Chapter 414 Parents Come (4)
For the sake of the real sister, the father and the son were drinking a glass of honey wine.After drinking two cups, Zhao She felt even worse.He grew up in the cold weather in central Beijing, and led troops in the northwest all year round.How can you survive the severe cold on the grassland without drinking strong alcohol.

Holding the white jade cup in his hand, he looked at his father.It just so happened that the boss also looked over, and the father and son knew it.

Mrs. Zhao and Sister Zhen chatted and laughed and ate neither fast nor slow, while the father and son next to them ate very fast.The old lady was surprised at the old man: "It's snowing outside, and another carriage overturned here to see this couple of children, can't we eat slowly? This wine is good, let's eat for an afternoon."

"Ma'am, you just need to eat, the real sister is going to be greedy." Mrs. Zhao said inexplicably, pointing at the real sister to talk.Just as Sister Zhen pursed her lips and smiled, Zhao She also said, "My parents are exhausted, please go and rest after eating."

Mrs. Zhao took a sip of her wine and said, "I'm not tired. I ate too much and I wanted to go to your room." Mrs. Zhao and Zhao She and his son laughed together, and could only wait slowly.

Just talking about it, Mrs. Zhao finished the wine in her hand and asked for more food: "I want to sit for a while, but the real sister can't sit for so long. Hurry up and go to their room to make trouble."

The meal was finished quickly, and Mrs. Zhao was surprised again to her husband and son: "What's wrong with you? One is in a hurry to rest, and the other is in a hurry not to accompany me?"

Surprised, Mrs. Zhao also finished her meal, and stood up first: "Come on, go sit in their room." Re-boarded the warm sedan chair, and Zhao She came to carry his mother's sedan chair.Mrs. Zhao didn't use him, and solved the mystery of the father and son eating in a hurry just now: "Go and carry your father, just take him to another place to drink."

"Since Madam said so, then I will go." Elder Zhao smiled and said to Zhao She: "Son, your mother is so polite, as a father, I should accept her kindness."

He didn't sit in the sedan chair either: "I like it in my heart to rush into the snow." The father and son went away hand in hand, and sister Zhen invited Mrs. Zhao to their room.

The mothers came up to see the ceremony and showed Mrs. Zhao all kinds of small clothes.Mrs. Zhao looked at it and said: "Just prepare these, I have some more. The prince asked me to prepare only boys' clothes. I thought about it. I don't know if I will have a boy or a girl. Although it is a good sign that only boys' clothes are prepared, But I also bring girls' clothes, so if you give birth to a princess, you don't have to panic."

The maids brought tea bowls with red ground and blue flowers, and Sister Zhen took them in her hands and offered them, and then told Mrs. Zhao: "My cousin prepared them, and there are also girls' clothes, but he never takes them out."

"He, he has been thinking about his son for all these years." Mrs. Zhao slipped her mouth inadvertently.Sister Zhen smiled lightly, thinking about her son for all these years, her cousin could bear to wait for her.It can be seen that Zhao She has a strong sense of identity.

Thinking of the word "identity" again, Zhenjieer's previous curiosity arose again.Shen Ji'an's wife is from the Yun family, what kind of good relationship did she have with Mrs. Zhao, so that she can have a marriage like her that does not care about the status of the Zhao family.

Of course, Zhao Amnesty used to be careless, but after a sudden change and decided to accept it, he suddenly became careless.Of course, it also has something to do with the real sister's behavior after entering the palace.

It seems that the real sister didn't do anything, but if it were someone else, I'm afraid she would be like Mr. Wei thought, pampered once she was favored, and didn't know who she was once she got used to it?
Either relying on her status as a concubine to be domineering, or relying on her mother-in-law's love, she has to control Zhao She.

Real sisters don't have these things.On the surface, Zhen Jieer is living an ordinary life.It's just that ordinary, ordinary people may not be able to do well.

Mrs. Zhao took the tea and told people: "Send me the gold-painted box I brought first, and there are all children's clothes in it." Then she turned to Sister Zhen and smiled: "I have prepared it for all these years. I’ll prepare clothes for you when I’m here, and I’ll also prepare two more at will. Take a look at what I’ve prepared, how it compares to yours.”

"Parents', of course it's good." Sister Zhen couldn't help laughing, did she prepare clothes when she was preparing clothes before?This is old stuff.

Here the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are sitting and talking, and Mrs. Zhao asks all about how to eat and drink and how to live in daily life.It was snowing in the garden, Zhao She led his father to a warm place where he could see the plum blossoms, and set up a banquet again, the father and son chatted about the wine, and they were very excited.

"Haha, your garden is indeed better than Jingli. Let me first say that this one is bigger, but Jingli can't compare it." Although Mrs. Zhao herself can't live permanently, seeing her son has such a good place, it is better than living by herself. Like: "On the way I came here, I saw that you have a lot of porridge sheds in various states and counties, which is good. But there is one thing, why don't you encourage those shops and others to set up more porridge sheds? Businessmen earn more money a year, Let them have more."

"These merchants are usually the most good at going to the market. If there is nothing to do, they will ask whether they want to fight a war, so as to drive up prices. I made a new appointment last year. Only those who pay a lot of taxes are allowed to set up porridge sheds. Those profiteers who want to buy fame, I don't allow them. " Zhao She looked at the flying snow and red plums outside, and his mind flew to the battlefield again: "The soldiers in the front are working so hard, but the people in the rear don't realize it at all."

One of the reasons why businessmen were discriminated against in ancient times was that everyone felt that they did not sweat or work hard, but just talked about it and got the money in their hands.It is not as good as farmers who work hard all year round to ensure that the people of a country are well-fed.

When Zhao She and Master Zhao said this, they had completely forgotten about the prince's father-in-law, Shen Ji'an, who was also a businessman.

Xuefei flew again and again, creating a beautiful silver-white world of ice and snow.Mr. Zhao was pleasing to the eyes, and enjoyed the wine and wine.There is a wind blowing, so I don't feel cold.Anyway, he praised: "Okay! Come to play with you, but thanks to the child in Zhenjie's womb."

"Father asked for an order in the palace, what did the emperor say?" Zhao She saw that his father liked it, and he was more interested in it, so he had already ordered someone: "Pick off the red plums, put some here, and then send them to the parents' room and the princess' room. go."

Several boys in the snow were vying to pick the plum branches, Mr. Zhao said slowly: "The emperor just likes it, so he allowed it at that time, and the reward from the palace may arrive soon."

(End of this chapter)

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