameless, when you recover from illness, all these things will be changed." Then he bowed to King Baojing and Princess Baojing: "I still have something to do, I'll see you later tonight she."

"Don't worry about it!" Rouzhuang raised a pillow and threw it over.Without turning around, Zhao You caught it in his hand and smiled at Rou Zhuang. My skills are not easy to try.

Putting down the pillow, Zhao You went out in a leisurely manner.When he got outside the gate, he gritted his teeth with hatred, and hated this little girl to the bone.When you don't see me, you just cry and make a fuss and say that it's fine if you don't get married, but you came up with this idea.

Facing the dirty part of his clothes, Shizi felt sick again, and told his boy: "This afternoon, you are like this..." After confessing, he got on his horse and left.

Rouzhuang was crying endlessly in the room, fortunately Qingcheng had supported the bedpost early, otherwise she would have laughed and limp on the ground.Especially when Rouzhuang was force-fed with drugs, there was no one in the room who didn't laugh.

Although King Baojing and Princess felt sorry for their daughter being force-fed drugged, they still couldn't help laughing.Someone fetched hot water to wash Rou Zhuang's face, but Rou Zhuang sat on the bed and just cried, sobbing and said: "I don't want to marry him, father and mother, look at how fierce he is!"

When Princess Baojing and King Baojing came out, the princess was not without worry: "If this is a real illness, how can you rest assured after marrying?" King Baojing felt even more distressed, but he said: "Now that she is older, I can't let her be. She will not be sick in the future. Take medicine, pretend to be sick, just tell her that’s the way to treat her, and she will learn to behave better.”

In the afternoon, Zhao You's kid came over first, saying that Shi Ziye was worried and asked him to take a look.I found the two mothers and quietly gave them a small package: "This is a good medicine commonly used in the Shizi army. It is a local herbal medicine that is not well-known. I am afraid that my in-laws will not feel relieved. The mothers looked at it. Find a chance to put it in for the princess to use, and guarantee her tomorrow. Mom can go back and don't have to look hard here."

Of course the two mothers are happy. It's good to work on errands in this hot day. After all, it's not convenient for my own home.In front of their medicine again, the boy dipped his hand into his mouth and tried it: "This is good medicine."

After leaving them, the young man hurried to wash his mouth, taking a sip of the bitter taste of Coptis chinensis in his mouth.

This small packet of Coptis chinensis powder was put in the concoction by two mothers who came to take care of Rouzhuang from Anping Palace.When it was time to take the medicine, the eldest son Zhao You came over again, regardless of Rou Zhuang's crying and making noise, he poured the bowl of medicine down in front of her.

Fearing that she would cry because of bitterness, Zhao You pretended to pat her on the back, and pressed Rouzhuang's small face facing him on his shoulder, and at most he didn't want a piece of clothing.

A large bowl of medicine mixed with Coptis chinensis made Rou Zhuang very sad, she wanted to spit out but was blocked, she simply opened her mouth, bit Shizi's shoulder hard, and then wiped tears and snot on his clothes.

That night, after the eldest son left, Princess Rouzhuang lay on the head of the bed and vomited non-stop. When she was about to spit out yellow bile, she announced with a face full of snot and tears: "I'm fine, I'm fine."

The mothers are wary, though tempted to stay another night and watch.But Princess Rouzhuang jumped on her feet and said that she was well, and they came back to report in the middle of the night, and told Zhenjie about all these things.

Sister Zhen came in, and she was overjoyed to tell Zhao She.Zhao She only smiled: "Let's see if she dares to do this next time. And You'er, I just scolded him at night, if she does this again, I'll beat him up!"

"That's right, the in-laws tell people that Rouzhuang is sick, but they actually want to be picky." Sister Zhen took off her hairpin, went to bed and kissed the two little furs, looked at Zhao She and said, "It's so hot, let them treat it by themselves." sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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