Chapter 1023 Divorce (5)
The four children laughed together, and the pair of cousins ​​stopped arguing about being smart and just asked what they were talking about just now.

It was cool in autumn, and Young Master Jiang couldn't sit still, so he jumped up and patted the mud on his buttocks: "Come on, let's go to the pavilion and talk." Four people came to the pavilion, and Young Master Jiang began to say vividly: "My father is the most eccentric,"

Everyone said together: "I know." Young Master Jiang smiled and said: "Yesterday my mother said that he gave my third brother another thing. Why didn't I see it? Things. No, Xiaoyou and I are discussing what to do."

He stretched out his hand to Young Master You: "You never suffer at home, teach me a few tricks."

Young Master You, who made his debut on the stage, put on airs, cleared his immature throat, "Yeah!" Then he said in a tone of voice: "This is easy to handle, we are young, Xiao Jiang, you go home and see your father, just say you like him If you want to take things away to play, if you don’t give them to you, you will say that he doesn’t love you. If he is fierce, you will sit on the ground and cry. If he wants to hit you, you will jump up and run. Come to my house and I will take you in for a few days.”

Zhou Qi and Zuo Geer looked at each other, neither of them knew this.Hearing it today sounds like a fantasy.

After Young Master You finished his explanation, he pointed out Zhou Zhou and Brother Zuo: "Brother Qi, you are the only son in the family, but you have many concubine sisters, be careful, this is all divided into family property."

Zhou Zhou heard that one eye was big and the other was small, but he didn't take it seriously and could only make a strange look.Zuo Geer was laughing, and when he saw himself, Young Master You looked very proud: "Zo Geer, among the people I know, you are the most capable. However, you can't be a prince, and if you mess up in the future, you will be just a General. Well, "

Young Master You said, "I worry about you!"

"Hahahaha," Brother Zuo and Zhou Zhou held their bellies and laughed together. Young Master You blushed from the laughter, clenched his fists and said, "Is this funny? It's not funny! I heard this from three of us." Uncle told my father."

He imitated the way of Young Master You, shook his head and said: "There are two sons in the Anping Palace, the eldest son has to lose all his glory, and the second son is so-so, and there will be no titles in the future, and the family property will not fall too much. I saw that he was getting along well with our son, so I worried about him!"

After learning it, he clicked his lips, and Young Master You stared wide-eyed: "You and I are the ones who said this, if it is someone else, I won't say it!"

Mr. You is a well-known think tank in Beijing. This think tank is not the kind of general and good-looking, but guesses whether the newly married aunt of the east family is beautiful or not, and what the toilet in the new house of the west family is like. He guesses the most accurately.

These abilities are all tricks of playboys.In this way, he also has a bunch of cronies, all of whom are run-down children from aristocratic families, and they became a gang.

Mr. You thinks he is right, and when his nephew hears what he said to coax money in front of his elder brother, he uses it to learn and sell it.Young Master You was full of sadness, and sighed amidst the osmanthus flowers in the west wind and sunny sun: "Brother Zuo, you and I are friends, how can I not worry about you?"

"Go away!" Brother Zuo wanted to scold him: "Speak nonsense!" Young Master You was stunned: "I have good intentions, this is what my third uncle said!" Brother Zuo followed up: " Your third uncle is talking nonsense!"

Young Master You refused, brother Zuo refused, and the two of them quarreled like two little fighting cocks.After a few words of quarreling, Zuo Geer suddenly realized that this was his uncle's grandfather's house, and he was half the master.His little feet stomped on the pavilion: "I'm going home, I won't quarrel with you!" He ran away.

On the pavilion, Young Master You rubbed his head in confusion, and asked Zhou Zhou again: "What's wrong with your cousin, he never quarrels or wins!" He followed up with the wind: "Your elder brother is better than you in everything, don't believe it." Just look at Rou Zhuang's competitions with others and you'll know!"

After saying this, Young Master You felt comfortable and smiled: "He lost."

Brother Zuo was very angry, and called Zhao Yi who was waiting at the door: "Go home!" Zhao Yi took him into the car, asked him why, and then smiled: "Brother is right not to quarrel with him. It is also right to talk nonsense. But today is a day off to be a guest, so I left, and if I go back so early, if the prince and concubine ask, I will just go back and say this, I guess it will not be pleasant."

There are many people in Beijing who instigate discord between brothers in other families, and even such a young brother is found by someone.Zhao Yi murmured in his heart, he should return to the prince as soon as possible, and brother Zuo should not be allowed to return first, lest the prince would be very angry when he heard it suddenly.

Facing Brother Zuo's angry little face, Zhao Yi just persuaded him.Brother Zuo was bored, looked at the busy traffic outside the car, and suddenly said: "Go to Rouzhuang, she pinched my flowers, and said that if there is someone at home, she can compensate me."

The carriage was going to Prince Baojing's mansion, it was only half in the morning, the carriage stopped at the gate, Ye San, who got a lot of golden melon seeds last time, was overjoyed: "My little lord, my little lord, you came through the front door today, Coincidentally, I transferred to the front door."

Ye San, who later learned that Zhao Qingguo was the young prince of his in-laws, regretted not being courteous at that time.

A family member behind him sneered: "No wonder the head is poking up to the front door. It turns out that there is this Qiao Zong'er."

The little prince was not in the mood to reward him with golden melon seeds today, so he walked in with a hum.Rouzhuang and Qingcheng came outside, everyone laughed and gathered together, Rouzhuang blinked: "Qingcheng is going home today, are you coming to see her off too?"

"Go home?" Brother Zuo didn't understand all of a sudden.Qingcheng said: "I still have my father, stepmother and two younger brothers at home. It's almost Mid-Autumn Festival, and they came to pick me up for a day."

Rou Zhuang wrinkled his small face: "Oh, unfortunately I can't go." Qing Yi waited for the girl to send it out, and laughed when he saw this.Brother Zuo's heart came up: "Where is your house, is it fun? How do you get there?"

"Here, it's the ox cart. The driver is my father. Whether you want to go or not, it's not far away. It's less than ten miles out of the city. I don't know if it's fun or not, but there is running water behind my house, and there is water in the water. Fish." Qingcheng said, Zuogeer nodded.

Rou Zhuang was not without envy: "Are you going?" Zuo Geer shook his head, turned around and looked at the old cow, with hope in his eyes and wanted to sit on it, but what he said was: "I remember, there is a car in the family temple. Nothing came."

(End of this chapter)

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