The little princess tames the prince

Chapter 1066 The Reputation of the Crown Princess Rouzhuang

Chapter 1066 The Reputation of the Crown Princess Rouzhuang (4)
When I came over to take a look, I saw her lying on the ground with her little butt pouted up high without elegance.

"Go away and meet your girls!" Rouzhuang was anxious, and told the truth.Zhao You didn't need to look back, he also knew that everyone behind him was laughing.Even if you look out of the corner of your eye, you can see a lot of smiles.

Rouzhuang was still losing her temper in front of her eyes, she thought that the big grasshopper that she let go just now was a big grasshopper she hadn't seen for several years.If you can catch it and show it to Minghua and Baohua, you can win their praise.

"I don't follow you, and you don't follow me either!" Rou Zhuang still yelled at Zhao You in a majestic way, and shook his head with air, "Let's go!"

Before he could take two steps, someone lifted his shoulders. "Ahhh, let go!" Rouzhuang was not polite, and gave Zhao You a kick as soon as he lifted his foot.Everyone exclaimed, there was a mud mark on Shizi's light-colored clothes.

There was a piece of grass on the mud print, and Zhao You noticed that when Rouzhuang was lying on the slope, she also got a piece of mud on her shoes.

There is grass on the mud, which is now printed on Zhao You's clothes.

Zhao Ju stopped being polite and lifted Rouzhuang higher.He has grown up, far taller than Rouzhuang.With long arms, she kept Rou Zhuang away from her body, but Rou Zhuang just yelled: "Ah, let me go, I'm going to kill you!"

Everyone in the back looked at each other in blank dismay, and the prince and concubine went away like this.Under the moonlight, in the hands of the tall and burly prince, the petite and exquisite princess was shouting: "Let go of me, I'm going to sue you and hit you in the face..."

The couple walked all the way to the inner house, seeing that no one was in sight, Rou Zhuang felt that they were alone and lonely.She began to pretend to be wronged: "Woo, I want to find my mother-in-law."

"I'll serve you tonight!" Zhao You sneered, embarrassing, what she is best at is embarrassing!Just such a night, I have confessed thousands of times, and I honestly can't do it in just one night!

This dishonest and embarrassing child can no longer be released!where to put herZhao You took a look, there are quite a few empty rooms, but he will come back to teach her after shutting her down for a while, so let's put it next to his study.

There is an empty room next door, if it is cloudy, Shizi will practice boxing here.Open the door, throw the Rou Zhuang in his hand, and then say: "Stay well, I will send you down later!"

Close the door again, and Princess Rouzhuang will be free, but this freedom is only in this room.This is not a child who understands the world, but a child who does not suffer.

When Rouzhuang got angry, his mind turned very fast.She looked left and right, ready to find something for Shizi for a while.She knew it was impossible to fight, but as for hidden weapons, it was always possible.

It is best to have ink, and it can be used to plot against people when placed on the door.This is the study yard, but this is an empty room without pens, inks, papers and inkstones.There is carpet on the floor and wooden dummy posts on the walls.Rou Zhuang sighed greatly: "Oh," could it be that he can learn Kung Fu in a while, and beat his eldest son Zhao You on the ground.

There has to be something, just figure it out.After thinking about it like this, I couldn't think of it. When I sat down on the ground, I pressed my hands on the carpet, and there was some dust.

Got it!Rouzhuang thought very cleverly, and she started to get busy.

Zhao You who came out was dizzy with anger.When I held Rouzhuang in my hands, I didn't feel it. Now that I don't have her in my hands, only myself, Shizi is very angry.

I said a long time ago that I couldn't marry her. There are not many people who want to marry a famous family!Here, there are many.When I think about it, several of them immediately appear in front of my eyes.Miss Qian came out again, with a worried face: "My son, you must not blame the imperial concubine, you must know that it is the emperor's finger of marriage, if you blame her, she will go back to Beijing and tell you about you."

No matter how Zhao You listened, how could he add fuel to the fire.He suppressed the irritability in his heart, and said lightly: "I see." After he walked away, Miss Qian asked others: "What's wrong with the princess?"

What she heard was that the prince was very angry with the concubine.

Zhao You, who traveled all the way, met many people who "cared about" and "cared about" the princess. The more he listened to it, the more annoying he became, and then he thought of what the emperor said to him in Beijing: "If you have been wronged in the marriage, you can do it to me." I said."

The night breeze was cool, but Shizi was even more furious. He came to find his father, only wanting to sue Rouzhuang again.I didn't see it in the hall, so I asked someone, and said to go to see the fish.

In front of the pool not far behind the hall, the eldest son Zhao You found his father and mother.The two little furs are gone, only the father and mother are here.

Zhao Amnesty held Sister Zhen with one arm, and pointed to the pool of water for her to look at: "Look there, do you want it?" This water is also running water, flowing constantly, there are small fish and big domestic fish.

Sister Zhen was giggling: "Cousin, let's disturb Yu's sleep again." This is what she said when Sister Zhen arrived.The husband and wife revisited it at this time, and both smiled.

Seeing this smile in Zhao You's eyes, he suddenly loses his temper, and the rest is only depressed.No matter who sees the affection of father and mother, anyone can understand it.

Because their parents love each other, they love themselves the most, because they love themselves, the son Zhao You remembered that this marriage, his father said it was not the worst.There are worse than this, and those few are more worrying.

Zhao She and Sister Zhen looked at the fish hand in hand for a while, only then did they notice that their son was behind them.There was a touch of trouble in his eyes, and there was a smile on his lips, but he smiled with ulterior motives.

"Go and see your daughter-in-law, she is a child, don't let her play too late." Zhao She ordered over casually, and Zhao You had no temper, only sadness.Rouzhuang is a child, and he married only a child.

Zhao You agreed: "Yes." He asked again: "Are the little sisters asleep?" Zhao She smiled slightly: "There are so many people, I'm afraid they will be surprised, so let them go back to sleep first."

The little Maos were never afraid of crowds, so Zhao You knew that his father didn't want his sisters to appear in front of people too much.Why did he do this, Shizi didn't think much about it.He decided on the marriage late, so he didn't think about it together with the marriage of his younger sisters.

When I got my father's words, I came to Rouzhuang.When they met people from Rouzhuang on the road, the maids were all panicked: "Back to Shizi, I can't find the person who is Shizifei."

"Go back to your room, she will be back in a while." Zhao You confessed in this way, and came to find Rouzhuang by himself.What should I say to her, what will she change?Only then will you know your mistake.

(End of this chapter)

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