The little princess tames the prince

Chapter 148 Family members from now on

Chapter 148 Family members from now on (6)
There was a lot of traffic on the street, and it didn't take long for the three ladies to think about their own thoughts, and put this question to the bottom of their hearts...

Zhao She went to the palace early in the morning, and when he came back, he heard that the Yun family was there, so he didn't come in.When I came in in the afternoon, I saw Sister Zhen sitting next to my mother, who was talking: "As for this family, the old people must be treated well, but it's not good to rely on the old to sell the old. You live in now, and those who are negligent can't be tolerated. After that, you will be bothering God."

Before saying a word, the old lady raised her head and said with a smile: "When did the lord come, but no one notified him." Zhao She saluted his mother, and after the real sister saluted him, he said to his mother: "These words It's too early, sister Zhen will be in Beijing for a year, and she will go out to enter the palace soon, mother should teach her other things first."

The old lady smiled: "You don't care what I teach! If you want to enter the palace, of course you will be with you, and then you will be with you, and if you are not satisfied, you will only come to you. You said that you don't need to teach these things, have you never seen Diao Nu?" ? If sister Zhen is wronged, and sister Zhen refuses to tell, how would your father and I know?"

Sister Zhen, who was sitting leaning against the old lady, bowed her head and smiled slightly, not wanting her aunt to treat her as if she had come out as her father said.After hearing what his mother said, Zhao Amnesty said straightforwardly: "Beat her first if you don't say anything. Then put such a slave on the fire."

The real sister has a flat mouth, and occasionally she wants to show that she cares about the overall situation.Hearing what my cousin said, there was nothing to hide.Roll your eyes and think again, he is not the first person who has nothing to hide in front of Zhao She.

Just when she felt that her face had returned a little bit, the old lady laughed and scolded her son: "Why did you beat the child first? Let me tell you, a new relative from your aunt's house, a good boy who is pitiful, has not been at her house for half a month. , I pawned a few pieces of clothes to invite the spiky family to eat wine. When your aunt saw that she had lost several pieces of good clothes, she refused to say when she asked, just because she was afraid of offending people. Your aunt came to ask me, and I said I would give it to her The servant kneels in the yard until he speaks, and the trial is over."

The real sister who bowed her head smiled even more. This future mother-in-law and future husband are more powerful than the other.The old lady said that she was still laughing: "Look at me, I didn't hit anyone for a while. It's not like when you come back, the board at home is not idle. People told me that your generals are afraid of you and dare not despise you. , I’ll be honest, you must have typed it out.”

Zhao She smiled at his mother: "Mother is a kind-hearted person, and she doesn't want to punish people easily. Speaking of this today, I have a saying to my mother, if the real sister is naughty, the son will beat her. Don't stop the mother, spoiled It’s not good.” Sister Zhen heard it and put a sticker on the old lady.

The old lady hugged Zhenjie in her arms, and said to her son that she didn't like it: "Okay, why did you beat her? I said pick it up early, pick it up early, and it will only cost you a few clothes and jewelry when you come back. I want to listen to you. I heard you said it, and I also want to ask, have you ever hit us?"

"Mother asked Zhenjie, broke into my study room without touching her with a single finger. It won't work if I do this again in the future!" Seeing Zhenjie lying in his mother's arms and coddling, Zhao She said with a gloomy face, "Come here, I'm sorry say something."

Sister Zhen stayed silent in the old lady's place. The old lady was no better than her son, so she could only coax sister Zhen to go over: "With me here, go and listen to what he has to say. If I'm here, he won't dare to hit you." Sister Zhen pouted and walked towards Zhao She with her head bowed. Zhao She sternly said, "In Beijing, don't say anything you shouldn't say, and don't talk about people who shouldn't know it!"

I don't know how many times I have said these words, those who listen can recite them backwards, but those who say them are still strict.

After this lesson, the old lady hurriedly said: "You are finished, let us come back." Sister Zhen returned to the old lady and rolled her eyes in her arms.The cousin is shocking again, and the real sister decides to stop liking you for three days.If three days is too little, you can stop for five days.

The old lady patted Zhenjie for a while, and called out to the maids: "The post I received today, I sent it to the prince to see. Let him take this idea, so as not to go to the wrong place and he will beat us."

The maids sent a few exquisite plum blossom papers, and Zhao She took them in his hand and read them one by one. There were papers from his uncle Weiyuan Hou's house, and some papers from his aunt's house.The old lady said again: "Now that the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming again, your sisters explain that you will take your real sister to have dinner, and invite a few girls of the same age to accompany her. Let me ask you, lest you talk too much."

Sister Zhen looked at these posts expectantly, the post about going out to play, to be a guest, to go out to eat?Although she had just been reprimanded by Zhao She, when she saw these posts, Zhenjie immediately looked at Zhao She with dark eyes.

Zhao She often talked about re-teaching the old cliché, that is, to go out because of the real sister.He frowned and went back to his mother: "Let's go to the palace first. I saw the emperor today, and the emperor said he would let me into the palace. I resigned and I didn't. After I entered the palace, I took a rest for a few days to do my homework. I want to play, how can I do this?" Zhenjie lowered her head and fingered her silk handkerchief.Before getting married, don't wait for anything.

"I didn't say not to enter the palace and ignore homework, I just asked you to make up your mind, which one to go first?" The old lady scolded her son: "Your uncle and aunt are still waiting to prepare. The dishes that Zhenjie loves are so delicious. I wrote it. Which one do you want to go to first, and I will send the menu over there."

Zhao She couldn't help but laugh: "Mother, I was afraid of sending you to Beijing because I was afraid that you would be so coddled. People treat guests with whatever they give. I haven't set a date yet, so what's the matter with sending the menu first?"

"You, the prince who is the king in the northwest, forgot the rules among our relatives in Beijing. They are all relatives, as they used to be. When I pick up your cousins, I also first ask what they like to eat and what they don't like. The old lady was about to put on a face: "Order it quickly, if you don't order it, I will order it myself."

Sister Zhen was delighted to hear that, with her aunt around in the future, her cousin's deterrence can be reduced by half.What does it mean to break into the study? He hasn't hit anyone yet. Fortunately, he was really sick at the time, and he pretended for a while.Sister Zhen felt that she was afraid of coming up in her heart. Fortunately, she was smart, otherwise it would be very sad to suffer a few times.

Cousin is really bad, aunt is the best.Sister Zhen thought of this, touched the tea in the hand of the old lady when it was cold, and got up to change it for the old lady.The old lady liked it so much that she said to Zhao She: "You still say she is naughty, I think she is very good."

(End of this chapter)

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